Tuesday, May 14, 2019

US President Mr. George W. Bush Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

US President Mr. George W. Bush - Essay ExampleDear Mr. President, please accept my sincere regards on behalf of CatttleMag. I wish to put forth our recent findings on feedlots. Sir, as you know, we have a large cattle population that is of immense importance to our economy. We ar also the worlds largest consumers of dairy farm products.The cattle products are vital to our fare habits, the diary and meat products are consumed internally as well as exported and cattle are diametric to our thriving leather business. The above only strengthen the fact that the US internal production of dairy is non enough and if we can utilize our potential, the industriousness can generate economical prosperity and employment.The US is the worlds largest consumer of dairy products. The US is also the largest importer of dairy products. A look into the consumption fig shows a huge domestic demand for cattle products. The lack of cattle feedlots and their improper distribution crosswise the count ry is a logistical challenge and an environmental hazard. Added to these are reports that suggest improper material counsel at the cattle feedlots causing heartrending environmental concerns. Unfortunately, these bright lights harbor darkness beneath them. The cattle feedlots that cater to the country are also a major health concern. Improper handling of livestock, pitiful slaughtering, and waste and carcass management has given rise to obnoxious fumes that not only tone of voice bad but also have adverse respiratory implications. This is amid reports that in the race to have higher(prenominal) production, cattle are allowed to feed on grass for just 6 to 8 months. Their life at the cattle feedlots is spent feeding on grains, with loads of antibiotics, chemicals and hormones to promote unnatural growth over the adjacent 8 to 12 months. This fattening on unnatural grain and supplemental protein diet causes of two serious digestive disorders found in feedlot-bred cattle. These ca ll for immediate legislative actions so that the animals are treated ethically and environmental standards maintained in our culinary and economic questsFOCUS STATEMENTSir, cattle feedlots are authoritative to successful cattle health and associated economy management. Cattle feedlots1. Minimize streamline handling of cattle and go down stress on both cattle and the workers,2. Environmental balance is maintained,3. Cattle feed and feeding habits are standardized,4. Ensures scientific waste management, and5. Ensures an efficient and profitable operationBut the above has to be achieved within scientific standards of the environment and should confirm to ethical standards of treatment to animals. This is thus far more important after recent revelations that the industry has also failed to implement any type of welfare audit system for cattle operations and no federal laws protect the welfare of beef cattle in the U.S., other than the Humane Method of kill Act. There should be monit oring of the cattle feed in the feedlots to check use of growth promoting medications that not only sicken the cattle but also put human health at lay on the line on consumption of dairy products and meat of these cattle. BACKGROUND / NARRATIONSince 1980, US has been the single largest importer of dairy products from upstart Zealand, valued at over $1000 million in 2004 alone. Till 2003, US has been the largest consumer of cheese and cover and ranked among the highest in overall consumption of dairy products. (U.S. Dairy at a New junction in a Global Setting1). Kansas ranks third in the value of live animals and meat exported to other countries at $343.2 million (CJOnline2).A recent study suggests that in spite of the pivotal role of cattle in the economy, the cattle industry has failed to maintain meaningful standards for the care of beef cattle (Summary of Scientific Evidence Illustrates the vivification of Cattle 3). It is indeed unfortunate. And that makes formulation of ne w policies essential. It must be appreciated by all come to that an industry takes considerable time to lose its position and relevance. But once that happens, it will take even longer to regain the position. In the backdrop of a global economy, our present position & success and the anticipation of our counterparts, it is essential that we look at the reasons for the collective success, find our weaknesses and

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