Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Human Resources Challenges Essay -- Business Management

IntroductionSome of the challenges that organizations human imagery department face are, operations, policies and procedures and selecting highly qualified candidates. Management depends on human resource department to select candidates through recruitment, interviewing and application screening. I will discuss a few methods that human resources departments use to select latent candidates through credit reports and social media. Credit Reports Organizations have been using traditional recruitment methods, placing help wanted ads in newspapers to look for potential candidates. Human resource department application selection process requires candidates to go through an interview, background check and credit investigation. The reason organizations do a credit investigation is to arrange sure candidates are creditable and trustworthy. By conducting a credit investigation human resource department can compare information on a candidates profile to make sure it coincides with infor mation on their credit report. A good credit report would consist of no judgments, unsuccessful person pass due payments or any repossession. Base on the application process, this would be the ideal candidate for the job. Organizations will not hire candidates if their credit report, inform any negative blemishes. Organizations would be afraid if candidates had a lot of blemishes on their report, it would cause issue for the company, especially if their job required a candidate to carry on money transactions. Organizations view candidates as if they were having trouble handling their personal money affairs, they could not be trust to handle the organizations reasonabilitys. Human resource department would not hire a highly qualified candidate wit... ...ponsibilities within an organization, the challenges they are face with is recruiting the right candidate for the position. It requires application screening, interviewing, background, and possible credit investigations. However in that respect are many recruitment tools human resource departments can use to recruit candidates, social media, been the most popular. With so many challenges human resources face it is classic to make sure they hire highly qualified candidates. Works CitedFairley, J.. (2010, November). EMPLOYERS FACE CHALLENGES IN SCREENING CANDIDATES. Workforce Management, 89(11), 7. Retrieved November 22, 2010, from ABI/ communicate Complete. (Document ID 2188682971).Sheehan, P.. (2010, October). Social recruiting targets job candidates. Long-Term Living, 59(10), 31. Retrieved November 22, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Complete. (Document ID 2176149381).

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