Thursday, August 27, 2020
Cheese report :: essays research papers
String Cheese Spot of Origin: Although nibble size sticks of mozzarella are presently sold under this name, genuine string cheddar started in Syria, and frequently arrives in an interlaced rope. The flavor is like mozzarella, yet saltier. Fixings: String cheddar is generally produced using Mozzarella cheddar. The fixings used to make Mozzarella cheddar comprises of: purified part-skimmed dairy animals' milk with starter societies, catalysts, and salt. It can likewise come in smoked and unsmoked forms, regularly with garlic and onion included. Techniques for Making: String cheddar is fundamentally produced using mozzarella cheddar. The main distinction is it’s formed instead of expelled, yet in any case the cheeses are fundamentally the same as. Mozzarella is made with purified part-skimmed dairy animals' milk with starter societies, compounds, and salt. Maturing of Curing Time: String cheeses are local items, which are sold as new cheddar without maturing. String cheddar has a place in the Italian classification of ‘pasta filata’, for which the run of the mill methodology includes a warmth treatment of a cheddared curd at temperatures between 65-70 °C. Such cheddar is frequently produced using un-purified milk with high acridity; the warmth treatment of the curd guarantees that the cheddar is protected to eat and for the most part has a time span of usability of a little while whenever kept in appropriate cold stockpiling. Smoked String cheddar has drawn out time span of usability because of the additive impact of smoking. Portrayal of Cheese: Sting cheddar has is light yellow/white with a smooth surface. It is generally barrel shaped, around 6 inches in length and under 1 inch in breadth. It has a pleasantly gentle flavor with practically no scent or lingering flavor. Utilizations: It is about consistently mozzarella yet can be another semi-delicate cheddar. String cheddar is eaten by pulling "strings" of cheddar from the chamber along its length and eating these strings. It is viewed as a â€Å"snack food.†It is likewise known to be added to servings of mixed greens and pizzas. Legitimate Storage: Soft cheeses ruin rapidly and must be refrigerated until utilized. To forestall drying out, cheddar ought to be painstakingly secured with a wet fabric, waxed paper or foil. At whatever point conceivable, the first covering or spread ought to be left on the cheddar. This cheddar may likewise be solidified, yet this may make the cheddar become dry and brittle. The cheddar ought to be bundled in little pieces gauging a pound or less and utilized as not long after defrosting as could reasonably be expected. Fascinating Information: Cheddar may come in first, however Mozzarella is next in line with regards to per capita utilization in the U.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Discussions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Conversations - Essay Example Newsweek deciphers Obama’s aim as: I will go just on the off chance that we can win; I dont need to be captured losing. Copenhagen was to have been the most significant universal gathering after Kyoto, since it was relied upon to deliver a bargain refreshing the objectives set during that prior meeting. It will be reviewed that the Kyoto Protocol is a universal natural bargain received in December of 1997 and which went into power in February of 2005. The Protocol called for industrialized nations to lessen their ozone depleting substance emanations by 5.2% from their 1990 levels. Today, 187 nations have marked and sanctioned the convention. Essentially, the main industrialized country on the planet who unyieldingly will not sign the settlement is that nation liable for 36.1% of world outflows †the United States of America. What is one to think about this, aside from America’s obvious lack of engagement later on for the world condition? Absolutely, its significance isn't lost on the upgraded US President, see that he made environmental change a foundation of his battle stage. From the new President’s incitations and feeble reasons, it shows up this was all empty talk, and that in this extraordinary nation, the government assistance of people in the future has just lost to political plan, egotistical financial interests, and the longing to abstain from being â€Å"photographed losing.†The Presidency of the United States used to remain as an image of principled administration despite worldwide dangers, as the USA used to be a guide of all that is correct and acceptable in a dull, abusive world. When Obama gets captured accepting his Nobel prize in vain specifically, he ought to recall that as of late another American democrat got his Nobel for battling against a worldwide temperature alteration. He ought to likewise understand that, picture upgrading or not, it is his obligation not just as his nation’s
Friday, August 21, 2020
Sample of Art from Sculptures
Sample of Art from SculpturesMany undergraduate art programs require the students to complete a sample of art from sculptures. This type of art will be on display to the student in a real world setting. A student will be able to see this type of art work as well as hear the opinions of the people who have created it.Students will also learn about different types of art that are on display. They can ask for permission to use any of their art in their essay or even include the sample in their portfolio. Art pieces that they create will serve as supplementary materials when writing an essay. This type of art can be used by students in their thesis essays as well as the project papers.The sample of art from art sculpture that is created will be displayed on display in galleries and museums as well as online. The students will be able to view the piece at all times. Students should be careful when selecting a place to display their samples. The idea is to create an exhibition that is suit able for the people who will be viewing it. Not all places have the right equipment to showcase their art.This type of art will be shown at galleries that focus on art and can help students learn about the process of creating such art as well as the process by which art is created. Students can choose from a wide variety of artists. There are even artists who create art sculptures that are specific to certain cities.A student should ask to see the samples of art before purchasing one for themselves. The selection of the artist and the type of art will determine the price. Some artists do not offer the types of materials that other artists do. Therefore, students should be sure to find a gallery that is as close to the type of art that they want.Selection of the artist is an important aspect of an essay. If the students choose incorrectly, they may end up with a piece that is of poor quality. This will affect the student's performance when writing the essay. They will need to careful ly consider the type of art before they purchase one.The samples of art will be displayed in different places. Students will have to find out the location of the exhibit. Most likely, the student will get this information from the teacher who assigned them the essay. Students should be prepared when selecting a place to display their samples of art.As the student explores their possible sources of samples of art, they will become more familiar with how to select the best ones for their essay. They should then make sure that they get the information in order to complete their essay. The samples of art will help students understand the process of making art and will help them understand the process of selling art as well.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Cover Sheet For Submission Of A Work For Assessment
Cover sheet for submission of work for assessment UNIT DETAILS Unit name Fundamentals of Marketing Class day/time Wednesday / 2.30pm Office use only Unit code MKT10007 Assignment no. 1 Due date Friday 19th August Name of lecturer/teacher Mr Gordon Campbell Tutor/marker’s name Ms Shamain Wickramasinghe Faculty or school date stamp STUDENT(S) Family Name(s) Given Name(s) Student ID Number(s) (1) Kushani Gunawardana 100028905 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) DECLARATION AND STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP 1. I/we have not impersonated, or allowed myself/ourselves to be impersonated by any person for the purposes of this assessment. 2. This assessment is my/our original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source†¦show more content†¦Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited. Student signature/s I/we declare that I/we have read and understood the declaration and statement of authorship. (1) Kushani (4) (2) (5) (3) (6) ________________________________________ Further information relating to the penalties for plagiarism, which range from a formal caution to expulsion from the University is contained on the Current Students website at Copies of this form can be downloaded from the Student Forms web page at PAGE 1 OF 1 1.0 Introduction to the Report This report demonstrate how Kraft cheese cheddar behave to impress consumer decisions to purchase using the Marketing Mix strategy. This report also clarify and investigate the current brand environment and the reliability of the Marketing Mix. The Marketing Mix contain four Ps and Brand position is the area that live in the customer’s mind. This report discuss the purchase at the Woolworths super market in Roxburgh Park on 8/11/2016. 2. Analysis of the Marketing Mix and the Brand Positioning 2.1 The product and the product category The Kraft cheese cheddar product is a cheese; a cheddar has more flavour and it is hard. This product go with the ‘savoury spread’ category. 2.2 The 4Ps 2.2.1
Friday, May 15, 2020
Tarantulas Rarely Bite (And Other Facts About the Friendly Spiders)
Tarantulas are the giants of the spider world, well known for their conspicuous size and their common appearance in movies as evil forces. Many people flinch in horror at the sight of them. These big, beefy spiders strike fear in the hearts of arachnophobes everywhere, but in fact, tarantulas are some of the least aggressive and dangerous spiders around. 1. Tarantulas are quite docile and rarely bite people A tarantula bite to a human is typically no worse than a bee sting in terms of toxicity. Symptoms from most species range from local pain and swelling to stiffness of joints. However, tarantula bites can be lethal to birds and some mammals. 2. Tarantulas defend themselves by throwing needle-like hairs at their attackers If a tarantula does feel threatened, it uses its hind legs to scrape barbed hairs (called urticating or stinging hairs) from its abdomen and flick them in the direction of the threat. Youll know it if they hit you, too, because they cause a nasty, irritating rash. Some people may even suffer a serious allergic reaction as a result, especially if the hairs come in contact with their eyes. The tarantula pays a price, tooâ€â€it winds up with a noticeable bald spot on its belly. 3. Female tarantulas can live 30 years or longer in the wild Female tarantulas are famously long-lived. In captivity, some species have been known to live for over 30 years. Males, on the other hand, dont live very long once they reach sexual maturity, with a lifespan of just three to 10 years on average. In fact, males dont even molt once they reach maturity. 4. Tarantulas come in a wide variety of colors, shapes, and sizes Colorful tarantulas that can be kept as pets include the Mexican red knee tarantula (Brachypelma smithi), the Chilean rose tarantula (Grammastola rosea), and the pink-toed tarantula (Aricularia avicularia). The largest tarantula known on Earth is the goliath bird eater (Theraphosa blondi), which is fairly fast-growing and can reach a weight of four ounces and a leg span of nine inches. The smallest is the endangered spruce-fir moss spider (Microhexura montivaga); it grows to a maximum size of one-fifteenth of an inch, or about the size of a BB pellet. 5. Tarantulas ambush small prey at night Tarantulas dont use webs to capture prey; instead, they do it the hard wayâ€â€by hunting on foot. These stealthy hunters sneak up on their prey in the dark of night. Smaller tarantulas eat insects, while some of the larger species hunt frogs, mice, and even birds. Like other spiders, tarantulas paralyze their prey with venom, then use digestive enzymes to turn their meal into a soupy liquid. Tarantula venom is made up of a species-specific mix of salts, amino acids, neurotransmitters, polyamines, peptides, proteins, and enzymes. Because these toxins are hugely varied across species, they have become a target for scientific research for potential medical uses. 6. A fall can be fatal to a tarantula Tarantulas are rather thin-skinned creatures, particularly around the abdomen. Even a fall from a height of less than a foot can cause a deadly rupture of the exoskeleton. The heaviest species are the most susceptible to damage from drops. For this reason, handling a tarantula is never recommended. Its easy for you to get spookedâ€â€or, even more likely, for the tarantula to get spooked. What would you do if a huge, hairy spider started squirming in your hand? Youd probably drop it, and quickly. If you must handle a tarantula, either let the animal walk onto your hand or pick the spider up directly with cupped hands. Never handle a tarantula during or near the time of her molt, an annual period that can last up to a month. 7. Tarantulas have retractable claws on each leg, like cats Since falls can be so dangerous for tarantulas, its important for them to get a good grip when theyre climbing. Though most tarantulas tend to stay on the ground, some species are arboreal, meaning they climb trees and other objects. By extending special claws at the end of each leg, a tarantula can get a better grasp of whatever surface it is attempting to scale. For this reason, it is best to avoid mesh tops for tarantula tanks, because the spiders claws can get caught in them. 8. Though tarantulas dont spin webs, they do use silk Like all spiders, tarantulas produce silk, and they put it to use in clever ways. Females use silk to decorate the interior of their underground burrows, and the material is thought to strengthen the earthen walls. Males weave silken mats on which to lay their sperm. Females encase their eggs in silken cocoons. Tarantulas also use silk trap lines near their burrows to alert themselves to potential prey, or to the approach of predators. Scientists have discovered that tarantulas can produce silk with their feet in addition to using spinnerets as other spiders do. 9. Most tarantulas wander around during the summer months During the warmest months of the year, sexually mature males begin their quest to find a mate. Most tarantula encounters occur during this period, as males often disregard their own safety and wander around during daylight hours. Should he find a burrowing female, a male tarantula will tap the ground with his legs, politely announcing his presence. This suitor is a good source of much-needed protein for the female, and she may try to eat him once hes presented her with his sperm. 10. Tarantulas can regenerate lost legs Because tarantulas molt throughout their lives, replacing their exoskeletons as they grow, they have the ability to repair any damage theyve sustained. Should a tarantula lose a leg, a new one will reappear the next time it molts. Depending on the tarantulas age and the length of time before its next molt, the regenerated leg may not be quite as long as the one it lost. Over successive molts, the leg will gradually get longer until it reaches its normal size again. Tarantulas will sometimes eat their detached legs as a way to recycle protein.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Unions, Bad for America - 685 Words
Unionism, Bad for America Unionism is the concept that traditionally business, especially big businesses are inherently going to exploit their employees. Therefore, in order to protect themselves, the workers form organizations called unions, in which all laborers who work at a certain craft, or in a certain industry band together. By this process of â€Å"joining forces†, the unions gain power in numbers. Unions traditionally try to protect employee interests by negotiating with employers for wages and benefits, working hours, and better working conditions. Unions have been around for a long time. The first recorded union was in 1792, when shoemakers in Philadelphia met to consider matters of common interest. This earliest form of†¦show more content†¦Sometimes unions encourage people to boycott products from an industry or company. Managers can bring in strikebreakers, who work, but are not a part of the union. They can also use a lockout, which means that the management just locks the employees out, until they agree to the terms of the contract that the management draws up. Unions in America today have grown smaller and smaller in the past 30 years. There are many reasons for this. The major one is that industries in other countries that are non-union have much cheaper labor costs, and therefore can offer products and materials at a much lower price than our US union-run, high wage cost factories. â€Å"During the 1970s and 1980s, a fifth of large unionized companies in the United States went bankrupt, unable to compete against companies with lower wage costs.†(Rachman, 308) Unions do provide a lot of good services to its members, such as higher wages, better hours, more benefits, and safer working conditions. There is a price to pay for these services, though. Every union requires its members to pay dues, whether they are in the form of a percentage of each paycheck, or a flat rate. The money form dues goes towards lobbying politicians to pass union-friendly legislation, or better labor laws. The money also finances officers in the union organization, who are the ones calling the shots, as far as labor negotiations are concerned. The fact that unions improve working conditions, wages andShow MoreRelatedPresident Ronald Reagan was the Great Communicator654 Words  | 3 Pagescareers including lifeguard, movie star, union leader, and politician. He held office from January 1981 to January 1989. Never in history has there been a president with his kind of background. Reagan saw America as a good place he believed in balanced budgets but never submitted one. He hated nuclear weapons but built so many. He would wright checks to poor people but cut benefits from many billionaires. He united the nation with patriotism. But his vision of America pushed away many people. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Pendulum Lab Essay Sample free essay sample
AbstractionPurpose: To carry on an experiment to turn out the giving up support distance is straight relative to the period. Consequences:vitamin D ( m ) | Time for 20 Oscillations ( s ) | Time for 1 Oscillation T ( s ) |T2 ( s2 ) | d3 ( M2 ) x 10-3| | 1| 2| 3| Average| | | |0. 24| 31. 50| 31. 47| 31. 44| 31. 47| 1. 57| 2. 46| 13. 8| 0. 21| 31. 0| 30. 97| 31. 09| 31. 02| 1. 55| 2. 41| 9. 2|0. l8| 30. 56| 30. 69| 30. 69| 30. 65| 1. 53| 2. 35| 5. 8|0. 15| 30. 44| 30. 37| 30. 20| 30. 34| 1. 52| 2. 30| 3. 4|0. 12| 30. 16| 30. 19| 30. 22| 30. 19| 1. 51| 2. 28| 1. 7|0. 09| 30. 00| 30. 00| 29. 96| 29. 99| 1. 50| 2. 25| 0. 7| Interpretation: The lab was a success because it was proven that as length was of the length of the giving support decreased. the period besides decreased. A cause of mistake was due to human reaction clip. Although 20 oscillations were counted. the individual keeping the stop watch might hold stopped msecs before or after. hence doing the values to be somewhat off. For this ground. an norm was taken to increase truth. This could be prevented if the individual who is numbering the oscillations besides times them themselves. Aims1. To carry on a lab experiment for the oscillations of a pendulum with a giving support 2. investigate the simple pendulum3. To turn out that the distance ( m ) is straight relative to period. We will write a custom essay sample on Pendulum Lab Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page TheoryTheory provinces that T and vitamin Ds are related by the equation: T2 = kd3+ ( 4?2 cubic decimeter ) /g where g is the acceleration of free autumn and K is a changeless. Apparatus and Material:1. Stop clock2. Hacksaw blade3. Stringing4. Pendulum5. Clamps keeping blade6. Table Procedure/Method1. The length of the twine keeping the British shilling was recorded 2. The clip taken for the pendulum to finish 20 oscillations was found and recorded. 3. The place of the home base was adjusted and the old measure was repeated 3 times for 6 different distances. 4. An norm was found based on these 3 values. 5. Valuess for T2 and d3 were calculated. Results/data Analysis/ Discussion The norm was taken to increase truth = ( 31. 50+31. 47+31. 44 ) 3 = 94. 413 = 31. 47s The clip for one oscillation was found by spliting the sum of oscillations ( 20 ) done by the clip taken for them= 31. 4720 = 1. 57s The taking 2 points from the graph. ( 11. 8 ten 10-3. 2. 45 ) . ( 7 x 10-3. 2. 36 ) Gradient= y2- y1x2- x1 = 2. 45-2. 361. 8 x10-3-7 x10-3 = 0. 090. 0048 = 18. 75m/s The Y intercept occurs when the X is equal to 0 and the line cuts the y- axis. hence the y- intercept is 2. 23s The graph showed the relationship between both the distance and the clip period. Calculations were done to find the value of the changeless K and g which is the acceleration utilizing the length. l. of the twine attached to the pendulum utilizing the equation: T2 = kd3+4?2lg when cubic decimeter is 0. 5m. In order to happen the g. a point on the graph was substituted back into the equation to work out for it: When Y = 2. 23s. x= 0 T2 = kd3+4?2lgThe equation is similar to y= mx + degree Celsius Where y = 2. 23s. x = 0. c= 4?2lg ( cubic decimeter = 0. 5m ) m= 18. 75m Equation = T2 = kd3+4?2lgwork outing for g= 2. 23 = 18. 75 ( 0 ) + 4?2 ( 0. 5 ) g= 2. 23 = 2?2g=2. 23g = 19. 74g = 19. 742. 23 = 8. 85ms-1Gravity was calculated to be 8. 85ms-1The per centum mistake was calculated by utilizing the expression: % mistake = Â ± . 5mmvalue of vitamin D x 100. 500 = 0. 24m 0. 5mm to meters= 0. 0005m % mistake = Â ± 0. 00050. 24 ten 100= Â ± 0. 0021 ten 100 = 0. 21 % The value of k. when compared to the equation of the consecutive line. is equal to the gradient. m. hence K is equal to18. 75m. Since the acceleration. g. was found to be 8. 89ms-1 it can be seen that an mistake occurred whereas gravitation to a free autumn is said to be 9. 81ms-1. As declared antecedently we can state that this mistake was caused due to the reaction clip of the individual entering the 20 oscillations. Question 7. 1 Since T = 2secs and fifty = 1mBy utilizing the expression T2 = kd3+4?2lg where T2 = 4. k=18. 75. l= 1m. g= 8. 85ms-1 the gradient. m. is 18. 75.Substitute ( 2 ) 2 = 18. 75d3+ 4?2 ( 1 ) 8. 85* 4 = 18. 75d3 + 4. 46 =4 – 4. 46 = 18. 75d3 = d3= -0. 4618. 75 = -0. 025 d3 = -0. 025 500 = 3-0. 025 = -0. 29 vitamin D = 0. 29m 7. 2 With the length vitamin D increasing the clip and angle for a period will besides increase which will ensue in the demand of more infinite for doing its oscillations.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
War of the Worlds by HG Wells Essay Example For Students
War of the Worlds by HG Wells Essay HG Wells wrote the novel War of the Worlds in 1898, he based this novel entirely on the future ahead of the nineteenth century because people were discovering new things rapidly and the world was beginning to change at the end of that era. HG Wells wanted to show the world what the future could be like and that technology was growing quicker than before. In 1938, an American radio broadcaster publicized War of the Worlds in a drama show. The first two thirds of the 60-minute broadcast were presented as a series of simulated news bulletins, which suggested to many listeners that an actual Martian invasion was in progress. If listeners had not heard the beginning of the show, they would have believed that it was a realistic situation where there was a great chance of becoming worried. Adding to the problem, was the fact that it was narrated in news bulletins which continuously interrupted an opera program, This caused panic all over USA and it took hours to resolve the distress. We will write a custom essay on War of the Worlds by HG Wells specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The novel was classified as science-fiction because it was constantly referring to the technology of these Martians and the future of life on earth. HG Wells was one of the first authors to kick start science fiction into a recognizable genre. The novel has been said to have influenced Roland Emmerichs Independence Day, George Lucas Imperial Walkers and of course War of the Worlds itself, a recent film by Steven Spielberg which was based on the actual story HG Wells is an expert when it comes to creating tension with words. He is most famous for creating a dramatic effect of horror which he does consistently through War of the Worlds in places where the reader feels as though it is a real situation. There are many different techniques needed which HG Wells uses in his novel such as lots of adjectives and adverbs, alliteration, repetition and onomatopoeia. In the beginning extract, HG Wells shows the reader the horror, alarm and revulsion which is being displayed by the characters in the scene. This puts the reader in a terrified situation as suspense is being built up through the extract. Straight away, the reader is hit by the fact that a man has been pushed into the crater and he is panicking. Wells uses the phrase scramble out of the hole again. The word scramble gives a hint that the man is scared and alarmed and is trying desperately to tumble back out. The narrator then shows the nervous curiosity in the crowd as he narrowly missed being pitched on top of the screw. As someone blundered against him, this shows the chaotic actions produced by the crowds bewilderment and anxiety. The narrator turns as he starts to realize the seriousness of the situation and the lid falls to the ground. Wells then uses the word Thing to describe the Martian, explaining that nobody knows what it is yet, and the confusion is gathering. The Shell which is now open appears to be pitch black, this is letting the suspense draw and the curiosity in the readers minds becomes more powerful. The narrator also had the sun in his eyes which gives the fear of the unknown as he cant see it, almost like the fear of dark. The narrator describes what he thinks he would see; something that is somewhat similar to a man, and how he was wrong; this builds up the suspense and gives a clue that the Martian is nothing human-like at all. Eventually, when we do get a description, it is an unhealthy one; greyish, grey is a colour which is not associated with life or liveliness. The other word is billowy which gives the reader a creepy, writhing sensation. The narrator describes its appearance so the reader can imagine the aliens definitions, Wells uses alliteration towards the end of the paragraph by saying coiled up out of the writhing middle, and wriggled in the air towards me the word writhing and wriggle give a sickly feeling which disgusts the reader. HG Wells then describes the reaction of the audience, There was a loud shriek from a woman behind. The word shriek suggests that the emotion of fear is coming to the crowd. The narrator keeps his eyes fixed upon the cylinder which means that he cannot help looking at it and he is watching it carefully still in astonishment. He began pushing his way back which shows that he feels overpowered by the alien and he is backing away. Wells then goes back to describing the creature as it has progressed out of the cylinder. He uses the word greyish for repetition, so the reader gets a vivid picture. At the end of the paragraph, Wells uses the phrase glistened like wet leather. This piece of text makes the reader feel disgusted and scared as it is being described in a revolting way. He then shows the very quick encounter with the Martian by saying Two large dark-coloured eyes were regarding me steadfastly This extract is quite horrific because the alien has recognized the human and is staring at it. This makes the victim feel singled out and alone in this situation because the alien has specifically chosen him/her. In the next paragraph, Wells describes how revolting and vile the creature is. For example, he uses the phrase The whole creature heaved and pulsated convulsively. This makes the reader feel as though the Martian is steady yet angry, as things often increase in pulse when angry. The author deeply describes the inhumanity of the creature, and the revulsion it has on him; he shows this by writing vital, intense, inhuman, crippled and monstrous. These adjectives arent often associated with each other, as something which is crippled is not usually monstrous; this is to give the reader fear because the alien may not be physically powerful, but the crowd are still horrified and revolted by it. .ufc8fa3742b729d01e969017a8467c753 , .ufc8fa3742b729d01e969017a8467c753 .postImageUrl , .ufc8fa3742b729d01e969017a8467c753 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufc8fa3742b729d01e969017a8467c753 , .ufc8fa3742b729d01e969017a8467c753:hover , .ufc8fa3742b729d01e969017a8467c753:visited , .ufc8fa3742b729d01e969017a8467c753:active { border:0!important; } .ufc8fa3742b729d01e969017a8467c753 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufc8fa3742b729d01e969017a8467c753 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufc8fa3742b729d01e969017a8467c753:active , .ufc8fa3742b729d01e969017a8467c753:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufc8fa3742b729d01e969017a8467c753 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufc8fa3742b729d01e969017a8467c753 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufc8fa3742b729d01e969017a8467c753 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufc8fa3742b729d01e969017a8467c753 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufc8fa3742b729d01e969017a8467c753:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufc8fa3742b729d01e969017a8467c753 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufc8fa3742b729d01e969017a8467c753 .ufc8fa3742b729d01e969017a8467c753-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufc8fa3742b729d01e969017a8467c753:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Lenny - The boy who wanted to be a train EssayWells explains that this is not just an accident by saying and forthwith another of these creatures appeared darkly in the deep shadow of the aperture. This brings extra shock to the reader because know they know that this is a force to be reckoned with as there is a whole colony of these. Now, this is when the crowd realizes the urgency of the situation and the narrator begins to run I turned and, running madly, made for the first group of trees, this shows that the shock has taken a long time to sink in as most would start running as soon as they seen the organism. The next noticeable thing occurs later on, when wells uses repetition to bring horror to readers. He says I saw a round, black object bobbing up and down on the edge of the pit. It was the head of the shopman who had fallen in This extract relates back to the earlier scene because it shows after all the time, the shopman is still panicking and trying desperately hard to escape. The alien has power over the man as the man doesnt turn around and fight. The next paragraph almost sums up the event in the chapter as it says Anyone coming along the road from Chobham or Woking would have been amazed at the sight This summarizes the seriousness of the current invasion. It continues by saying that passers-by would not have realized the emergency taking place as the aliens were hidden by piles of sand. This makes the reader feel anxious because the situation is still growing whilst passers-by are oblivious to what is happening. We begin the second extract taking place near the river Thames as the alien invasion progresses further. The extract begins straight away with immediate action as the narrator is currently holding his breath underwater, hiding from the gigantic tripods which now roam the whole area, HG Wells uses the word blundered again to show panic and shock as blundering is often something which you do when it is disorganized and chaotic. Wells then describes how the urgent situation is progressing; The water was in a tumult about me, and rapidly growing hotter this means that he cannot stay for long and it is inevitable that he will have to pop up for air, revealing himself to the tripods. In the next paragraph, Wells builds up the tension when he finally makes eye contact with the Martians again. He does this by saying take breath and throw the hair and water from my eyes, the steam was rising in a whirling white fog that at first hid the Martians altogether. He builds up the tension so the reader is eager to continue, and it creates more drama when the aliens are finally described. Wells uses the word colossal to describe the sheer enormity of these machines and then describes how one of them was destroyed during the raid by saying two were stooping over the frothing, tumultuous ruins of their comrade. The description shows disgust and revulsion as this gives a more unusual, alien feel to it. Next, he explains the mechanisms attached to the tripods as generators of heat-rays this relates to the technology that was introduced at the time, as x-rays were discovered and some people were unsure of the concept. Wells scared those people by using heat rays as a weapon of mass destruction in his book. In the same paragraph, Wells uses the word hissing; hissing is an onomatopoeic word often associated with snakes and it scares the reader because the word is unpleasant. At the end of that paragraph, the author describes the attack pattern of the aliens; he says beams smote down this way and that This reveals some of the aliens intentions as they are attacking everywhere they see, this could show that the aliens have no intention of leaving and probably plan to invade the world. Wells begins the next paragraph with alliteration; he uses confusing conflict of the noises clangorous which make the words stand out more as they are important describing words. Wells begins describing the way the smoke mixes with the steam from the river in an unusual way, Dense black smoke was leaping up to mingle with the steam from the river. Wells does this to provide the reader with imagery which could relate to black humor, as despite the horror of the situation, he describes this part as happy and peaceful. This different way of description is continued throughout the paragraph as he also says a smoky dance of lurid flames in a way this creates unimaginable horror as he describes it like a ballet, combining a ballet with an alien invasion can actually cause a lot of drama. Wells then describes how the house which have not been destroyed are awaiting their fate showing that there is no chance of this stopping as the aliens are dominating their surroundings; it also shows as t he houses being described as beings, this method is called personification. Wells begins by saying how he stood still, petrified with not a chance of escape. He says, I could see the people who had been with me in the river scrambling out of the water through the reeds This shows that the narrator is not even making an attempt to escape as he knows it is pointless. He then describes them as little frogs hurrying through grass on the advance of man. Wells said this to show the power and significance that the aliens immediately have over us as we are described as the small creature fleeing from the dominant one. At the end of that paragraph, he shows the panic taking place by saying running to and fro in utter dismay this shows how disorganized the humans are, and that they are desperately trying to escape the creature. .u4e091b17e0f941bdf752bdf8d7cf9d21 , .u4e091b17e0f941bdf752bdf8d7cf9d21 .postImageUrl , .u4e091b17e0f941bdf752bdf8d7cf9d21 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4e091b17e0f941bdf752bdf8d7cf9d21 , .u4e091b17e0f941bdf752bdf8d7cf9d21:hover , .u4e091b17e0f941bdf752bdf8d7cf9d21:visited , .u4e091b17e0f941bdf752bdf8d7cf9d21:active { border:0!important; } .u4e091b17e0f941bdf752bdf8d7cf9d21 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4e091b17e0f941bdf752bdf8d7cf9d21 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4e091b17e0f941bdf752bdf8d7cf9d21:active , .u4e091b17e0f941bdf752bdf8d7cf9d21:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4e091b17e0f941bdf752bdf8d7cf9d21 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4e091b17e0f941bdf752bdf8d7cf9d21 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4e091b17e0f941bdf752bdf8d7cf9d21 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4e091b17e0f941bdf752bdf8d7cf9d21 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4e091b17e0f941bdf752bdf8d7cf9d21:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4e091b17e0f941bdf752bdf8d7cf9d21 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4e091b17e0f941bdf752bdf8d7cf9d21 .u4e091b17e0f941bdf752bdf8d7cf9d21-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4e091b17e0f941bdf752bdf8d7cf9d21:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: African-Americans In The Civil War EssayWells describes how the aliens were progressing towards him and explains the consequences of the people trying to escape by saying licking off the people who ran this way and that This shows what would have happened to the narrator if he had gone down that path and shows how lucky he is to be alive, also he gives the reader more imagery as licking off is often what predators do after finishing with a carcass. He says how the heat-ray waved past him crossing the river, It swept across the river to Shepperton, and the water in its track rose in a boiling weal crested with steam. This explains the power and heat that the heat-ray can ca use as it creates almost a tidal wave dashing towards him. Wells shows the urgency of the situation by saying the huge wave, well nigh boiling point had rushed upon me. This explains that he has to run as fast as he could otherwise the boiling hot will have scalded him to death. He then describes how he was trying desperately to make it to shore, I staggered through the leaping, hissing water towards the shore The words leaping and hissing are used to describe the temperature of the water and to bring the reader back to the snake imagery. At the end of the paragraph, he says I expected nothing but death. as the alien is looking straight at him. This is a short, powerful sentence which brings shock to the reader and, later on, surprise. He describes how the alien mustnt have spotted him as it passes only a few feet away from him and after that he realizes he has survived I realized that by a miracle I had escaped. This is a dramatic change in atmosphere at the end of the extract and it is incredibly relieving since it gives the reader happiness and comfort after a worried, torturing extract. We begin the third extract in the middle of chapter eight named Dead London, it is a short extract which sums up the whole story and it takes place after the last Tripod collapses and concludes the failure of the invasion. The extract begins with the narrator making his way to the crash site of the machine and on his way, he sees a rising sun. This is significant because it is the sign of a new beginning and it gives the reader a triumphant feeling as it is the start of something rising to the top. When they arrive, they realize this was the last and only place left were the Martians had control, proving that they have defeated everywhere else. In the next sentence, Wells shows that there is still life by saying an eager dog ran and disappeared. This gives the reader peace of mind to know that there is still life after the invasion. At the end of the paragraph, Wells describes the alien as a motionless monster. This alliterates to give more meaning to show that the alien is dead. He then describes inside the crater-like area where the aliens populated by saying A mighty space it was, with gigantic machines here and there within it, Wells is showing the power that the aliens had, and how the must have died from an abrupt non violent ending. Wells then shows the triumph the humans had over the aliens by saying a dozen of them stark and silent and laid in a row, This shows that the Martians were dead and that the area that they are in is similar to a graveyard as soldiers are usually lined up in a row when they are dead. Wells triumphantly explains how the aliens became extinct, as he says slain by the putrefactive and disease bacteria against which their systems were unprepared This tells you that the aliens died from disease, as they had no immune systems which could prevent or protect these diseases. Wells continues with repetition of the word slain to make the text sound like a war speech because it sounds very triumphant. At the end of that paragraph, he also describes how it was actually bacteria, the smallest thing which destroyed the aliens. In the last paragraph of this extract, H G Wells sums up the dramatic downturn effect the aliens had, he also mentions how humans evolved to adapt to viruses and disease; we have developed resisting power Proving that the aliens would not have survived as they had not developed any resistance. Then Wells describes how the germs helped us in this war by saying our microscopic allies this shows how without these germs, we would have been doomed. Another point is brought out when wells says By the toll of a billion deaths man has bought his birthright to the earth, The first part of the quote shows how advanced and overpowering these Martians were as they had killed 1 billion people, and the second part shows how these deaths have actually strengthened our confidence and created an official birthright. The last sentence of the extract is quite short, yet very meaningful, For neither do men live nor die in vain. This shows how every man has a purpose to survive on the earth, to pass on genes to evolve. To conclude, Wells creates many different types of atmosphere, with dramatic changes. The tension created is purposeful as it is used throughout these extracts. The way H G Wells creates this atmosphere is unique and powerful because he shows reactions in other people which affect his feelings. I believed War of the Worlds was a very interesting story. I feel Wells wanted to show a possible sign for the future, to try and give the people some vague idea as inventions and new discoveries were starting to develop. He also showed that there will always be hope even when you think you have no chance.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Negotiating Intimacy With a Partner as a Person Living With Limb Deficiency The WritePass Journal
Negotiating Intimacy With a Partner as a Person Living With Limb Deficiency Introduction: Negotiating Intimacy With a Partner as a Person Living With Limb Deficiency )
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Land Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Land Law - Essay Example Type your answer to the question using the standard template ensuring you comply with the page limit set in the module handbook for that piece of work. You need to enter your name into the header on the coursework template. Ensure footnotes appear at the bottom of the page end notes are not an acceptable alternative. DO NOT change any of the settings (paper size, font, font size, spacing or margins), write within the margins nor change any existing wording within the header. DO NOT cut and paste on to the template from another document. Type your answer directly onto the template. Please note that ANY infringement of the template will result in a maximum mark of 40% being awarded. Also be aware of the penalties for late submission of coursework. (Details are found within the LLB Student Handbook). Paper Size: A4 Font: Ariel 10 Top and Bottom margins: 2.54cm Header and Footer: 1.27cm Left and Right margins: 3.17cm The margin settings can be checked before printing by clicking on page layout in the Windows tool bar and then clicking on the ‘margins’ icon (within the dialogue box that opens click on ‘layout’ to check the header and footer margins). The font size can be checked under ‘home’ on the word tool bar. ... I also certify that I have checked the settings of my work before submission to ensure that I have complied with the template instructions. If this is untrue I acknowledge that I will have committed an assessment offence. Signature: (Enter the title of the coursework here or, if you have been set a long problem question which does not fit within this space, simply attach a copy of the question at this point) The duties and obligations and other matters that relate to relationships between landlords and tenants in the UK is primarily governed by the Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995. This law became effective on 1 January 1995, which means that leasehold contracts entered into before it, are governed by common laws and other statutes in effect at that time. There are significant amendments introduced by the law, among which, is the release of a lessee from the contract once the contract is assigned to another. An author calls this a â€Å"mortal blow to the principle of privit y contract†in leasehold contracts.1 The problems discussed in the preceding pages are based on a leasehold contract entered prior to 1996 act but involves a freehold purchase after 1996. A couple of problems involved easements, which calls for the application of the relatively new Land Registration Act 2002. The last one tackles adverse possession, also governed by LRA 2002 and the Limitation Act 1980. 1.0 Richard A. Repairs The leasehold covenant between Meryl, the original landlord and Richard, the original leaseholder, was entered into prior to 1996, which was before the effectivity of the Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995. Thus, Meryl and Richard’s leasehold covenant is
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Explain climate change and discuss three strategies that countries are Essay
Explain climate change and discuss three strategies that countries are using to help the prevention of global warming and say whether you agree or disagree with the effectiveness of each strategy - Essay Example However, this understanding has not resulted in any significant reduction in the rate of Global Warming, with the 20th Century’s last two decades being the hottest in 400 years (National Geographic 2007). Global Warming is seen as a threat to human health (Hambling et al., 2011 p. 2) with other concerns such as food security issues also expected in the future. Due to the growing awareness about this issue along with pressure-groups in the form of environmental NGOs, countries have been forced to take action in order to prevent further damage to the ecology. Initiatives such as the Kyoto Protocol have been welcomed by most of the world, which promise to reduce carbon emissions to a suitable level by a certain date. This essay will look at 3 of the many strategies that countries adopt in order to prevent global warming on a national scale, which may be due to their participation in international agreements/conventions like Kyoto Protocol or due to a national agenda of their own. Investment in renewable energy is a preferred strategy for most industrialized countries that aim to reduce their carbon emissions. $173 billion were invested into developing sustainable energy in 2009, a figure that fell after the global recession affected the financial situation of most of the involved countries (UNEP 2010 p 11-13). Some countries, like Iceland produce electricity using entirely from renewable resources, thereby leaving a minimal carbon imprint. Most countries, developed and developing possess the environmental conditions required to produce such energy; however, in the case of the latter, they do not possess the financial resources to exploit these conditions. The Kyoto Protocol aims to rectify that by encouraging developed countries to invest in reducing the carbon emission of developing countries, through such projects (UNFCC, n.d.).
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Of mice and men - A comparison of the opening scenes of the film and the beginning of the book Essay Example for Free
Of mice and men A comparison of the opening scenes of the film and the beginning of the book Essay A comparison of the opening scenes of the film and the beginning of the book Of mice and men is set in southern California at the time of the great depression (late 1920 and early 30s), the basis of the story is about 2 men George and Lenny, who are two workers who travel from place to place finding work on ranches, so they can earn there 50 bucks a month. George is the leader out of the two he looks after Lenny, sorts out where they go and what they do and eat. Lenny is a very big and strong man, but he is very dumb and could not look after himself, he his at heart a nice, harmless man but likes colourful, nice feeling things, so he is just like a small child. Lenny gets them into trouble a lot, he likes to touch nice things and when he does people get the wrong idea and like at the start of the book and film gets accused of rape, and at the end causes a death of a woman. Like most writers or directors, John Steinbeck and Gary Sinise try to grab the readers or viewers attention. Even though the novel and film are based on the same story, they use different techniques and ways to try and get the audiences attention. In the novel John Steinbeck uses a lot of description of his settings and this is how he tries to keep the audiences imagination going. For example in the first two pages of the novel, he uses a strong descriptive and a strong style of language to try and give an effect of a natural, calm and peaceful atmosphere, also when describing the willow pool he tries and puts as much detail in as possible, as this area of land is one of the most important places in the story as this is where Steinbeck starts the story and ends it in a similar place. Its quite amazing how Steinbeck manages to turn a violent and threatening scene into a calm, relaxing place and an almost peaceful time. I think that the first set of settings is set in a spring/summer theme as they are talking about there dream which is seen as the American dream of this time, so this also relates to life in the late boom and depression of the 1920s. The beginning is used to try and introduce the two main characters portraying Lenny as the leader and it seems that he is like a father to Lenny who is portrayed as a small child who cannot control what he is doing. George also knows he has to take the role as the father or older brother and has to keep rules and tells him what to do, e.g. when they are drinking from the lake Lenny keeps his head in the water and is just guzzling the water down, then George says; For god sake dont drink so much, and also he checks if the water is safe by making sure that its is running although George is of little intelligence him self he knows how to stay alive and live well. Gary Sinise tries to grab the audiences attention quite differently at the beginning of the film as he uses a dramatic sequence of George and Lenny sitting in the luggage holder of a train, and you see him thinking back to what happened at Weed. When this is happening the light fades over Georges face from the cracks in the compartments wooden walls, this effect of the light streaming across his face gives an imaginary sense of prison bars. During Georges flashbacks you see them running fast and out of breath down a field full of long grass, and it keeps flashing back on Georges face in the train giving you a sense of distress instead of the calming effect of the novel. It then flashes to a pretty woman in a red dress that has a rip going down the bottom of it, the air flows through her dress and hair as she is running down a field. This scene really is exciting and full of tension to the viewer, which contrasts totally to the calm and peaceful opening of the book. Next you she a bunch of workers in a field, and they hear the girls screams. The workers on horse follow carrying shotguns. This contrasts to the life of today against nearly a century ago, as nowadays Lenny would have been arrested and put to a fair trial but back then they would have just killed Lenny on the spot. This scene puts people on the edges of their seats giving a sense of suspense; this is how a good director is able to keep the audiences attention to the film. The scene of the willow pool is quite like the scene in the book it gives a more relaxed effect from the previous suspense scenes, as they hide neck deep under the overflowing bush weed, and luckily the workers lose them. When we see George and Lenny getting there work cards it proves the fact that this is in the 1930s as there were a lot of job shortages and you had to go to a job office and see if any jobs were available, most people would take any job there was, because of the depression. This then gives us a slight historical background of the time they are in. George in the book is firstly described as small and quick, dark of face with restless eyes and sharp, strong features. George being described as having restless eyes gives an impression that he is quite alert and a quick thinker of what to do in troubled times. Lenny on the other hand is described quite differently: Huge man, shapeless face with large, pale eyes, with wide sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws. the way a bear drags his paws Lenny is being described as an animal which shows that he is a slow and clumsy both physical and mentally. The characters in the film are unlike the ones in the book as they are not physically opposite. Lenny is only slightly taller than George, but the behaviours of these two characters do mirror that it is similar to the book as Lenny acts like a child and George is the smart, dominant one. This is often shown in the close ups of their faces and in their speech and movement. The clothes they wear are described in the book as workers clothes so rugged and tattered, so the movie is also based on this part as the clothes in the movie are like this. In my opinion I think casting John Malkovich was perfect to be Lenny as he was able to portray the child like brain of Lenny. He seemed to fit the right description of Lenny. The voice used by John Malkovich was very effective in giving the viewer a childlike impression of Lenny. Gary Sinise although he was director he himself played George and he obviously knew how he wanted George to be played and he did with an amazing attitude, he gave out the attitude and cunningness of George as is written in the book. In conclusion, the beginning of the book and the beginning of the film are based on the same storyline. The way the scenes are described and presented are really quite different. Gary Sinise is able to create a sense of action and suspense followed by the calm of the willow pool, whilst Steinbeck creates a very rich and calm descriptive opening scene, which contrasts with the violence of what is actually happening.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Noras Symbolism in Henrik Ibsens A Dolls House Essay -- Dolls Hous
Nora's Symbolism in Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House     In every society power is the bringer of fortune and influence. In his play A Doll's House, Henrik Ibsen portrays, through the character of Nora, the power women are gaining in patriarchal societies. Nora, who symbolizes all women, exercises her power throughout the entire play. She cleverly manipulates the men around her while, to them, she seems to be staying in her subordinate role. In all three acts of the play Nora controls many situations and yields the most power. Act I, along with the introduction of Ibsen's tone and style, brought the introduction of power. It seems that since the Helmer household is symbolizing patriarchal European society that male characters should bare the most power. However, this is not true. Nora, a woman, yields a great deal of the power over the men in the play. In act I it becomes obvious that Nora has forged documents for a loan in order to save her husband, Torvald's, life. This deed in itself shows that she has power to be manipulative and deceitful. But also in act I Nora uses one of her most powerful weapons, influence over Torvald, to threaten Krogstad. Krogstad is a malicious character who puts the Helmers' reputation in jeopardy by threatening to reveal Nora's illegal actions. Nora, on the other hand, will not stand for this type of slander and says to Krogstad, "Nora: Sometimes one has a tiny bit of influence, I should hope. Because one is a woman, it does not necessarily follow that--. When anyone is in a subordinate position, Mr. Krogstad, they should really be careful to avoid someone who-- who-- Krogstad: Has power? Nora: Exactly." (21) Nora uses an understatement by making i... ...r over many years (or acts), until they have enough power to "shut the door" on the patriarch. The entire course of the play takes place in the Helmer household, which represents the patriarch, until the last scene where Nora leaves the house to show the beginning of women-powered societies. Nora's power-yielding role in Ibsen's play further proves that women were and still are gaining power in male run societies.  Works Cited: Ibsen, Henrik. A Doll House (1879). Trans. Rolf Fjelde. Rpt. in Michael Meyer, ed. The Bedford Introduction to Literature. 5th edition. Boston & New York: Bedford/St. Martin's Press, 1999. 1564-1612. Shaw, Bernard. "A Doll's House Again." Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism. Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1979. Templeton, Joan. "The Doll House Backlash: Criticism, Feminism, and Ibsen." PMLA (January 1989): 28-40.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Marketing strategy of Teletalk Banladesh Essay
Executive Summary From the dawn of human civilization people use many ways to communicate with each other and those ways of communication were changed or updated time to time because of new innovation and demand. The power of telephony is a new enterprise culture, from banking to agriculture to healthcare. The opportunities that lie in the telecom industry seem endless and lucrative due to the continuous innovation and growing demand for mobile-telephony. Nowadays mobile phones have become an indispensable part of Bangladeshi’s everyday-life and we never want to leave this device at home while we head for our work. Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd. was formed to operate the network installed by BTTB and it has been successful in operating a standard network and give proper service to the people of Bangladesh. Teletalk has introduced many attractive packages and all of them have been welcomed by the market. From the very beginning of its launching, Teletalk got huge popularity as it triggered the true co mpetition in the market. People have high expectation from Teletalk. They expect continuous network coverage all over the country, prompt customer service, and more value added services, data services of high band-width etc. from Teletalk. Teletalk must honor its customers by improving its services day-by-day so that people can realize that even in a competitive scenario, the public sector organization can achieve remarkable development if they get opportunity.The target market of Teletalk is clearly defined: Elite group (above 25years of age), Up market professionals and entrepreneurs and, Women and senior citizens. The Company aims to increase the current market share of 10% to 25% by December 2015 by continuously expanding and widening its coverage to the remotest areas in Bangladesh and creating Customer Care Touch Points across the Country. 2.0Company Overview Teletalk Bangladesh Limited is a public limited company, registered under the Registrar of the Joint stock companies of Bangladesh. Total shares owned by the Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. Teletalk Bangladesh Limited (the â€Å"Company†) was incorporated on 26 December, 2004 as a public limited company under the Companies Act, 1994 with an authorized capital of Tk. 20,000,000,000 being the only government sponsored mobile telephone company in the country. On the same day the Company obtained Certificate of Commencement of Business. We continue to grow and engage our customers through our clear commitment to offering high quality products and services as well as leading customer retention and loyalty programmers. Teletalk continues to be a part of the revolution that’s connecting millions of Bangladeshi people and around the World. Teletalk Bangladesh limited was established keeping a specific role in mind. Teletalk has forged ahead and strengthened its path over the years and achieved some feats truly to be proud of, as the only Bangladeshi mobile operator and the only operator with 100% native technical and engineering human resource base, Teletalk thrives to become the true people’s phone – â€Å"Amader Phone†. Basic objectives for which the Company was formed are highlighted here under: 1. To provide mobile telephone service to the people from the public sector 2. To ensure fair competition between public and private sectors and thereby to safeguard public interest 3. To meet a portion of unmitigated high demand of mobile telephone 4. To create a new source of revenue for the government. Mission and Vision To innovate and constantly find new ways to enhance our services to our customer’s current needs and desires for the future. Our vision is to know our customers and meet their needs better than anyone else. To provide mobile telephone service to the people from the public sector To ensure fair competition between public and private sectors and thereby to safeguard Public interest To meet a portion of unmitigated high demand of mobile telephone. To create a new source of revenue for the government. 3.0 Current Market Situation Teletalk Bangladesh limited (TBL) have started their first operations in Bangladesh in 2004. The products have been well received and the marketing is the key to the development of its brand image as well as the growth of the customer base. TBL now offering different packages for the customers. Bangladesh is the first South Asian country to adopt cellular technology back in 1993 by introducing Advanced Mobile Phone System. In fact, the liberalization of Bangladesh‘s telecommunications sector began back in 1989 but it took several years to launch the services. In 1996 the then government awarded three GSM licenses aimed at breaking the monopoly and making the cellular technology affordable to the general masses. There are six mobile phone operators in Bangladesh. These are Grameenphone (GP), Banglalink, Robi, Airtel, Citycell and Teletalk. Citycell is the first mobile phone operator in Bangladesh. Today GP is the market leader and Banglalink is the market challenger, in terms of number of subscribers they have, in Bangladesh mobile telecom industry. In Bangladesh, mobile phone subscribers are increasing very rapidly. In February 2009 total subscriber was 45.21 million which reached 76.43 million at the end of June 2011; at the end of December 2011 the figure reached 85.455 million and finally 92.120 million at the end of May 2012. Teletalk Bangladesh limited is entering its eight years of its operation. Its services have been well received and marketing will be key to the development of brand and product awareness as well as the growth of the customer base. To gain market share in this dynamic environment, Teletalk Bangladesh limited carefully target specific segment with features that deliver benefits valued by each customer. 4.0 Market Description Teletalk 2G posse’s good information about the market knows a great deal about the common attributes of the most valued customer. Before launching its experienced and prompt sell and marketing force observed the market carefully and better understood who is served, what are their specific needs and the way to communicate with the customers need and demand. Though the call rate tariff is reducing due to the heavy competition in the telecom market, the market is widening day by day as the number of mobile users are increasing and there is a lot of scope to develop this sector. Teletalk is the fastest growing telecom sector in Bangladesh. Teletalk is the part of BTCL. At the time launching Teletalk the market was too competitive. Teletalk is the government own company operating in Bangladesh. Target market Customer can choose different packages based on several different service offer by the teletalk 2G. Specific segments are targeted by the teletalk. They different packages offer by teletalk for corporate people like teletalk executive, teletalk professional etc. From the teletalk product we can easily understand that teletalk targeting corporate people, business man and professional. Market Demographics The profile for the typical Teletalk customer consists of the following geographic, demographic factor: Geographies Teletalk has established their customer care point (CCP) only in the divisional cities and the big citied only. In their CCP’s they provides free services to their customer and also sells the mobile handsets, and mobile accessories. Demographics The teletalk Bangladesh limited targeted all group of people whose age is more than 18. Especially Teletalk 2G users are high income people who work in the different industry like bank, medical and different professional doctor, lawyers etc. 5.0 Product Review Teletalk offers an array of different packages. In addition to offering the fundamental pre-paid and post-paid mobile services, it offers a wide range of value added products and services such as, SMS, GPRS, mobile data services, infotainment services, SMS banking, Caller Ring Back Tone, Ringtones download, Picture Messaging, MMS, Voice Greetings. The pre-paid packages are- Standard Shapla (Pre-paid) Shadheen And the post-paid packages are- Standard (rajanigandha) Shapla (Post-paid) Corporate Packages Teletalk Executive (prepaid) Teletalk Executive (postpaid) Professional (prepaid) 6.0 Competitive Review At presents, there are around 6 companies that are now in the mobile phone business. They are – 1. Grameen phone 2. Banglalink 3. ROBI (Aktel) 4. Airlel (Warid Telecom) 5. City cell 6. Teletalk Those five mobile operators companies are the direct competitors of teletalk 2G. And there are also lots of indirect competitors of teletalk like Rangs telecom, Peoples telecom, etc. Citycell was the first to start telecommunication business in Bangladesh in 1989. GP and Aktel now ROBI started their business from 1997 & 1998. The service charge was great but the facilities was few. Banglalink made the history by inviting varity of services at a very cheaper rate. GrmeenPhone is the leader of the mobile market but banglalink is the second biggest company in Bangladesh. Grameen Phone Grmeen phone are the market leader in Bangladesh mobile phone operator. Grameen phone started its business in the year 1997. Grameenphone now provides voice, data and other value added services on prepaid and contract basis. Grameenphone has been a pioneer in bringing innovative mobile-based solutions to Bangladesh. Notable among these is the Healthline, a 24 hour medical call centre manned by licensed physicians. Other innovations include Studyline, a call centre-based service providing education related information, Mobicash, for electronic purchase of train and lottery tickets, Billpay, for paying utility bills through mobile phones and over 500 community information centres across Bangladesh. These centres bring affordable Internet access and other information based services to people in rural areas. As at 31 March 2012, Grameenphone had 37.6 million subscriptions, while the estimated mobile penetration (SIM cards) and number of inhabitants in Bangladesh were 56% and 160 milli on, respectively. Grameenphone became stock listed in November 2009, with, as at the date of this Base Prospectus, the largest public offering in Bangladesh. It is listed on both the Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges. Banglalink GrmeenPhone is the leader of the mobile market but banglalink is the second biggest company in Bangladesh. banglalink made a revelation in the telecommunication sector. Banglalink provides different packages for different segments like Banglalink icon for corporate and high income group people and Banglalink DESH gives the best rate for their users. ROBI Robi Axiata Limited is a joint venture between Axiata Group Berhad, Malaysia and NTT DOCOMO INC, Japan. Robi Axiata, formerly known as Telekom Malaysia International (Bangladesh), commenced operations in Bangladesh in 1997 with the brand name AKTEL. On 28th March 2010, the service name was rebranded as ‘Robi’ and the company came to be known as Robi Axiata Limited.robi charges on-net and off-net .68tk/min robi to robi. Airtel Taking over warid telecomm airtel is running its operation as mobile phone operator in Bangladesh. They are the first choice young generation people. They give lots of bonus and gifts to their customer and they charge very low. City Cell City cell is the first mobile operator company and only one CDMA company in Bangladesh. Though city cell is the first company in the Bangladesh they did not stable the market as a first mover. 7.0 Channels and Logistics Review Teletalk has established their customer care point only in the divisional cities and the big citied only. In their CCP’s they provides free services to their customer. Teletalk will be distributed through a network of retailers in the market. Among the most important channel partners being contacted are- Own outlet- Teletalk sells there product on their own customer service center. Mobile phone retail store- the mobile phone retail store and recharge centre carry teletalk 2G SIM. Electronics Specialty store- This kind of store also carry teletalk 2G SIM. SWOT Analysis The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses within the teletalk 2G and describes the opportunities and threats facing teletalk. Strengths: The most and the important strength of the Teletalk is a government owned company and can easily use the government resources. Strong brand equity and recognition in Bangladesh Steadily growing customer base Alliances with industry leading corporations in mobile services & technologies The public organization uses the Teletalk as their official purpose, i.e. Desco and Desa loadsheding information. Weaknesses: The network facility all over the country is not satisfactory. The customer satisfaction is not available all over the country. Cannot offer the Value Added services other than other operators. Steady decline in average revenue per user (ARPU) No presence in key emerging markets Taxes imposes by the government Lack of experience Short of sales people Opportunities: Increasing network coverage in the Bangladesh First to introduce as T&T in coming. Mobile internet expansion New product Price competitiveness Large market Target new market segment Bankable project Availability of raw materials Free Move alliance Threats: Intensifying competition consolidation in the market Economic slowdown Bangladeshi regulation on cross-border cell phone usage by customers Political Unrest No promotional Activities Analysis of Strengths Subscriber inclination to Teletalk as a government owned organization: People have a deep inclination towards Teletalk . Because subscribers have more confidence in the government institution. They think that they might get some extra benefit from Teletalk like lower call rate, optical fiber facilities etc. rather than other providers. Teletalk’s all connections are ISD & EISD: It’s a big strength of Teletalk. It’s the only SIM which has such a versatility of connections having ISD, Economy ISD service along with both incoming and outgoing connectivity with any of the land phones. This is not seen to other providers. It gives a tremendous competitive advantage to the Teletalk Bangladesh ltd over its respective competitors. Teletalk is the only indigenous company using GSM service: Teletalk is the only local organization which is providing GSM technology in this country. The other local organization named pacific telecom is providing CDMA technology which is more expensive. So Teletalk can take this advantage over its competitors. It has also provided incoming facility up to 2015: Teletalk have a strong strength over its competitors in case of incoming facility. Teletalks present incoming duration is up to 20015. Which is 20 times more than other competitors? From the very beginning it is providing free TNT incoming: Teletalk is the only provider which is providing T&T incoming free from the very beginning. Whether other operators providers providing such kind of facility just now. Moreover its contribution to our economy can be notable: As a Govt. owned company Teletalk have a strong contribution in our national economy. Its one of the high profit generating Govt. organization in Bangladesh. Low cost provider: The most remarkable success of Teletalk is the slump in tariff structure. It is the lowest cost provider in Bangladesh telecommunication market. Analysis of Weaknesses Premature entrance in mature market: The biggest weakness was a premature entrance in a mature market. As soon as anyone could catch hold of a Teletalk mobile, he started comparing it with the services of Grameen, Banglalink or Aktel. Lower number of human resource: The number of employee of Teletalk is too much lower regarding its requirement. As a result the service quality and customer satisfaction go down. Failed to identify difference between developed market and developing market: Teletalk failed to identify the difference between developed market and developing market. There strategy making is not match with the current situation. Lower promotional activities: The promotional campaign of Teletalk is not too much strong like other providers of Bangladesh as result consumers are less aware about Teletalk and its package. Weak management system: poor coordination among different functional department of Teletalk as result service efficiency goes down. Poor marketing: The overall marketing activities of Teletalk is not much rich like other competitors. Lower number of value added service: Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd. is providing a less number of value added service to its subscriber regarding its competitors. As a result subscribers are becoming dissatisfied on the Teletalk service. The comparison of value added services of different operators are mention below. Whereas Teletalk providing less number of value added service. Objectives and Issues OBJECTIVES Profitability Objectives-To achieve a 20% return on capital employed by August 2013. Market Share Objectives-To increase the current market share of 10% to 25% by December 2015 Promotional Objectives-To become the most admired telecom operator in the country by June 2015. Objectives for Survival-To survive the current double-dip recession. Objectives for Branding-To make the teletalk brand the most preferred brand in the telecom industry across the Bangladesh by 2018. Issues Though teletalk started its operation 2005 but the company is not well established so our main issue is the ability to establish the teletalk as a one of the market leader and meaningful positioning. The teletalk will have to invest heavily in marketing to create a memorable and distinctive brand image projecting innovation, service and value. Teletalk have to measure awareness and response so they can adjust they are marketing efforts as necessary. Marketing Strategy Marketing strategy is a process that can allow an organization to concentrate its limited resources on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. Teletalk as a market follower in the current Bangladesh telecom industry has to deploy various kinds of strategies in order to be able to stand the intense competition. Positioning Positioning is the heart of marketing strategy. It is the act of designing the companies offer and image so that it occupies a distinct and valued place in the target customer. After the company has decided which market segment to enter with which product, it must decide what positions it want to occupy a clear distinctive and desirable place relative to competing products in the mind of target customers. The company’s entire marketing program should support the chosen positioning strategy. Since if a product is perceived to be exactly like another product on the market, consumers would have no reason to buy it, Teletalk brings special features on the product as well as significant various services that positioned the products in the target segments. Products can be positioned with some positioning strategy. We find that Teletalk has taken has taken multi-various strategy to position its various product in the market. Teletalk position itself as own mobile phone company (Amade r phone). Teletalk is owned by Bangladesh government. It designed its products according to the usage occasion. Consumers can use teletalk in specific occasions according to their need such as the international roaming gives the consumers an opportunity to use their cellular phone in abroad countries. The products of teletalk are available for certain classes of users. Marketing Mix 4p’s Products The basic product of Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd is its SIM. Connectivity is the Core Benefit of this product. The Expected Product is good connectivity and a large area of coverage which Teletalk struggles to maintain. Teletalk is now concentrating on its Augmented Product which is VAS (Value Added Services).It has launched some new VAS recently such as Internet SMS while previous ones such as Cricket Update or Load Shedding update continue to serve. And teletalk 2G can convert to teletalk 3G. Price The present pricing strategy for Teletalk prepaid connections is shown here- Package: Standard Call Directions Call Categories Peak [ 8am-12am ] Off Peak [ 12am-8am ] Out Going Calls Teletalk to Teletalk Tk. 1.40 Tk. 00.60 Teletalk to Others Tk. 1.90 Tk. 1.00 Teletalk to Overseas Tk. 1.90 + ISD & EISD Tk. 1.00 + ISD & EISD SMS and Voice SMS Tk. 1.00 and tk.2 GPRS Tk. 00.02/KB or Unlimited fee Tk. 800.00/Month FnF Tk. 00.75 [Teletalk] & Tk. 1.25 [Other] Package: Shadheen Call Directions Call Categories Peak [ 8am-12am ] Off Peak [ 12am-8am ] Out Going Calls Teletalk to Teletalk Tk. 0.99 TTk. 00.60 Teletalk to Others Tk. 1.90 Tk. 1.00 Teletalk to Overseas Tk. 1.90 + ISD & EISD Tk. 1.00 + ISD & EISD SMS and voice SMS Tk. 1.00 and Tk. 2 GPRS Tk. 00.02/KB or Unlimited fee Tk. 800.00/Month FnF Tk. 00.25 & Tk. 1.00 [Other] Teletalk will practice customer base pricing strategy, flexible pricing mechanisms and controlled by. In order achieve to strategic goal of cost leader we continue to maintain a pricing formula which is less than market leader by 20%. Promotion Advertising Teletalk will have to pursue an aggressive advertising campaign, as it will provide unsought services. Printing, electronic and some other Media will be used for this purpose. Print Media Electronic Media Others News Paper Magazines Television Radio Internet Outdoor Tri vision Print Media Newspaper- Teletalk should increase its advertisements in The Daily Star, TheDaily Prothom-Alo etc to communicate with the target groups. Magazines- Teletalk should advertise in magazines. Electronic Media Television- Television advertising is certainly the most effective communication strategy. Advertising for Teletalk can be done on ATN Bangla, â€Å"Channel i†etc. in their prime hours on a relatively regular basis. Radio- As the FM radios are emerging rapidly as a strong media, there will be some radio advertisement to cover the necessity based target group. This will also help to build the way when Teletalk will be gradually penetrating other areas of Bangladesh. Internet- Teletalk plans to develop a strong web page. Developing a web page and its maintenance would not be expensive. The page will contain attractive and at the same time important information about Teletalk. Transit- Recently Teletalk has advertised in BEVCO buses covering the whole bus with Teletalk themes and ads. It will publish some attractive ads and use it in some private and mass transits like Volvo and Premium bus service. This type of advertising will increase the visibility of Teletalk.. Billboard- Some billboards will be placed on busy and important roads in Dhanmondi, Gulshan, Banani, Uttara, and New Market areas. Place Teletalk sales its products through its customer care centers and the dealers. It has only 4 customer care centers which should be increased to give better service to its existing and potential subscribers. Its distribution should be made better by making SIMs available in small retail shops in every area. Teletalk participates in the trade fairs and that is also a good place to gain the attraction of the subscribers. Distribution Strategy Teletalk doesn’t sell its packages directly to its customer. Rather it maintains an indirect distribution channel for the customer. It appoints dealer for sell. Through the dealers the packages are distributed to the customers. Consumers can get the package through them. Teletalk always wants to sell its products as many as they can. As a result they try to make the packages available as many outlets and retailers as possible.The distribution network of Teletalk is as follows Marketing Research Teletalk possesses good information about the market and knows a great deal about the common attributes of the most prized customer. This information will be leveraged to better understand who is served, what their specific needs are, and how Teletalk can better communicate with them. Using research, we are identifying the specific feature and benefits that our target market segments value. Feedback from market test, surveys, and focus group will help us develop the teletalk 2G. We are also measuring and analyzing customers attitudes towards competing company and product and services. Brand awareness research will help us determine the effectiveness and efficiency of our messages and media. Finally we will use customer satisfaction studies to improve our service and product feature. Marketing Organization Teletalk chief marketing and sales officer Mr. Habibur Rahaman holds overall responsibility of the company’s marketing activities and Unitrand ltd. advertisement firm the external marketing organization for teletalk. Implementation The following milestones identify the key marketing programs. It is important to accomplish each one on time and on budget Control and Evaluation of Performance Taletalk’s marketing plan is to serve as a guide for the organization. The following areas will be monitored to gauge performance: Revenue: monthly and annual Expenses: monthly and annual Customer satisfaction Market Share Subscriber base New product development Conclusion The biggest advantage of is that it’s a government company though teletalk did not established as a market leader. And teletalk can improve its product and service to retain in the market. GP is the leader in the market and banglalink is in the second position. Teletalk has got lot of aspect to improve the situation. To be the market leader teletalk must be very careful in the field of marketing plan and the success of the company is a matter of subject that how they are implementing the plan. References 1. 2. 3. Annual report 2009-2010 4. BTRC
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Analysis Of The Article What Should The U.s. Do About...
The article â€Å"What should the U.S. do about ISIS? Show Sunnis we care†by Charles Lister is about what Charles Lister thinks the United States should do to combat ISIS. It has a prescriptive issue and a conclusion. A prescriptive issue is a question about how the world should be. A conclusion is an answer to the question asked by the issue that the author wants the reader to accept. Some significant ambiguity is also present in Lister’s article. Significant ambiguity is a word or statement that is unclear, and the word’s meaning affects the reader’s ability to accept the conclusion. I will prove that I have found the correct issue and conclusion and some significant ambiguity using text from Lister’s article. The issue in the article â€Å"What should the U.S. do about ISIS? Show Sunnis we care†by Charles Lister is â€Å"How should the United States respond to ISIS.†Proof of this issue can be found in Lister’s writing. In the first paragraph he states that the United States cannot defeat ISIS militarily. The U.S. must help improve the sociopolitical issues in the Middle East. These two statements answer the issue I put forth. The second and third paragraphs discuss how ISIS has not only attracted foreigners to fight in its jihad; it has also befriended the oppressed Sunni Muslims. The Sunnis, consequently, are allowing ISIS to work freely in their territory. Paragraph three asks the question are the Sunnis still loyal to their country, or are they only loyal to their religion
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