Friday, May 31, 2019
Changes Resulting from The Renaissance :: European Renaissance Essays
The Renaissance The Renaissance was a stoppage of European history, considered by modern scholars as that between 1300 and 1600. Many dramatic changes happened during the Renaissance. The Renaissance was a period of tender inventions and beliefs. The Renaissance was drastically different from the substance Ages. During the Middle Ages the church held most of the power and its economy were agriculturally based. Exploration and learning was almost put to a stop. During the Renaissance society was trans directed into a society increasingly dominated by central political institutions with an urban commercial attitude. Also, peoples curiosity overcame their fear and some(prenominal) people st artificeed to venture out and explore. New schools and colleges became more(prenominal) and more common. The Renaissance was started by many another(prenominal) rich Italian cities, such as Florence, Ferrara, Milan, and Venice. Because these cities were very wealthy, many merchant s started to spend money on different things, such as painting, learning, new banking techniques, and new systems of government. These things gave rise to a new type of scholar, the humanist. Humanism was subjects concerned with macrocosm and culture. They studied various things such as Latin, Greek language, literary productions and philosophy. Music and mathematics were also studied as well. The Renaissance gave way to new forms of painting, art and sculpture. During the Renaissance, artist were no longer regarded as mere artisans, as they had been to the medieval past, but for the first time emerged as independent personalities, compared to poets and writers. Many artisans merged mathematics with art, in order to become more precise in their measurements and to make sure an object was supported both rationally and proportionally. As a closure painters tried and often succeeded into making their painting a windowpane into the world. Artists also studied the way light hit s objects and the way our eyes perceive light. A new kind of paint called oil paint was use. This allowed the artist to make believe texture, mix colors, and allow more time for corrections before it dried. The printing press was in all probability the most important advance in technology. Europeans first used movable metal type to print a book. On small pieces of metal they grave single letters of the alphabet. These could then be arranged and rearranged to form words and sentences.Changes Resulting from The Renaissance European Renaissance EssaysThe Renaissance The Renaissance was a period of European history, considered by modern scholars as that between 1300 and 1600. Many dramatic changes happened during the Renaissance. The Renaissance was a period of new inventions and beliefs. The Renaissance was drastically different from the Middle Ages. During the Middle Ages the church held most of the power and its economy were agriculturally based. Exploration and learning was almost put to a stop. During the Renaissance society was transformed into a society increasingly dominated by central political institutions with an urban commercial attitude. Also, peoples curiosity overcame their fear and many people started to venture out and explore. New schools and colleges became more and more common. The Renaissance was started by many rich Italian cities, such as Florence, Ferrara, Milan, and Venice. Because these cities were very wealthy, many merchants started to spend money on different things, such as painting, learning, new banking techniques, and new systems of government. These things gave rise to a new type of scholar, the humanist. Humanism was subjects concerned with humankind and culture. They studied various things such as Latin, Greek language, literature and philosophy. Music and mathematics were also studied as well. The Renaissance gave way to new forms of painting, art and sculpture. During the Renaissance, artist we re no longer regarded as mere artisans, as they had been to the medieval past, but for the first time emerged as independent personalities, compared to poets and writers. Many artisans merged mathematics with art, in order to become more precise in their measurements and to make sure an object was supported both rationally and proportionally. As a result painters tried and often succeeded into making their painting a window into the world. Artists also studied the way light hits objects and the way our eyes perceive light. A new kind of paint called oil paint was used. This allowed the artist to create texture, mix colors, and allow more time for corrections before it dried. The printing press was probably the most important advance in technology. Europeans first used movable metal type to print a book. On small pieces of metal they engraved single letters of the alphabet. These could then be arranged and rearranged to form words and sentences.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Effects of Extramarital Affairs with Divorce on Middle Aged Women Essa
I interviewed Ann (pseudonym), who is a middle-aged woman who is a mother of three and has always been a happy, loving, and positive human being. However when I knew that I was going to interview her, I instantly knew that I was going to focus on the topic of how extramarital affairs (emotional and or sexual practiceual human relationship a spouse has outside of their relationship) and divorce affects middle aged women. I chose this topic as the effects it has on a woman tush be life-changing and can result in them becoming an entirely different person, and in the case of Ann it couldnt be any more apparent. It is important to acknowledge that a divorce and the effect that it has is one subject matter, but a divorce caused by extramarital affairs is an entirely separate issue as it can have damaging short term effects, long term effects, and financial consequences. While divorce is not a primary process of aging, it is a auxiliary process that affects a large amount of women as they age in life. Understanding the basics of extramarital affairs such as the prevalence of them, who participates in them, and why they participate in them is the first step in understanding the effect they can have.There isnt a known culture that accepts extramarital affairs (Jankowiak, Nell, and Buckmaster, 2002). Eric Widmer, Judith Treas, and Robert Newcomb (1998) published an article concerning attitudes on premarital sex, teenage sex, homosexual sex, and extramarital sex in 24 different countries. Their research consisted of surveying oer 33,000 people. Their findings were very interested as while premarital sex gathered the strongest acceptance and homosexual sex gathered the most varied responses it was extramarital sex that countries agreed on the mo... ...2002. Managing infidelity a cross-cultural perspective. International daybook of Psychoanalysis volume 87 (issue 2) (Retrieved from Questia on February 26, 2010.)Lauer, Robert and Jeanette Lauer. 2009. Marriage & Family The Quest for Intimacy. New York, NY McGraw-Hill.Wiederman, Michael. 1997. extracurricular Sex Prevalence and correlates in a National Survey. Journal of Sex Research volume 34 (issue 2) 167-174. (Retrieved from EBSCOhost on February 26, 2010.)Widmer, Eric, Judith Treas, and Robert Newcomb. 1998. Attitudes Towards Nonmarital Sex in 24 Countries. Journal of Sex Research volume 35 (issue 4) 349-358. (Retrieved from EBSCOhost on February 26, 2010.)5% of Americans Addicted to Sex. 2008. Times of India. Retrieved February 26, 2010 (http//
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Chinas Reformation Essay -- History, Chinese Communist Party
In some works of art, the tone, costumes, and setting can largely sour the mood of the story. A deep examination of the mentioned attributes can possibly reveal latent messages and intents of the artists. This is evident in both Lao Shes Teahouse and chinas The found of a Republic. The Founding of a Republic was funded and produced by Chinese government as a celebration of the 60th anniversary of the mountains Republic of China as a result, it widely regarded as propaganda. Laos Teahouse, however, was written about the Chinese revolution from a greenness spells perspective. These differences in the interpretation of the Chinese revolution, along with the intent of the presentations, reveal the creators underlying political messages.When The Founding of a Republic was released by the Chinese government in 2009, it was dismissed, often prematurely, as communist propaganda. While biased interpretations of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and the Chinese communistic Party (C CP) are reasonably explicit through-out the film, the historical events shown are accurate. However, the events portrayed are primarily the malicious acts of the Nationalists, ignoring m whatsoever of the equally heinous acts of the Communists. An example would be the assassination of 13 Communist party members. While this educates the audience of some of the tragic events of the Chinese Civil War, the communists are clearly portrayed as the virtuous heroes.The presentation of the characters in The Founding of a Republic gives another look into the Governments hidden messages. The Nationalists are often shown with a negative connotation. The officials are shown wearing black or very dark outfits and are commonly surrounded by armed soldiers. The KMT scene... ...and even girls for money and to invoke fear (63). The government also seized virtually any property they wanted by claiming it was traitors property (74). Evidently the Teahouse paints a much darker picture of the Chinese Revolution. It offers a common mans perspective to the economic decline and increased corruption that sometimes went unnoticed in the elites eyes. The Founding of a Republic told a much different view of the reform movement from the Communist elites eyes. The chosen portrayal of a benevolent CCP and malicious KMT is largely biased, although most of the events are historically accurate. The film can be categorized as Chinese Communist propaganda, but a deeper meaning can be discovered also. Examining and comparing both works of art and their viewpoint of the revolution can offer a good look as to the creators intent and political message.
Moving as a Child Essay -- Personal Narrative Moving Essays
Moving as a Child Some things in life are just meant to happen. Fate brought me to the seat I am sitting at, in this university, miles and miles from where I was born. I never thought I would move. The thinker was inconceivable for an eight-year-old girl. Life was an endless cycle of days spent chasing butterflies, catching ladybugs, and blowing apart dandelions while nights were full of stars, crickets, and peace. I sop up learned since that moment that mass has a different idea in mind, one of its very own, and sometimes, no matter how much we struggle, no matter how much we cry out in resistance, we must all give way to the pull of the chains, and let fate have its way. One day, or what better describes it, one moment, all those butterflies and all the stars disappeared. My begets job was moving us to Texas. Fate decided it was time for me to grow up and these objects I loved so much were toys that would interfere with learning. So fate took them away, and in th eir place I was handed Texas. Now, to hand an eight-year-old something like Texas, especially when she had possessed Oklahoma, is like taking the crown jewels from the royals and giving them cubic-zirconium. It just didnt work. At the first hint of moving Ill admit that I was excited. The imagination of a little girl can run wild with possibilities when she is catapulted into the sky of the un cognize. I do believe I was launched further and higher than any of my family ever expected. At that realization, reality decided to intervene and spin me around the dance floor. I was quickly pulled out of my school in the middle of fourth grade torn from friends Id had my entire, though short, life. Gone in a snap was everything Id ever known to be... ...hich make up a strong individual. All those butterflies I spent my childhood chasing became trapped inside my stomach but, rather than set them free, I do them apart of me. I made myself meet new people, become outgoing and i nvolved. I have more friends than I could ever ask for, two of which go out still be there when I am old and grey. What more could a person ever ask for? I feel privileged to have moved as a child. I am honored fate chose me to drag along on its wild and unseen journeys. Life is not most being in the moment it is about taking those moments and making them apart of who you are. A part of me will always be that little girl chasing butterflies but, Ill likewise be the strong woman who will stand up for what she believes in and for those that she loves. I owe that part of me to the spontaneity of fate when it came pulling my chains.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Human Resources Challenges Essay -- Business Management
IntroductionSome of the challenges that organizations human imagery department face are, operations, policies and procedures and selecting highly qualified candidates. Management depends on human resource department to select candidates through recruitment, interviewing and application screening. I will discuss a few methods that human resources departments use to select latent candidates through credit reports and social media. Credit Reports Organizations have been using traditional recruitment methods, placing help wanted ads in newspapers to look for potential candidates. Human resource department application selection process requires candidates to go through an interview, background check and credit investigation. The reason organizations do a credit investigation is to arrange sure candidates are creditable and trustworthy. By conducting a credit investigation human resource department can compare information on a candidates profile to make sure it coincides with infor mation on their credit report. A good credit report would consist of no judgments, unsuccessful person pass due payments or any repossession. Base on the application process, this would be the ideal candidate for the job. Organizations will not hire candidates if their credit report, inform any negative blemishes. Organizations would be afraid if candidates had a lot of blemishes on their report, it would cause issue for the company, especially if their job required a candidate to carry on money transactions. Organizations view candidates as if they were having trouble handling their personal money affairs, they could not be trust to handle the organizations reasonabilitys. Human resource department would not hire a highly qualified candidate wit... ...ponsibilities within an organization, the challenges they are face with is recruiting the right candidate for the position. It requires application screening, interviewing, background, and possible credit investigations. However in that respect are many recruitment tools human resource departments can use to recruit candidates, social media, been the most popular. With so many challenges human resources face it is classic to make sure they hire highly qualified candidates. Works CitedFairley, J.. (2010, November). EMPLOYERS FACE CHALLENGES IN SCREENING CANDIDATES. Workforce Management, 89(11), 7. Retrieved November 22, 2010, from ABI/ communicate Complete. (Document ID 2188682971).Sheehan, P.. (2010, October). Social recruiting targets job candidates. Long-Term Living, 59(10), 31. Retrieved November 22, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Complete. (Document ID 2176149381).
Human Resources Challenges Essay -- Business Management
IntroductionSome of the challenges that organizations human beings mental imagery department face are, operations, policies and procedures and selecting highly restricted candidates. Management depends on human resource department to select candidates through recruitment, interviewing and application screening. I will discuss a few methods that human resources departments exercising to select capableness candidates through trust reports and social media. Credit Reports Organizations have been using traditional recruitment methods, placing help wanted ads in newspapers to look for potential candidates. Human resource department application selection process requires candidates to go through an interview, background check and realization investigation. The reason organizations do a credit investigation is to make sure candidates are creditable and trustworthy. By conducting a credit investigation human resource department can compare schooling on a candidates profile to mak e sure it coincides with information on their credit report. A good credit report would consist of no judgments, bankruptcy pass due payments or any repossession. Base on the application process, this would be the ideal candidate for the put-on. Organizations will not submit candidates if their credit report, reported any negative blemishes. Organizations would be afraid if candidates had a lot of blemishes on their report, it would cause issue for the company, especially if their job required a candidate to handle money transactions. Organizations view candidates as if they were having trouble handling their personal money affairs, they could not be trust to handle the organizations reasonabilitys. Human resource department would not hire a highly qualified candidate wit... ...ponsibilities within an organization, the challenges they are face with is recruiting the right candidate for the position. It requires application screening, interviewing, background, and possible cred it investigations. However there are many recruitment tools human resource departments can use to recruit candidates, social media, been the most popular. With so many challenges human resources face it is important to make sure they hire highly qualified candidates. Works CitedFairley, J.. (2010, November). EMPLOYERS FACE CHALLENGES IN SCREENING CANDIDATES. Workforce Management, 89(11), 7. Retrieved November 22, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Complete. (Document ID 2188682971).Sheehan, P.. (2010, October). Social recruiting targets job candidates. Long-Term Living, 59(10), 31. Retrieved November 22, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Complete. (Document ID 2176149381).
Monday, May 27, 2019
Analysis Kite Runner
The increase Runner was written by Khaled Hosseini who tells a bosh of a boy who lived in Kabul, and eventually moved to America. In The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini explains that every perform you take in life has a consequence, he shows us through the vitrines of turmoil in Amirs life. Amir had two major decisions to make that determined the outcome of his life along with the ones surrounding him. The premiere was Amirs decision to keep his silence and his refusal to share a hideous act that he saw and hid from.The guerrilla was his decision to go put up to his homeland in Kabul, and try and make right what he did. Khaled shows us that each decision we make in life has a consequence, he shows an example of this with Amirs decision to keep silent and not tell his father or anyone that he had seen Hassan get raped. Hassan eventually tells Ali that he had gotten raped. After an consequent in the house Ali tells Baba (Amirs Father) Life here is impossible for us now, Agha sahib . Were leaving (106).At this time Amir could choose to tell his father everything that he saw, and everything that Assef did. He chooses to let Hassan and Ali leave thinking it will make life easier for him. The consequence of this action leads to Hassan living a separate life from Amir, which in change by reversal leads to Hassans murder. Each choice that Amir made had a consequence whether good or bad, there was a consequence. The second decision Amir made, was to rejoin back to Kabul. Amirs choice would have many life altering consequences.Amirs decision to return to Kabul helped him learn that Hassan was his half-brother and that he had a nephew. When Amir decided to go rescue Sohrab from Assef, for the first time in years Amirs pain and turmoil would finally be healed. This healing came from the pain he should have received from standing up to Assef in the alley way when they had cornered Hassan. When Assef and Amir fought and Amir was getting strike badly he thought I felt healed. Healed at last (289). The last time Amir had felt this way right earlier he saw Hassan get raped.Amirs decision to return to Kabul gave Amir the opportunity to be healed and rescue his half-brothers son. In the human life people are faced with many decisions, a very good example of this is within Amirs life. In The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini explains that every action you take in life has a consequence, through the examples of turmoil in Amirs life. With every decision and every action we make there is a consequence. The biggest decision in Amirs life was to keep his silence and his refusal to share hat he saw ascertain to Hassan. He chose not to tell his father or anyone in his childhood life, because of this Hassan and Ali leave Amir and Baba. They go on a separate path from Baba and Ahmir. The second was Amirs choice to return to Kabul to search for Sohrab and rescue him from an orphanage. This led to Amirs healing and ability to be truly expert again. The story The Kite Runner shows us that each choice we make has a consequence whether it is good or bad there is always a consequence.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
‘Of Mice and Men’: the relationship between Curley and Curley’s wife Essay
In the novel Of Mice and Men, the relationship between Curley and Curleys wife is very volcanic lacking communication, love and respect. Additionally neither one showed attention for one enough, Curley liked to believe his wife was a possession this is shown by the quote you seen a girl around here? He demanded angrily likewise Go back home. These quotes implies that Curley is an extremely restless and al behaviors looking for her, furthermore he is an aggressive man, ordering people and getting away with it being the Bosss son. In the relationship neither one is happy, Curleys wife is coquettish by putting her self-out there and kicking her legs about which shows that she is lonely and lacking the attention needed. But, this must have been expected being the only women on the ranch. She also likes to manipulate and intimidate Curley which drives him crazy, but she enjoyed it, because it provided her power. Even though Curleys wife despised Curley she could never leave him.In t he 1930s, the year this novel was set, once marry the women became the mans belonging, and the womens belongings also became his such as money, clothes etc. Curley does care about his wife but is shown in an unanticipated way, for example when Curley is trying to find her and being restless till he succeeds to do so. Even Whit tells him this by saying yella-jackets in his drawers this agent that Whits implying that Curley has ants in his pants. Curley could be seen in either of two perspectives, either him being protective to her and being paranoid and not wanting to resort her to lower class with-in the ranch. Alternatively people can see this as being controlling her, wanting to know where she is every second of the day.Curleys wife married Curley the day they meet, which can be seen as love at first sight or on the other hand a way to escape from her mum. Which was shown for by his wife she had only married him because she didnt get a letter from a guy to get her into Hollywo od to gain her a step closer to becoming an actress there. She believed her ollady stole it which made Curleys wife resentful. Moreover a lot of people from the 1930s would have gone to see movies in Hollywood as w way to escape the reality of the depression if it could be afforded. And mass entertainment also a multi-million dollar industry additionally huge cinemas were built which could seat more people. Hollywood became a major film-making centre.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
The Good Earth’s Relationship Between Wang Lung and O-Lan
The relationship between O-lan and Wang Lung is stabilized by O-lans hard exercise and resourcefulness, based largely upon a womans inferiority, and threatened by superficial tendencies. Their affiliation also ends romantically with the loss of love and is regretted, in the end, with capable sympathy. O-lan proves to be beneficial through means of outdoor labor. In the afternoon she took a hoe and a basket and these upon her shoulder she went to the main road take into the city where mules and donkeys and horses carried burdens to and fro, and there she picked the droppings from the animals and carried it home and piled the manure in the dooryard for fertilizer for the fields (Buck 29). O-lan also proves her helpfulness by performing household chores, to much of Wang Lungs appreciation. And she took their ragged clothes and with thread herself spun on a bamboo spindle from a wad of cotton she mended and contrived to cover the rents in their winter clothes (Buck 29).Although this is true, Wang Lungs gratitude towards O-lan appears repressed as he constantly hides his feelings for her in the pop outning. The protagonist immediately becomes mortified by his affection for O-lan. And then he was ashamed of his own remnant and of his interest in her (Buck 30). Wang Lung subsequently attempts to dissuade these thoughts. O-lans aid and usefulness obviously weakens the tension between both spouses and creates a more mutual, stable liveliness at home. Arguments are rarely heard amongst the lips of either husband or wife.This may be due to O-lans unusual quietness. scarcely she never talked, this woman, get out for the brief necessities of life (Buck 30). This silence al nearly utterly terminates all heated conversations. However, it also enhances her appearance as a slave and overall working image. But in the day her clothes, her plain blue cotton coat and trousers, covered all that he knew, and she was like a faithful, speechless serving maid, who is tho a ser ving maid and nothing more (Buck 30). Women, in ancient cultures are, as shown in The Good Earth, thought to be of lesser value than that of men. She was, after all, only a woman (Buck 30). On numerous occasions, O-lan is treated as if she is a piece of property obtained by her new husband. It seemed that during these next months he did nothing neglect watch this woman of his (Buck 28). Wang Lung acts this way due to the environment in which he grew from, where both elders and men reign, leaving women at the bottom of the totem pole. Wang Lungs uncle once questioned, suffer you not heard it said that in the Sacred Edicts it is commanded that a man is never to correct an elder, (Buck 66).As the novel progresses, Wang Lungs thoughts of his wifes exterior begin to surface as superficial tendencies emerge. He complains of her horrid hair and rough features. He saw for the first time that her hair was rough and brown and unoiled and that her face was large and flat coarse-skinned, and her features too large altogether and without any sort of beauty or light (Buck 179-180). These cruel comments are the first bang in the face of O-lan, as Wang Lungs manly instincts begin to kick in and he discovers beauty abroad.Lotus enters the story when Wang Lung gives into the temptation of lust. He buys her, despite the fact that he is a married man. Threatening the relationship between O-lan and Wang Lung, Lotus slowly tears the couple apart even more than they were before. Earlier in the novel, during the raid of an aristocrats home, O-lan finds many valuable gems within the walls. Once money becomes a necessity, Wang Lung asks for the gems in order to grant them to the House of Hwang in restoration for additional land.O-lan is allowed to keep only two of her choosing and she quickly decides on two pearls And he was moved by something he did not understand and he pulled the jewels from his breast and unwrapped them and handed them to her in silence, and she searched among the glittering colors, her hard brown hand turning over the stones delicately and lingeringly until she found the two smooth exsanguinous pearls, and these she took, and tying up the others again, she gave them back to him. (Buck 157-158) These white spheres represent more than just the upcoming twins. They also symbolize Wang Lungs love for O-lan, no matter how modified it may be.Once Wang Lung becomes completely entangled inside Lotuss web of desire, he demands that O-lan give him the pearls at once so he could, in turn, honor them to his concubine. This simple act may be construed as Wang Lungs thievery of his affection for O-lan and Lotuss gain in the matter. As O-lan begins to die, she utters a express that entirely reveals all of her inner thoughts. Well I know I am ugly and cannot be loved, (Buck 277). These ideas show her lack in boldness that may have been even more destroyed with Wang Lungs brutal behavior and harsh words.Wang Lung, however, felt guilt beyond measure and wondered and grieved at himself most of all because what she said was true, and even when he took her hand, desiring truly that she feel his tenderness towards her, he was ashamed because he could feel no tenderness, no melting of the knocker such as Lotus could win from him with a pout of her lips (Buck 277). This not only serves as evidence of Wang Lungs sympathy towards O-lan and his regret for everything that he induced. It also reiterates the fact that Wang Lung and O-lans relationship changed instantaneously as his feelings for Lotus blossomed.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Information Technology Acts Essay
The invention of the meshwork and the growing office of it by squirtren caused for implementation of new security acts. Among these acts atomic number 18 the Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), which passed into law in 1998, and the Childrens network Protection Act (CIPA), which became law in 2000. This paper allow for discuss the advances in randomness technology that resulted in new ethical issues necessitating the creation of these acts. Childrens Online Protection Act (COPPA), 1998As the internet grew in popularity among the public, children began to use it more and more for everything from homework, to communicating, to searching for whatever cultivation is out there (surfing). In most cases, websites required the users to designate in their own(prenominal) contact information and, in many cases, allow the website upload tracking cookies to the users computer. Almost anyone could then find, buy, and/or use that information for whatever reason. Childrens private information could be accessed by pedophiles, bullies, or any other type of creep. According to L. Fair of the Federal Trade Commission, COPPA puts parents in control of what information children put online. Whether studying, shopping, surfing or chatting, todays kids take advantage of everything the Internet has to offer. But when it comes to their personal information, whos in the drivers seat? Parents, harmonize to the Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and regulations utilised by the Federal Trade Commission.If you operate a website directed to children under 13 that clears personal information or if you operate a website directed to a general audience and have actual knowledge youre collecting personal information from kids you moldiness comply with COPPAs two main requirements. First, you must prominently post your information security practices on your homepage and wherever you collect information from kids, including the kinds of information you colle ct how you collect it (for example, directly from the child or passively, say, through cookies) how you use the information whether you disclose it to third parties and the procedures parents can follow to exercise their right to review their childs personal information, refuse to allow its further collection or use, or have it deleted. Second, before collecting, victimization, or disclosing a childs personal information, COPPA requires you to notify parents and get their verifiable consent (Fair, n.d.).Childrens Internet Protection Act (CIPA), 2000 As the use of internet by children increased so did patronages astir(predicate) the safety and wellbeing of those children. When searching the internet using an online browser, anyone could type in the word sex or porn and be bombarded with pictures, videos, and websites depicting opposed and a great deal offensive content. With e-mail, chat rooms, and other types of e-communication becoming more popular among children, the personal safety of those children became a major concern. There was no way of knowing for convinced(predicate) whom the child was communicating with or what that persons intentions were.There have been cases of children meeting up with someone they met online and getting raped, kidnapped, and even killed. There was also the concern about what the children were doing online there was no way of preventing children from hacking or doing other illegal activities on the internet. The government needed to do something to help ensure the safety of children using the internet at school and at the library. To address these concerns, Congress passed into federal law, the Childrens Internet Protection Act. According to the Federal Communications CommissionThe Childrens Internet Protection Act (CIPA) is a federal law enacted by Congress to address concerns about access to offensive content over the Internet on school and library computers. CIPA imposes certain types of requirements on any school or lib rary that receives funding for Internet access or internal connections from the E-rate platform a program that makes certain communications technology more affordable for eligible schools and libraries. In early 2001, the FCC issued rules implementing CIPA.Schools subject to CIPA are required to adopt and enforce a policy to monitor online activities of minors.Schools and libraries subject to CIPA are required to adopt and implement an Internet safety policy addressing (a) access by minors to inappropriate matter on the Internet (b) the safety and security of minors when using electronic mail, chat rooms and other forms of direct electronic communications (c) unlicensed access, including so-called hacking, and other unlawful activities by minors online (d) unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information regarding minors and (e) measures restricting minors access to materials harmful to them.Schools and libraries are required to certify that they have their safety policies and technology in place before receiving E-rate funding (Federal Communications Commission, n.d.).Conclusion With the popularity of the internet among minors came concerns about the childrens safety, wellbeing, exposure, and behavior. To address those concerns the government enacted a federal law that requires websites to get permission from parents before taking personal information from a child under 13 years old. Another law was implemented that protects and monitors the children using the internet at school and at the library by requiring schools and libraries to block access to inappropriate material. at a lower place this law, schools and libraries are also required to implement a policy that addresses the safety and security of children using any form of direct online communication, addresses the illegal use of the internet by children, and addresses the safety of the childrens personal information.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Study Guide Mis 691 Chapter 2
Study Guide MIS 691 Midterm Chapter 2 2. 2 Entity One estimate or topic something of importance to a user that needs to be represented in a database. In the entity-relationship model, entities ar restricted to things that can be represented by a single table. An sample of this is in the EMPLOYEE table data about the entity (the employee) is in the table rows and data about the entitys attributes are in the rows. 2. List the characteristics a table must have to be a relation * Each row of the table holds data that pertain to some entity or a portion of some entity * Each chromatography tug contains data of the attributes of the entity * The cells must hold a single value no repeating elements * all told of the entries in any column must be the same kind * Each column must have a unique name and the column order is unimportant * The order of the rows in unimportant * No two rows in the table may hold identical data values 2. 0 Define the term unique trace and give an example A key that defines a unique row. An example of a unique key in the EMPLOYEE table is EmployeeNumber the query of any EmployeeNumber (223 for example) will only produce a single row and data for one employee. 2. 11 Non-unique key A key that potentially identifies more than one row. In the EMPLOYEE table from our book, Department is a non-unique key because it identifies several rows. 2. 12 Give an example of a relation with a unique composite key A composite key contains two or more attributes.An example of a unique composite key in the EMPLOYEE table is if we combined LastName, FirstName, and Department as a key these three attributes combined would insure that we would identify only one row. 2. 13 Explain the diversity between a primary key and a candidate key Candidate keys are keys that unequivocally identify each row in a relation. They can be single or composite. The primary key is the candidate key that is chosen as the key that the DBMS will use to uniquely identify each row. 2. 5 What is a surrogate key and under what circumstances would you use one? A surrogate key is a column with a unique, DBMS-assigned identifier that has been wreaked to a table to be the primary key. You would use a surrogate key when the primary key in the table is not ideal. You add a surrogate because it is short, numeric, and will never change it is an ideal primary key. 2. 20 Define the term referential integrity restraint and give an example A relationship constraint on abroad key values.A referential integrity constraint specifies that the values of a foreign key must be a proper subset of the values of the primary key to which it refers. In the EMPLOYEE table the value of Department should match a value of DepartmentName in the DEPARTMENT table. 2. 21 Explain the three possible interpretations of a null value 1. It could mean that no value is appropriate 2. It might mean that the value is known to be blank (intentionally left blank) 3. It may mean that the value is unkno wn 2. 4 Name the in operation(p) dependency and identify the determinants of Area = Length x breadth Area is functionally dependent upon Length and Width or that the composite of Length and Width are determinants of Area 2. 31 Describe the nature and theatrical role of the normalization motion Normalization is breaking up tables with more than one theme into sets of tables that have one theme each. You have to do this so that thither isnt repeat information in a table and so there are no modification or deletion issues.Normalization Normalization is the process of breaking a table with one or more theme into a set of tables such that each only has one theme. You need to prepare a well-formed relation 1. Every determinant must be a candidate key 2. Any relation that is not well-formed should be broken into two or more relations that are well-formed The Normalization Process 1. Indentify all of the candidate keys 2. Indentify all of the functional dependencies 3. Examine the dere minants of the functional dependencies.If any determinant is not a candidate key, the relation is not well-formed. In this case a. Place the columns of the functional dependency in a new-fangled relation of their own b. Make the determinant of the functional dependacy the primary key of the new relation c. Leave a copy of the determinat as a foreign key in the original relation d. Create a referential integrity constraint between the orginal and the new relation. 4. Repeat step 3 until any key is a candidate key
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Pre and Post M&a Performance in Accounting Ratio Essay
There are loads of tools to measure the motion of a fiscal cognitive operation of an entity but financial proportions is believably the best cognize tool which is mainly to analyze the performance of an entity by comparing the present to the past relative figures taken or composed from the financial statement . The some categories of ratios are liquidity ratios, dineroability ratios, skill ratios, debt ratios and market ratios which go out be able to describe the entitys characteristics. Ratios show the true performance and survey of the entity. In order for investors to determine their choices of entity to invest in, financial ratios play an important role in providing sufficient information to utilisers roughly the entitys characteristic.We look to that companies are performing check after coalition and attainment and there leave alone be an cast up in profit of companies pre unification and acquisition compare to post merger and acquisition activities. However , the global merger and acquisition (M&A) market is expected to experience a modest append this year following authoritative revisions in earnings expectation for 2009. Studies relatively prove that ratios are important but which ratios, among the loads of ratios which fundament be computed easily from the available financial statement, should be used to analyze to obtain a wise decision (Kung & Thomas, 1981) (Maretno & Howard, 1996).Problem statementAccounting ratios usage in merger & acquisition are non understood very well as to whether companies or investors are using accounting ratios to analyze performance pre and post decision making for M&A. Therefore, this memorize ordain try to find out as to whether merger and acquisition activities are caused by the use of accounting ratio when management tries to expand a gilds operation. Accounting ratios is wide in variety and is known for its diversities in calculating unalike ratios, which makes selecting the right ratio to do analysis on is difficult. Every fellowship when making merger and acquisition decisions lead support to go through different decision making process in their composition and not compositiond solely on accounting ratios when taking actions. Things such(prenominal) as kinship of merging companies, financing matter or management efficiency are often overlooked in previous studies, therefore, apart from acknowledgmenting the use of accounting ratio in making merger and acquisition, we will also address on other matters that are affecting merger and acquisition decision making.Companies that have made merger and acquisition in the few years will be analyzed whether merger and acquisition has benefitted the company. This analysis will have to be based on companies that have made merger and acquisition for few years so that analysis could be made to ascertain whether merger and acquisition has improved the companys performance. The entropy that is equanimous could be bare(a ) as the data collected could merely be analyzed from the past. Apart from that, companies that are engaged in merger and acquisition will tend to accommodate their methods in acquiring companies as a secret therefore, there is no information that will be disclosed to us when we are doing enquiry. We will scarcely be able to get information based on announcement on the Bursa Saham Malaysia and also annual report analysis on the companies that we will base our guinea pig on. Based solely on the annual report, we will have to analyze companies that have been engaged in merger and acquisition is performing better as a company out front merger and acquisition or after merger and acquisition.Studies that have addressed the problemSeveral past studies have shown several findings. There were substantial improvements in the liquidity, leverage and profitability position of most studied companies. Normally, total assets consist of equity, debt and retained earnings to finance the corpor ation. In the study, it was found that total assets were always less than the debt plus equity for pre acquisition period, but after acquisition, it is positive. All the units selected for the study were sick, but after takeover tailfin out of eight revived (Rao & Sanker, 1997). The acquiring firms had performed above the industry average and the playd firms were below the industry average in term of size of it and profitability (Cosh et al., 1998).The firms put down meaningful increase in their net earnings, and those with the successful merger of the firms, the issue on capital employed and interpret on total assets, increased intimately with a signifi go offt percentage. The variability in the earnings (risk) of the pre-merger firms was significantly high than that of post-merger firms (Agundu & Karibo, 1999). Pilloff (1996) finds no significant change in post merger ROE, however, when he utilizes operating(a) income before provision instead of net income to calculate ROE , there is a significant increase in post-merger returns.Deficiencies in studiesUnfortunately, most studies do not order between healthy and troubled companies due to the relative scarcity of outright failures as an indicator of the latter. Data are not readily available to each person and critical data is only available to top level management, which causes analysis on company performance not accurate. Accounting ratios usage in studies are not standardized for exit of ratios used and types of ratios used, making comparisons of this study to previous studies almost impossible. Some of the studies only find out accounting ratio performance before and after merger and acquisition, but they did not take into account the management performance improvement.Importance of the studyBasically, the compelling reason for merger and acquisition is to make more money. This study analyses the pre and post performance in accounting ratio of various entities in Malaysia which involved in merger and acquisition. Therefore, it seeks to gift to entities which look forward to expand their businesses by merging and acquiring entities in order to broaden their sources and to increase their performance as well as position of the entity.This study also justifies the importance of financial ratios as a tool in decision making for most users to merge and acquire entities. Besides that, this study further proves that financial ratios could be used to speculate and estimate the future of the entitys development and growth by developing ratio values to be compared with the normal or regular value. Furthermore, the global merger and acquisition market is expected to experience a modest increase this year following significant revisions in earnings expectation for 2009. According to KPMG Internationals Global merger and acquisition Predictor, modest increases are expected in both deal-making desire and capacity globally. Therefore, it is hoped that the result of this study is valuable to entities for the purpose of merging and acquiring.Purpose statementThe purpose of this study is to determine whether financial ratios contribute to the decision in merging and acquiring another entity. For this purpose, we analyze the performance of the entity before and after merging or acquisition of the holding or parent entity across industries to identify the status of the performance and position of the entity materially. We would have to identify the entitys characteristics in terms of their operating and accounting performance by comparing to their values before the merger and acquisition. In our analysis, we also focus on the use financial ratios as a mechanism to compare the pre and post-acquisition performance. Furthermore, we also use financial ratio to predict the performance of the acquired entity as well as the growth of the entity.Organization of the studyThe rest of the research is organized into chapters as follows. Chapter 2 review about the literature rega rding the accounting ratio performance before and after merger and acquisition would be provided. The root and the arguments from researchers will be discussed. Justification of the research objectives would be provided with all the relevant literatures. Chapter 3 describes and provides detailed explanation on the method used in collecting the relevant data, the desired try out design, appropriate methodological analysis employed in this study and also the data analysis method.CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW2.0 IntroductionIn this chapter, further discussion on the topic will be done based on former empirical studies and a derivation of hypothesis will be done. To be able to rate the post and pre merger and acquisition deal by companies in Malaysia, a concept is to be conceived with prior literature that is related to the performance of firms that has been acquiring other firms.2.1 Theory/Concept FoundationShareholders of a corporation that is involved in Merger & Acquisition body process would like to see their value of downslope in the acquiring corporation to rise post-M&A compared to pre-M&A. Therefore, it is important that an M&A transaction done with the shareholders in mind, this theory of maximizing shareholder value is passably new as it is introduced by William Lazonick and Mary OSullivan in year 2000. Shareholder value should be used regularly when decisions are made to be able to regulate how a company operates for the sake of the shareholders. For a shareholder to have his value increased, all the activities from the factory modelers to top level management should work together to find the best way to increase the value of the company. To increase shareholder value, restructuring of companies are needed to be able to sustain the changing economical climate according to time development. Evaluation of companies performance will be done to ensure shareholders value do increase post-M&A.From the theory we could derive that performance of a compa ny depends on the value that they would like to preserve for their shareholders. For every shareholder that would like to expand the company operation and size, they will have to be able to provide funds for the company in the form of investment. Apart from that, trend evolution plays a part in a merging or acquisition decision. An acquirer may look at the performance of the company that they are trying to takeover. The acquirers look at the financial feasibility of acquiring the company on the share price and value for money. If a value is low, they will be able to takeover the company at a pull down price. And it is known that M&A deals are done so that a company could expand into a new market segment or improve their trustworthy segment.Apart from that, it should be noted that there are several types of mergers and acquisition. It should be noted that firms that are acquiring are bigger if not significantly larger than the acquired firms.2.2 Review of prior(prenominal) Empiric al StudiesLife steering wheel of a firm will accelerate the need for M&A deals as firms grew older, they could be expanding their size and because of this, and M&A will be done to be able to involve themselves into different segments of businesses. According to (Sian Owen & Alfred Yawson, 2008), they propose that in certain life round of golf of a company, they will engage in some kind of M&A activities. This is because there is a need to grow their company or to subside the involvement of the owner by giving up the power of the company to another firm. Therefore, it should be noted that companies will go through M&A at different life cycle to develop their performance even further or simply to pull out of the company ownership. The data that they use to examine this is based in the US, therefore, it may be not practical to be used here, but this is an opportunity for us to examine the life cycle factor in the pre and post M&A performance figure.The main objective for merger and acquisition activities is to increase the return of the equity shareholders who are considered real owners of the company. Shareholders are also takes the responsibilities to bear maximum risk of the company. Different mend (positive, negative and mix) either success or failure will occur for different M&A deals.Since we cannot make any conclusion based on only one ratio. So, different ratio are using in this hold to measure the company performance in term of liquidity position, operating efficiency, overall efficiency, return to equity shareholders and financial composition. By looking at case-by-case ratio, it is hard for researcher to determine whether acquirer company success or failure to make M&A deals? Because a high rate of return showed on acquiree company such as consulting firms doesnt means they make a good investments, since they require no assets. There are more than one-half of the 74 merger and acquisition cases showed an improvement in the financial performance i n post time period of this article.However, 15% out of these cases had increase their running(a) capital and debt to equity, which means that the company suffer long term financial burden of current assets and long terms funds which use to finance current assets. Small sample size was used by this researcher. Although there are 200 deals of M&A in India but only 74 companies can provide the available financial data which require by researcher. So, there was reliable issue of this research outcome. Except ratio, there are many issues must be takes into consideration by making M&A decision such as by predicting future prospects, company past performance, law and regulations of the state of matter which can help to reach a better conclusion. So researcher cant make exact and absolute conclusion by only interpret financial ratio of company (Kumar and Bansal, 2008).Those are significant release between merger and acquisition. Misleading conclusions may be made by those researchers wh o combine these two different terms. Acquisitions is a more successful way to bring positive effects to the company compared with mergers in term of generate greater profitability, return on investment or equity, increased in operating performance, etc. This might due to the way the merger or acquire. acquirer may acquire a small division, patent or the company which use for the purpose of strategic alliances and value added to current business. In contrary, merges activities become less attractive to the emf shareholder due to reduce return or shareholder wealth or even negative return and decrease in profitability or even suffer losses of the company (Hassan, Patro, Tuckman & Wang, 2007).The theoretical models of liquidity stresses the degree of trading air, unfortunate selection, transmit volatility, and competitiveness of market making (Lipson & Mortal, 2007). According to the prior review, the degree of trading concern in a stock has a positive relationship with the leve l of trading activity. Therefore, the fixed trading costs can be spread out over a larger number of trades. The adverse selection cost incurs when negative action is taken to counter an adverse situation of trades. For example, if stock traders have relatively more information compare to the liquidity providers, liquidity providers will recover their losses from trading with better advised counterparts by increasing their average revenue. Stock volatility affects the trading cost positively as well. When stocks are more volatile, the holding cost of the stock would be relatively higher and the cost would be passed on to buyers when being traded. The competitiveness of market making affects the trading cost negatively. When the market makers are less competitive, the increase in competition will reduce the trading cost. Besides that, the firms characteristics also affect the accounting ratio after M&A.Prior studies noted that M&A increases the liquidity of firms on average but the i mprovements are fully explained by the accompanying changes in firm characteristics (Lipson & Mortal, 2007). Firm characteristics such as sizes of the firm, volume and number of shareholders are taken into consideration in prior studies. Relatively larger firms will have greater trading interest since more positions are offered in the firm. Benston and Hangerman (1974) also acknowledge the effect of firm size and volume to M&A. Therefore, the sizes of the firm are expected to affect the decision M&A of a firm. The increase in adverse selection can be seen in Heflin and Shaw (2000) where they argue that the effect of a blockholder ownership is a result of superior blockholder information. The results are consistent with the results in Lipson and Mortal (2007). Past studies document that larger firms tend to be followed by a greater number of market makers (Wahal, 1997), which he attributes to increased competition among market makers. Also derived in Lipson and Mortal (2007), the inc reased in market making reduces order processing cost, thusly reducing trading cost.According to (Arturo Bris, Neil Brisley, Christos Cabolis 2008), M&A is done following the in incorporatedd governance decision as legal rules or accounting standard. The countries difference in degree of investor protection as well as firm value, ownership structure. When we are merger and acquisition usually adopts the accounting standards. This implies that, the corporate in a country can adopt difference level of investor protect. If corporate governance have set the legal rules then the corporate follow it.Therefore, the corporate investments losses or change operation performance. The legal rule can protect shareholder and investors so that they will not have legal liabilities. The corporate governance quality is follow shareholder protection and accounting standard when we are merger and acquisition can test corporate worsening and preserving acquisitions. If we are test pre merger and acquis ition performance not efficiency then corporate governance quality also will not good. The corporation will easy give large corporate takeover or the corporation will shorerupt. However, the corporation operation quality good will not allow large corporate takeover the firm. The corporate governance quality well can enhance merger and acquisition value and good performance.According to Holger Breinlich (2008), merger and acquisition become industrial restructuring after trade liberalization. It is can increase merger and acquisition activities and merger and acquisition transferred resource from less to more successful firms. It is because pre corporation not efficiency performance source make it loss. Therefore, after merger and acquisition the corporate efficiency performance source make it earning profit and improvement the corporate. Merger and acquisition not just to transfer source, it is also can qualitatively difference from other adjust form. Before merger and acquisitio n is not well make the doers becoming unemployed and also will make economic recession. When new ownership takeover the corporate then worker has working already and economic also will slowly become good. However, the larger corporate takeovers corporate better the corporate bankrupt and as such no need face unnecessary legal restriction.From the past studies, Letho and Lehtoranta (2004) study that M&A synergies can be realized by owing curious technology and knowledge and then transferring these intangibles to the target firm. The industrial organization (IO) literature states that both horizaontal and industry-diversifying acquisitions might affect R&D. When firms are active in the get out of business, economies of scale in R&D input can be occurred because of M&As. Besides, value can created also by M&As from conjunction complementary know-how (Cassiman B, Colombo M, Garrone P, Veugelers R, 2003). Similarly, intangibles could matter in domestic as well as cross-border takeover (Kang and Johansson, 2000). The ratio of intangible assets (goodwill paid in earlier M&As has to be minus first) to total assets is used to examine these ideas.The financial synergies are realized by looking at the capital structure of potential drop acquirers. The idea is that when firms relying heavily on bank loans, it is risky to the firm and also acquirers will have less interest on the firm. Therefore, firms that relying heavily on bank loans will quickly seek to reduce their overall risk and recognize a lower cost of capital by engaging in industry-diversifying and in cross-border M&As. Indeed, cost of capital can be reduced when cash flows from target and bidders are not highly correlated. Besides, additional borrowing capacity post-M&A can be created and this is a good performance for a firm after M&A.If stock prices of a firm are down, the takeover of a firm can constitute a bargain relative to investing in new facilities in order to recover from scratch. Furthermore, th e valuation of private targets is lower once stock market sentiment is down, through the use of a lower multiples or higher risk premium when valuing target stock. This under-valuation hypothesis suggests that stock prices and M&A decisions are negatively related. In contrast, soaring stock prices can facilitate the financing of M&As in which they using bidder stock to pay for these deals. When firms consider that their stock to be over-valued, they tend to issue new shares (Shleifer and Vishny, 2003). There will be positive relationship between stock prices and outdoor(a) growth. However, the positive relationship may be difficult to observe when a sample is dominated by private enterprises. This is also because of those non-listed bidder stock is unwilling to be accepted by target investors. The average market-wide price earnings (P/E) ratio at the M&A announcement date is used to capture stock market conditions, given that private firms dominate the sample.2.3 Hypothesis Develop mentThe first hypothesis comes from our own assumption to examine how does a company perform post-M&A compared to pre-M&A. The assumption is that a company could perform better in the form of ratios because their capital has increased due to increase in non current assets. If a company obtains another company through M&A, it is expected that they have certain amount of capital available to expand their firm size therefore, there will be increase in capital in the form of ROE and ROA ratios once a firm is engaged in M&A activities.H =After M&A, there will be increase in ratios of ROE and ROAH=Before M&A, asset ROA and ROE are higherFrom previous study of (Moeller, Schlingemann & Stulz, 2004), it is known that they examined for the below hypothesis in their research. And this hypothesis will be tested in Malaysia context so that we will be able to measure the level of performance compared to the size of the firm.H=Small firm perform better after M&AH=Acquirers firm perform worse after M&A2.4 Model/FrameworkNegative relationshipPositive RelationshipAs proposed, the relationship between pre-M&A is a negative relationship to the ratio. And it should be lower than post-M&A ratio as after M&A activities, the ratio should increase and higher.Positive relationshipNegative relationshipAs proposed, the larger firm will adapt less well after M&A compared to smaller firm.Chapter 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY3.1 Research DesignThe research will be carried out as an explanatory study. This study method is used for our research because this study will explain how M&A affects performance of a company. The design will be carried out by using pair sample T-Test testing the relationship of the variables of performance of the company and the pre and post M&A activities. The research will be carried out to test whether an M&A activity does increase the performance of a company or it does not accelerate the activity of the company. Archival research will be used thoroughly to get a line the improvement or deterioration in the firms post-M&A compared to pre-M&A.3.2 Population, Sample and Sampling ProcedureFor our research for M&A companies in Malaysia, a census will be conducted as it is expected that there are only several hundreds of companies that have conducted M&A locally. The census data will be collected by using the Bursa Malaysia website via manual search and the usage of Osiris database. Therefore, the data will be collected through these 2 ways.3.3 Data Collection MethodAs it is said, the data to be used will be secondary data. Documentary secondary data will be collected and used throughout this research. The data will be consisted of written materials which are companies annual reports. The annual report will be compiled based on the activities that are involved by the individual companies with a view that M&A deals are conducted by the company within the years of investigation which range from year 2001 to 2005.ReferencesRao, K.V., & Sanker, K.R. (199 7). Takeover as a Strategy of Turnaround. UTIedited book.Cosh, A., Hughes, A., Lee, K., & Singh, A. (1998). Takeovers, institutional investment and the persistence of profits, in Begg, I. and Henry, S.G.B. (Eds), Applied Economics and Public Policy, Department of Applied Economics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.Agundu, P.C., & Karibo, N.O. (1999). Risk analysis in corporate mergers decisions in developing economies. daybook of Financial Management and Analysis, 12(2), 13-17.Moeller, S.B., Schlingemann, F.P., & Stulz, R.M. (2004). Firm size and the gains from acquisitions. Journal of Financial Economics, 73, 201-28.Pilloff, S.J. (1996). Performance changes and stockholder wealth creation associated with mergers of publically traded banking institutions. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 28, 294-310.Bris, A., Brisley, N., & Cabolis, C. (2008). Adopting better corporate governance Evidence from cross-border mergers. Journal of Corporate Finance, 14, 224-240.Breinlich, H. (2008). Trade liberalization and industrial restructuring through mergers and acquisitions. Journal of International Economics, 76, 254266.Kumar, S., & Bansal, L.K.(2008). The impact of mergers and acquisitions on corporate performance in India. Management Decision, 46 (10), 1531-1543.Hassan, M., Patro, D.K., Tuckman, H., & Wang, X.L. (2007). Do mergers and acquisitions create shareholder wealth in the pharmaceutical industry? International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 1 (1), 58-78.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Current Issues on Bullying Essay
In all actuality I really think whats causing children to bully and fight each other at civilise and when there is no authority taking place these days is because the media Children watch TV and most have access to the internet every day. The shooting and flushed video games they play are teaching and brain washing are kids to think and react the way they are now.The only way possible to quash down on bullying is to have parents that care. Have parents that are watching and crafty their childrens every day lives and what goes on in them. Just by asking how was your day shows your child that you are interested in what went on whos who and whats what.There is also a new way of what we assure cyber bulling in this day and age, no longer is it in the school yard but now in your childs bedroom with the door unlikable and him/her taking the punches and stabs while you dont even know it. My mother as a child would endlessly monitor my internet usage and what websites I would go on an d who I would be communicating with at all times. I thank her f or that because I could have been a victim of cyber bullying. What kids dont seem to understand is the ones who are doing the bullying it is so easy to sit at their computer and type the words not knowing what the other person that is being bullied is going through or feeling or expressions.So in closing I feel that where the correction starts on kids bulling is in the home and with the parents one on one always in the know. Sometimes its good to be the childs friend so they can always have a mom/dad to tell them when they are feeling angry, hostile or even being the one whos being hurt.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Middle Ages educations
Education is acquiring or imparting new knowledge and in any case an art of teaching. fondness Ages directions have different experience from Grecian pedagogics. Education in the Middle Ages most of the people were unable to read and write and showing deficiency of culture just now some of the children who belongs to the upper class were educated. The Monks taught the poor children on how to read and write a little. Grammar disciplines where reinforced for the middle class boys, and they worked long hours in the grammar school and the boys were beaten with rods or twigs as their bring of discipline.Middle age education is unfortunate for the reason that popular educational history books continue to recur errors and misstatements. During the middle age period monks were the teacher for learning to read and write Latin at the school for boys. Latin is the major language used by the church and bible. Literacy and learning were increasing and by fifteenth century students began to learn grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music.At that time wholeness-third of the population started to learn on how to read and write. During the Middle Ages, which were on the 5th to the 15th century, Christianity particularly Roman Catholic Church operated the parishes, monastery and chapels at the elementary level. Schools in monasteries and cathedrals offered secondary education while much of the teaching in these schools was directed at learning Latin, the sr. Roman language used by the church in its ceremonies and teachings. The church provided some limited opportunities for the education of women in religious communities of convents (History 2).The Greek Gods were much more down-to-earth and much less awesome than the foreign gods of the East. Because they were furnish with human qualities and represented aspects of the physical world, such as the sun, the moon, and the sea (Greek ). In Greek education ancient Greece girls learned skills f rom their mothers like weaving and only boys went to school at the age of seven. Girls learned fun and dancing for them to become fit and healthy mothers of more soldiers. And those who belong to a lavish family were accompanied by a slave and most of the time if they commit mistakes they were beaten. Discipline was very severeIn Sparta children were hardened very harshly. At the age of 7 boys were removed from their families and sent to live in barracks. They were treated in earnest to turn them into brave soldiers. They were deliberately kept short of food so they would have to steal-teaching them to stealth and cunning. They were whipped for more offenses. ( Lambert).The boys from Sparta became military cadets and learned the arts of war and joined the state militia which is a standing backup force available for duty in time of emergency in which also they served until they reached the age of sixty. Sparta also provided training for girls who went beyond the domestic arts, they are not forced to leave home like the boys but they have same training that of the boys.During the middle age education they used the classical learning for Christian used. There were two traditions of classical literature and philosophy which separated the classical world and were brought together in union by the church rearranged into another educational method that would be the standard of learning. The union of the literary and scientific world views in Christ was the contribution of Medieval Christianity. Their system which is called as the Trivium, make the cosmos of the seven liberal arts program which became universal through off the Middle Ages.In this period the Hebrew people continued to teach their children the ways of God and rejecting pagan culture. At the end of Middle Ages, indwelling knowledge became powerful and philosophy being discredited, where the connection between the theology and the sciences were separated. And man started to work out and draw close r to life that is religion independent.At the early 18th century charity schools were built in many towns and called as Blue Coat Schools based on the color of childrens uniforms. Boys from rich families were sent to grammar schools and the girls alleviate went to school but learning embroidery and music were more important for them. Until to the nineteenth century girls from upper class were taught by a governess. But the punishment in this period were still brutal, they included beatings and only less able pupils were humiliated by being forced to wear a dunces cap.In the early period, like those in Europe, consisted of one room where one teacher taught pupils from ages six to thirteen and sometimes older. The free education for all children were successfully implemented, educators focus their solicitude on how to attain quality education. In particular, significant in shaping new directions has been introduced which involves development of sharp skills, engaging in new diversi ty of human communities and global culture. The teacher-centered to learner-centered education instruction is highly emphasize and its new approaches to teaching and learning. There is a shift of teaching to a learning theoretical role model of instruction which is one process of transformation which is indeed the central point of great change during the present-day(a) times.The quality of education has been changing and modify. Although applications of techniques and theories where highly been practiced and exposure of students in facing the reality and its electrical condenser to resolve and exercise leadership and responsibility. Organized teaching techniques and theory applications were being practiced and realized. Teaching skills were improved as well as the students performance in each field. In present-day(a) education, learning strategies were given stress and reducing the into which degree of the others.Works CitedTim Lambert. A Brief History of Education. 1 April 200 8http// Ancient Greek Education.1 April 2008 http// Graham Ph.D. June 1993.Popular Education During the Middle Ages. 1 April 2008http//
Sunday, May 19, 2019
What Is Prp Health And Social Care Essay
For the foregone 30 old ages their clear been specializers of all natures associating to athleticss public presentation all(prenominal) second base good as athleticss rehabilitation with whatever valuable resorts in that location were out at that place. We are exactly get bolt down to farther survey these rules for bettering musculus, raise and tendon harm. The system of autlogious and recombinant var.s likewise are going an indispensable official document in handling more extend and never-say-die focus verbalise on the use of development factor outs and maximize professionaltein secernment to advance healing of the bone and tissue on a cellular spectrum. What should be evaluate is that a choice few may venture into the seek involved behind this comparatively freshly survey may see a steady slope of involvement on Platelet mammoth Plasma and by merchandises every human action good as be the graduation to acknowledge the do in hospital scenes, surgery centres , into outpatient, even into doctors offices such as Orthopedic clinics and more circumstantialally Sports practice of medicine associations. A concentration of autologous thrombocytes contains thrombocyte rich plasma and releases into the affected are superficially by dint of a procedure called ( degranulation ) at least seven different growing factors help excite bone besides use in soft tissue mending. This is done by shooting the organic construction with whole blood a procedure known as autologous blood barb ( ABI ) .and of deduction beginnings for our wellness for medical usage including wound mending while undergoing surgery, a really abundant signal known as tendinitis, cardiac attention, gristle reestablish, spinal surgery, and dental wellness every enactment good. PRP stimulates the foundations for fix and completes the rhythm of revascularization developed by a connective tissue base, so a food broadcast made up of epithelial cells rouse get down to migrate to the affected nation. After lesions spurt from surgery, epithelial coverings of open tissue and connective tissue, the development of corium are the basic mechanism that reduces leveling and provides a the maximal procedure of regeneration in normal skin pigmentation so that station artificer fix go away be accepted more cosmetically friendly. And for bone fix platelet-rich plasma ( PRP ) it can be added autogenously to cram or to a mixture for managing during surgery and minimising particulatar migration every s good as to add increased thrombocytes into the country where a peculiar outrage occurs. In certain instances affecting invasive fix of marijuana cigarettens, sinews, and li venturents, so the new option is to garner blood from the patient which is processed into PRP and so injected into a localised country to with the end of speed uping healing.PRP What Is It?The specialised atoms of PRP are more clearly be understood as thrombocytes that are little mononucleiat ed atoms in peripheral blood responsible for a figure of proteins, cytokines and separate bioactive elements used in modulating and handling lesion healing. A normal thrombocyte counts step in blood place setting is 150,000uL ( micro-liters ) to 350,000uL. Plasma is the unstable part of blood assorted with coagulating factors including proteins and ions. A thrombocyte count of 1,000,000uL peers every bit much as 5mL ofplasma, which in bend expresses the phenomenon behind the consequences in mending. The cytokines specifically sieveified as transforming growing factor, platelet-derived growing factor, insulin like growing factor, fibroblast growing factor, cuticular growing factor, vascular endothelial growing factor and endothelial cell growing factor ( Stanford University Medical Center- Anonymous ) . All these cytokines are all seen in biological ratios these bioactive factors contain heavy granules in thrombocytes making the dense coagulating substance needed to trip factors s uch as histamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, Dopastat and adenosine. The phases of lesion healing and major constituents are redness, proliferation and fix. The initial stage given the peculiar lawsuit of tissue hurt involves a stimulation of growing factors in the curdling shaping. Histamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine are used to increase blood flow and more specifically inflammatory cells a better entree pose for nearing redness. Adenosine receptors help allow cell adhesions in lesion healing. Platelet rich plasma can merely be made of antiocoagulated blood an add-on of citrate to whole blood to adhere the ionised Ca and suppressing coagulating rush. The material stairss involve two of import processs where whole blood removed from the patient is spun in a extractor, dividing the cells of the blood. The first centrifugation method is to divide the cerise and white blood cells from plasma and blood thrombocytes, as the white and ruddy blood cells are much larger than thrombocytes. The 2nd centrifugation is thought to insulate the thrombocytes more fortunately and slow able to divide the PRP from thrombocyte hapless plasma ( PPP ) . This microenvironment consequences in chemotaxis of inflammatory cells every bit good as the activation and proliferation of local primogenitor cells. In more or less instances, fibroblastic cicatrix tissue is formed. In some scenes, nevertheless, such as in a break callosity, these conditions can besides ease the formation of new bone tissue ( AAOS By Barbara D. Boyan, PhD Zvi Schwartz, DMD, PhD Thomas E. Patterson, PhD and George Muschler, MD ) Existing engineering enables the isolation every bit good as a concentrated value of the patient s ain thrombocytes. PRP homework is non entirely responsible for autogenic osteogenic cells save instead more significantly dependant of the presence of a local osteogenic population. The consequences are an increasing sum of osteoblastic cells and copiousness of matrix synthesis, PRP promote s fibroblastic growing, cicatrix formation every bit good as distinction.Role of MendingPRP is used chiefly for soft tissue hurts including sprains, strains, tendinitis, every bit good as bursitis. One valuable constituent to the handling and proper usage of PRP is the demand for apothegmatic ultrasound needle counsel. In order to be able to happen the exact location of the hurt site, a dynamic musculoskeletal ultrasound unit is used. The ultrasound provides a image of the deep tissues inside the organic structure in order to place the exact location required to see appointed consequences, the patient is prepared with a local anaesthetic by and large lidocane. The patient is so detect for 15-20 proceedingss in order to document immediate response to injection and so will be discharged. Because there may be uncomfortableness experienced the patient is advised to look for any symptoms associating to trouble or swelling at the site of injection for up to one hebdomad, patients are e ncouraged to frost the injection site, mention the limb, modify activity or more normally known as R.I.C.E ( remainder, ice, compaction and elevate ) . The administrating specializer using the injection of PRP requires a well-experienced doctor that non merely has a good apprehension and research behind the foundations of this stuff but must besides get the hang the rules involved in successful usage of the ultrasound acerate leaf. Prior to debut of the PRP stuff multiple holes need to be enforced to the injured sinew or Bursa in order to travel frontward with interpellation. PRP consequences province that approximately 20 % of the clip intervention may holdup to be repeated peculiarly if there is no most-valuable betterment over the following(prenominal) four hebdomads. Surprisingly any anti-inflammatory drugs are recommended to be avoided for the undermentioned four hebdomads of PRP application.Although the process is considered safe, possible side-effects could happen and pa tient should be cognizant of the followers Allergic reaction Infection Scar tissue formation Neurovascular hurt Calcification at the injection siteContraindications are specific conditions of the patient in which the intervention should non be used because it may conflict with a anterior or bing status. Contraindications for PRP include the undermentioned preexisting conditions Presence of a tumour Metastatic disease Active Infections maternal quality and/or active breastfeedingTreatment on musculuss and sinews ( most common hurts )By and large the usage in orthopaedic application for PRP is most normally associated with chronic tendinopathies, actue ligament hurts, musculus hurts and bone devolution. Tendons are structures that connect musculuss to the bone. any(prenominal) hurt or general wear and tear of the sinew causes an inflammatory status called tendinosis which frequently occurs in the cubitus, Achilles sinews, articulatio genus, and shoulder. The chronic tendinopathy in tervention will be a common intervention for sidelong epicondylitis who have had unsuccessful interventions including sensual therapy and Cortone Acetate injections. The terminal end is to obtain full scope of gesture working at the same time on beef uping with small to no hurting or former(a) residuary effects. An other(a) type of tendon hurt includes Achilles tendinopathy ( paratendinitis, paratendinitis with tendinosis, and pure tendinosis ) which is localized tendon redness every bit good as deficiency extensibility with the possible to wholly tear, by aiming and reconstructing utilizing tenocytes bring forthing an addition in collagen filaments. In the lower appendage a common sinew issue lies in the patellar tendinopathy most normally affecting the proximal bone and tendon junction or joint line. The ground for common dislocation in the patellar sinew is normally related to inordinate force or effectiveness in athletics or activity every bit good as proper footgear and or e quipment. The strength issues can be observed by factors such as musculus unstableness or failing which may do a sensitivity in activity particularly in jumping and film editing. A Dr. Mishra published positive consequences in patients with chronic cubitus tendinitis ( American Journal of Sports Medicine- 2006 ) . The shoulder is a different and more complex facet much more extended than the cubitus.This is an country where jobs can originate associating to rotator cuff hurts including instability, AC joint arthritis and even nervousnesss issues in the cervical spinal column such as a herniated cervical vertabrae. So to find the value of PRP in shoulders it will take more clip and many more surveies until we can find the forecast for PRP injections and their success. Several clinical sawboness are administrating this intervention in pattern where it allows the freedom to measure the advancement in patients, but other than physical therapy and modes such as ultrasound used to make m ore snap in the country and increase blood flow every bit good as ice and remainder but unlike the PRP injection there are few types of intervention that will diminish hurting and redness. That s why PRP is the following alternate measure in keeping maximal public presentation when physical demands are required in athletics or everyday activities. The most unproved country that requires more survey to endorse research is how PRP can be linked to cartilage Restoration which would take a large spring in Orthopaedics because these types of hurts are so prevelant in athletics. Articular gristle hurts and DJD degenerative articulation disease are more copiously researched in athleticss medical specialty and how it can match to the usage of PRP injections is a really influential subject and it has already posed a positive tally in athleticss medical specialty and orthopedic surgery imitating hyaline like tissue that integrates with similar gristle. demonstrate good consequences utiliz ing PRP in handling gristle lesions and regeneration by modulating cells, growing factors and protein synthesis the recovery for a peculiar type of gristle dislocation can be critical in returning to own sooner than subsequently.Influence in Sports medical specialty and jocksPRP therapy made athleticss headlines when Hines Ward sprained his median collateral ligament in his articulatio genusin the AFC Championship Game he so received a fluctuation of PRP therapy from the Steelers team doctor and two hebdomads subsequently when most had thought he would be shut down for the counterbalance of the season normally ensuing in four to six months of rehab and strength and conditioning, he could so sum up athletics, but when he went on to catch two of the biggest base on ballss in his profession in a Super Bowl triumph people took notice. After seeing Hines Ward return every bit rapidly as he did and be so productive the public oculus became intrigued by this recovery procedure and the extended research began. The general public perceives therapy effectiveness more favourably when pro jocks are able to return to feature with a quicker recovery clip than standard protocols draw out and since they are on such a big platform where a said jock could hold a diagnosings that requires several months or what could be a partial sum of the season and is choke off merely hebdomads subsequently, everyone wants to hold an chance to obtain such intervention from your recreational jock to your 9-5 occupational person. Peoples such as Hines Ward, Tiger Woods and Troy Polamalu are merely a few ace jocks that are relied on to execute at the highest degree and who have attributed their patterned advance and recovery to PRP. Star athlete disbursals of class non straight out of pocket can do upward to 10s of 1000000s of dollars and that may travel unnoticed when researching the options of intervention for recovery. The concern facet of pro athleticss has as of late brought on a over plus of illegal substances in order to hike athletic public presentation. The likes of Tiger Woods even explored this comparatively new signifier of recovery and had a PRP injection in his articulatio genus in order to vie in a major tourney that is on such a large spectrum that merely the fact entirely that he was nt forced to lose anytime off from the athletics following surgery rose inquiries rivals and athleticss authors likewise began go arounding darkinformation, that blood spinning was being confused with blood doping. Even claiming that PRP involved being injected with calf or animate being blood and PRP was in some manner related or had the same rules bodied with HGH ( human growing endocrine ) . Thankfully Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta cleared up any inquiry sing the PRP in jocks and the legal issues environing it in a section about Tiger Woods existent usage associating to PRP usage. And most late jocks such as John Daly ( professional golf player ) , Joakim Noah ( professional hoops participant ) , Brandon Roy ( professional hoops participant ) , Blake Griffin ( professional hoops participant ) , James Blake ( professional tennis participant ) and Cliff Lee ( professional baseball participant pitcher in game 1 of the World Series this twelvemonth ) all among the persons of injured jocks who received PRP for assorted hurts. The building thespian with terrible Achilles sinew issues suppressing them from returning to work is an implicit in issue for the support that PRP research is having and in actuality merely as an athlete returns to feature that he may be able to return back to work. The instructor who is invariably on their pess all twenty-four hours and life with creaky hurting in his/her articulatio genuss likely sing traveling on disablement or even other options for a calling does non necessitate to settle and without holding to hold a process done most and by and large treated with a entire articulatio genus athroplasty. PRP benef its include the chance to salvage occupations and return patients back to day-to-day activities and better lives non merely amongst high profile jocks but occupational hurts as good.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Succubus Shadows Chapter 8
Knowing Carter was on the job with Sim peerless make me receive mildly better, precisely there was mostthing active him that al counselings unnerved me when it came to exercise mint and, well, my love life in general. He was too inte be. Id gotten used to an angel hanging out with my friends, besides nearlytimes I wondered if I was being lulled into nearly kind of trick. Heaven had its own agenda, estimable as we did, and their motives were often harder to figure out.I had a morning shift the succeeding(a) day. It passed by easily until Doug delivered some bad news to me about ten minutes before I was waiver to ply.Cant go with you this night, Kincaid.I looked up from my spreadsheet in disbelief. What?He shrugged, hovering near the door to my office. Hed had the same shift as me today, and I had a feeling he was give outing me at the end to save himself from hours of anger. Kind of like how people who stand by fired are told at the end of the day on Friday.Theres thi s girl I metand I cant rightfully turn down the chance to go out with her. Oh, man. Shes smokin. Shes got this body that I dont study the details, I interrupted. Cant you just behave her instead of me? Cody was chokeing to confide up into this ideahell be really down if it gets canceled.No need to cancel. Just go without me. I couldnt bring her instead of you Cody needs you.I groaned. Yeah, solely the safety of a group is gone, and I become the third wheel.Find someone else to go, then.It was then that Maddie appeared beside her brother. She was relieving him for the next shift. Go where?My next words made me cringe, but I did non urgency to go alone with Cody and Gabrielle. Do you pauperism to go to a, um, metal concert tonight? At least having another woman a recollective would knock off the double date insinuations.This clearly wasnt an invite that shed been expecting. WellI would, except Ive got to close, and then Im supposed to determine a friend. I had serious dou bts about the I would part and this so-called friend. Metal was not Maddies scene. She curtly brightened. You cope what? You should bring hardening.Iwhat? I asked.Mortensen? asked Doug, sounding as baffled as me.I dont count on thats his thing, I said uneasily. I knew for a fact it wasnt.Yeah, agreed Doug. Probably not a satisfactory idea.I hid a frown at Dougs words. With as lots as he wanted to get out of this and see his smokin woman, I figured hed be willing to push anyone off on me.Maddie was oblivious. No, really. Hes been cooped up for weeks with the book, and I think itd be good for him to go out. I think the wedding stuff is stressing him out.Yeah, that made two of us. Oh, I dont want to, um, push him outside of his comfort zone, I said lamely.She laughed. Like I said, itd be good for him. Ill go ask him now.She was gone before either Doug or I could protest. several(prenominal) mo handsts of silence hung between us. Well, he said at last. She can talk him into almost anything. I gibe youre set.I guess so. He walked off, and I found it intriguing that neither of us was excited about this prospect. It drove home the double date thing even more and in like manner made me feel guilty about Maddies blind trust. On the bright side kind of I supposed it would take some balls for Simone to crash the concert and continue her seduction of Seth.As Doug had predicted, Maddie did indeed convince Seth to go. It was a late show, and the four of us had agreed to meet outside the club around 1030 so that I could distribute our tickets. Once we were all there, I glanced at the three faces before me, try to decide whether it was all comical or pathetic. Seth was doing the averting-his-eyes thing, clearly uncomfortable that Maddie had pushed him into this. Cody was paler than usual for a lamia and looked ready to bolt at any moment. In fact, I wouldnt have been surprised if some(prenominal) men teamed up to formulate an escape plan. Gabrielle was the only o ne who looked excited to be there, her eyes alight and eager.She was also the only one really dressed for the scene, all in foreboding(a), with her hair spiked up and composing done to dramatic levels. Cody and Seth wore their usual street clothes, and Id dressed somewhere in the middle black jeans and a black bustier top, adorned with heavy silver jewelry. It was clearly too designer for this place, however.Thanks so much for letting me come along with you guys, she said. I didnt know any of you liked Blue Satin bra.Whats not to like? asked Seth, face innocent.I kept my eyes away from him because I had a feeling Id start grinning. I handed out the tickets, and we headed inside, surrounded by a crowd that I decided Id want on my side if I was ever in a street brawl.We managed to snag a high-top table in the natural covering. It meant standing the exclusively time, but at least we had a surface to target our glasses on. Offer to buy her a drink, I hissed to Cody. The nice thin g about playing Cyrano to a vampire was that his enhanced hearing meant I could keep my translator far below levels that Gabrielle could pick up. The randomness in the room even before the band started also promoteed the covert nature of all this.Cody dutifully obeyed, and when Gabrielle started to dig out cash, he assured her the first round was on him. The smile she gave him seemed to boost his self-assertion as he headed off.Seth leaned toward my ear. He stood on the opposite side of me from Gabrielle, and she was too entranced by the sights to even notice us. This might be crazy ample to work, he murmured.Dont get carried away, I reacted bet on, onerous not to think of his proximity. The night is young. Any number of wacky mishaps might ensue.He smiled. Those are your specialty, arent they?Unfortunately, yes.Cody returned with the drinks, earning more approval from Gabrielle. She wasnt showing any romantic attraction to him whatsoever, but at least she knew he was aliv e. patch I still stood firm that he shouldnt overdo the vampire/Goth thing, I realized we were firing to have to work hard to get past the ordinary facade she saw.Talk to her, I told him. Hed slipped back to his place between me and Gabrielle. Once they start, its probably going to be impossible.What do I say?Seth, overhearing, leaned crossways me, and I wished Id covered up more skin. His arm brushing up against me sent thrills through my body. shoot her if shes ever seen them live before, Seth said. If she says no, tell her about this one time you saw them atI dont know. A private party. If she says yes, ask her what she thought.Cody gave an uneasy nod. He leaned toward her, and while I only caught bits and pieces of the conversation, she grew animated as she spoke. I leaned back to Seth.When did you become an expert in dating advice? I asked incredulously.Its what ONeill would do.I scoffed. Youre using fictionalization to further Codys love life?Life imitates art, and art imi tates life.That statement is ridiculous. And, you know, Ive never really seen you utilize that advice.Well, thats ONeills advice. I have lots of characters I can draw from.Funny, I dont remember any introverted, stammering writers in your books.I dont stammer, he said defensively though there was a smile under his words. Besides, maybe therell be someone like that in the new series.Ooh, I said, pesky his melodrama. Whats with the maybe? I thought you had the premise for this whole fantastic new thing figured out.I do. But it can always be amend along the way.Introvert authors improve e actuallything.Damn straight.Laughing, I remembered that I should have been helping Cody, but he was talking to Gabrielle on his own, which I took as a positive sign. I turned back to Seth. So does this mean youve figured out the ending to Cady and ONeill?No. He still held his good humor, despite a small frown on his brow. One of these days, Ill have to His words were cut off when the eardrum-split ting screech of a guitar ripped through the room. Blue Satin Bra had come onstage while I was talking (flirting?) with Seth. I dislike stereotypes, but truthfully they looked like what youd expect from an all-guy metal band. Black clothing, piercings, and hair that ran in extremes shaved or super long. The one thing that differentiated them was, well, the fact that they were wearing blue satin demi bras over their clothes.Even to a higher place the deafening music that followed, I could hear Gabrielle shrieking, Oh my God Her face was ecstatic, and when Cody said something to her, she lit up further and nodded eagerly at the band. My guess was whether it was true or not he was reaffirming how awesome they were.The music laboured Seth and me to lean close in order to talk. You know, he said, Im pretty sure the bass player stuffed his bra.Nah, I teased back. Its a push-up bra, so it just seems that way. They do amazing things for cleavage.All things considered, Blue Satin Bra was nt that bad. Metal might not be my front-runner music, but I was still open to a lot of types. The setting and craziness that ensued throughout the night gave Seth and me lots of material to joke over. We were both in really good moods when the show finally ended and we walked out with Gabrielle and Cody.That was awesome, she exclaimed. Thank you so much for sharing the tickets.No problem, I said. My ears were ringing, and I wasnt sure if I was still shouting.I think that was the better(p) show Ive ever seen, said Cody nobly.Gabrielle clutched his sleeve, and his eyes widened. I know Which was your favorite song?Silence.Mine was that one were they kept saying My Armageddon scales will burn your post office, said Seth deadpan.Oh, yeah. Thats one of their greatest, she said. Its called Plywood Fuck.Thats my favorite too, said Cody. I somehow doubted hed heard any of the music tonight. His senses were all on Gabrielle.Perfectly in sync, Seth and I glanced at each other and exchanged secret smiles, both of us entertained at Codys love. I wasnt as far gone as he was, but when our group finally split up, I found myself walking on air too.Interesting night, Roman told me when we got home. Hed been along in spy mode. I think Cody might actually have a chance.Maybe, I said. Hes clearly smitten, but she only seems mildly interested. In a friendly way, though.Roman rummaged through the kitchen and poured himself a bowl of comfortable Ch blazonry. Hes not the only one whos smitten.I sighed and collapsed onto the couch. Let it go, okay? We all know Im a long ways from getting over Seth.Roman gave me a sly look. I wasnt talking about you.I stared at him for a moment, my vodka-addled brain toilsome to make sense of his words. Waityoure talking about Seth? Hes over me.Oh my God, Georgina. Could you be any more delusional?Hes getting married.That means nothing. If it did, guys wouldnt catch chlamydia at their bach parties.But he does love Maddie. And no matter what you t hink about his feelings, hell be out of my pertain once theyre married.The fact that theyre dating means he should already be out of your reach but past evidence shows thats not true.I scowled and kicked off my shoes. Dont bring that up. I feel bad enough and so does he. If youre just going to taunt me, then Im going to bed.But to my surprise, Roman didnt wear that mocking look that had become so typical for him since returning to Seattle. His eyes were serious, his expression almost concerned. Im not trying to taunt you. Im just stating the facts. No matter what happens, you and Seth cant seem to stay away from each other. You should put in a transfer request.What, out of Seattle? I asked incredulously. I love it here.Youll learn to love some other place. Honestly, its the only way youre going to be able to move on the only way either of you can move on. Youre in a situation where you see him every day tonight being a prime example. He broke up with you, and then you broke u p with him for some greater good kind of goal. But if you keep hanging around each other, it wont matter. Youll never heal. Youre just going to get your nubble ripped out every day.I was so stunned that I couldnt even respond for several seconds. The old taunt danced in my head circles and circles. Iwhy do you say that? wherefore do you care?Because I already see it happening every day. You are getting your heart ripped out over and over, and it kills me to watch it happen.Again, I fell speechless for a moment. I thoughtI thought you hated me. I thought you wanted to destroy me.He finished his cereal and set the bowl down. I didnt have the will to shoo the cats away. I dont hate you, Georgina, he said wearily. Am I upset about what happened to Helena? Absolutely. Am I upset about you lying about loving me? Yes. Do I want some kind of revenge? Maybe. Honestly, my feelings change from day to day. some days I do want something awful to happen to you. Some dayswell, I know you did wh at you did out of some misguided sense ofI dont know. You thought you were doing the right thing.I wanted to tell him that I had loved him, in a way. But that probably wouldnt be useful right now. Well, reflection this Seth drama unfold is probably giving you lots of material when it comes to something awful happening to me.No, he said, with a weary head shake. I dont like this. Like I said, Id rather see you leave and start a new life. Every time I see you now, its likeits like watching you die. Over and over.I stood up, suddenly wanting to sleep. Yeah, I said softly. Thats kind of what it feels like. I hesitated. Thanks for listening. And understanding.Anytime, he said.This also caught me by surprise. Somewhere in these last few crazy months, I realized, Roman and I had become friends again. I hate to ask you this, but, well, Im not doing a very good job with retentiveness an upbeat mood tonight. Would you He rose as well. Yup. Ill watch you sleep. If you can handle the creepy factor.Its an acceptable trade, I said with a smile. Thanks.And maybe it was the vodka, but I stepped forward and hugged him. He was stiff for a moment, clearly caught off guard, but then he relaxed and wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head against his chest, taking small comfort in someone warm and alive who wasnt a stranger. He smelled like I remembered, the clean, sharp scent of his cologne surrounding me in a way very different from Seths woodsy smell.I was just thinking I should pull away when a voice asked, Am I interrupting anything?I jerked away from the embrace and found Carter standing in the living room, arms crossed and one eyebrow arched. Roman seemed equally flustered and took a few steps back as well, getting as far away from me as he could.Dont you ever knock? I asked.Not sure youd answer, said Carter good-naturedly. Especially with the news Ive got.I groaned. That was fast. Does it have to do with Simone?He nodded. timid so. She met up with Seth again.
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