Friday, December 27, 2019
Is Genetics A Factor One Has No Control Over - 2716 Words
Our life begins prior to conception in some ways. What we will become is determined by factors which are in place before we are conceived. Our genetic makeup, our environment and culture all have an effect on whom we become. Genetics is a factor one has no control over. There are essentially two philosophies on our development. Freud regarded our development relatively complete by adolescence. In contrast, Erikson considered development to continue throughout one’s life span (Feldman, 2014, pp. 14 - 15). John Watson said â€Å"Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I ll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select – doctor, lawyer,†¦show more content†¦In these early twin studies, very consistent effects emerged that suggested one thing: when it comes to personality, genes matter (Kraus, 2013). In some of life’s endeavors one’s personality determines the outcome. Could Watson train them: probably. Would they all be successful at what they were trained in: probably not. There are those with divergent understandings of the development based on external elucidations. Piaget’s theory was that all pass through a defined sequence of universal changes. (Piaget) insisted that cognitive development always follows this sequence, that stages cannot be skipped, and that each stage is marked by new intellectual abilities and a more complex understanding of the world (WebMD, 2014). In Bronfenbrenner approach to the development, he considered the immediate environment, the connection between the various aspects of the immediate environment such as: parents to child, students to teachers, employees to bosses and friends to friends. Those interconnections play a part in the development of an individual (Feldman, 2014, pp. 22 - 23). Another developmentalist, Lev Vygotsky believed complete understanding of child development could not be understood without accounting for the culture in which people develop. â€Å"The socialcultural theory emphasizes how cogni tive development proceeds as a result of social interactions between members of a culture (Feldman, 2014, p. 25). Vygotsky placed
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Fast Food Chains Should Be Targeted For Targeting Youth
Fast food chains are battling many different things on a regular basis such as sanitization, low quality food, a lack of cleanliness and not properly trained employees. Another thing that fast food chains have been at war with for decades now is targeting youth. Is it right for them to do so when they are not old enough to make informed decisions? Many companies target children but fast food seems to be what is paying the price. Even though I do not believe that fast food chains should be targeting youth I also believe that ultimately the parents are the ones who choose what their kids eat, so why is it that the fast food chains’ are being targeted for targeting youth? It is because of how aggressive they are and how they manipulate youth and parents. An example of how fast food chains can be manipulative in how they target children and their parents is by the price and quality of the food. McDonalds added fruit, salad and yogurt to their menu and kids meals, while also claiming their meats are 100% and offer low calorie meals all for a lower cost than making a meal at home. While all sounds good and convincing it is not true. Some fast food s chicken nuggets contain a chemical preservative called tertiary butylhydroquinone, which is derived from a petroleum. Which is a fluid you put into your car. That s not all, either. Some chicken products are mechanically separated, which means those scraps that would normally go to waste are ending up in your nuggets. Plus, if youShow MoreRelatedFast Food Is The Leading Cause Of Preventable Death1672 Words  | 7 PagesDid you know that â€Å"every day 1 in 4 Americans visit a fast food restaurant? If that’s not alarming to you, then consider this, left unabated, obesity will surp ass smoking as the leading cause of preventable death in America.†(Clark, Charles) Fast food has become a part of American culture. With the way the world is today who wouldn’t want to eat somewhere that can have you in and out in five minutes for fewer than five dollars? It has been made very clear that Americans love to eat as we rank numberRead MoreFast-Food Advertising Causes Obesity Essay1395 Words  | 6 Pagesconcern that youth or children who eat from fast food restaurants have a big risk for becoming overweight. Some research shows that greater familiarity with fast food advertising on television is associated with obesity in young people (Pediatric Academic Societies parag.1). It is known that these children and adolescents are being extremely exposed to fast food advertising including the internet, social media, and particularly on television. The marketer and owners of these fast food restaurantsRead MoreFast Food And The Obesity Epidemic2069 Words  |  9 PagesFast food, in today’s society, has become a major part of individuals’ lives. For it’s easy, quick and cheap food. While any meal with low preparation time can be considered to be fast food, typically it is referred to as low quality, prepackaged foods that have little preparation time. Through further research of fast food restaurants and their role in the obesity epidemic in America, it lead to further conclusions on the need for changes that must be done in order to combat obesity. There are,Read MoreBranding : Mcdonald s Kentucky Fried Chicken ( Kfc )1471 Words  | 6 Pagesrestaurants, and classic red-yellow plastic furniture has been replaced by the comfy and muted hues furniture (Sorensen, 2014). With the development of the fast food industry, many brands took up some parts of the fast food market basted on the low price. People have more choices about cheap fast food, which means McDonald s has to share their targeted customers. Updated re staurant environment attracts people to have a great time here and customers prefer the better experience and service to the poorRead MoreMarketing Strategy Of A Competitive Market Environment Strategies Adopted By Marketers883 Words  | 4 Pagescrucial. This is because the choice of a marketing strategy may determine whether business organizations achieve their targeted sales or not. Ideally, the appropriate marketing strategies to use should be determined by the consumer purchasing behavior in respective markets. Therefore, for youth oriented consumer economies, marketers should adopt marketing strategies that target the youth population to effectively market their goods and services. Over the last few decades consumption in China and IndiaRead MoreMarketing For Children s Brand Preferences1990 Words  | 8 Pagesline of advertisements is the creation of dissatisfaction to cause consumption. Youth are most prone to this kind of product manipulation (Tepperman Curtis, 2013) . Marketers are targeting young children since they easily influence their parents’ spending. Traditionally, marketing concentrated on children items such as sweets and toys; nowadays, marketers have diversified the products to include clothes, shoes, fast foods, electrical appliances and toiletries and adult products such as automobilesRead MoreEssay on Advertising and Obesity in America2871 Words  | 12 Pages The fast food industry is one of the largest sectors of the United States economy. Companies such as Burger King, Wendys, Taco Bell, McDonalds and KFC have all become household names. Each of these companies operates under a similar mission statement: to serve a quick, filling meal for a very low cost. The primary marketing medium for these companies is television where via commercials, they can portray both their products and a lifestyle. Their intense advertising focus on minorities andRead MoreHow The Soft Drink Industry1396 Words  | 6 Pagesto increase at a fast pace, manufactures had to change the formula for creating soft drinks. They began turning soft drinks into â€Å"†¦alternatives to alcohol and/or as stimulants.†rather than therapeutic medical drinks. â€Å"After World War II, the soft-drink industry became a leader in television advertising, the use of celebrity endorsements, catchy slogans, tie-ins with Hollywood movies, and other forms of mass ma rketing, particularly focusing on young consumers and emphasizing youth-oriented themesRead MoreMcDonalds - Competitor Analysis1553 Words  | 7 Pagescompetitors for McDonald in the burger segment is KFC. It first came to India in 1995, where it was one of the first multinational food chains to have entered India. It proved not to be a very good time to have come to India where people were still not able to come to terms with multinationals coming to India, and it was targeted by many and remained a not so known food outlet, while the ones which came later became more popular. KFC India had to shut shop in the late 1990s after it faced heavy protestsRead MoreMy Children s Books Taught Me By Daniel Hade1327 Words  | 6 Pagesa company figures out how to use a successful marketing strategy they can keep these shoppers coming back for more. This is an example of companies who target kids, â€Å"Today children are being targeted by phone companies, oil companies, and automobile companies, as well as clothing stores and restaurant chains†(519). The reason that these companies target kids is they feel they will keep the tradition of buying from this company. For example I wrestle in high school. Companies such as Adidas have
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Final Reflection Assignment Business Strategies of Global European Firms free essay sample
Developing Bridges across the Globe: Business Strategies of Global European Firms The changing business environment, the changes in communication technology, and political changes all encourage and facilitate the emergence of global business, transnational companies and the emergence of common markets around the globe. With the emergence of a global economy, the export of business culture and business interests has been dramatically growing. Most reputable companies like McDonalds, Starbucks, Miguel Torres Family Winery and Duvel Moortgat SA are no longer run in a ‘national’ way like they have been in the past. In fact, while touring Duvel’s manufacturing plant in Puurs, Belgium, I learned during a conversation I had with Christian Cols, Business Development Manager, that the Belgian brewers growth has far outpaced competitors in Western Europes sluggish beer markets. Sales have doubled in the past five years. It is now Belgiums second biggest brewer in revenue terms, after global leader Anheuser-Busch InBev SA. We will write a custom essay sample on Final Reflection Assignment Business Strategies of Global European Firms or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the 1920s, Duvel developed its signature beer, initially named Victory Ale in commemoration of World War I. With an attractive brand and distinctive taste, Duvel can get away with charging higher prices. Today the silky ale accounts for roughly 55% of the companys revenues. In 2010, Duvel increased net profits to â‚ ¬18. 9 million ($27. 5 million) from â‚ ¬14. 9 million. Its share price has climbed to around â‚ ¬74, from â‚ ¬16 in 2003. Revenue, â‚ ¬137. 3 million last year, is expected to grow to â‚ ¬172. 1 million in 2012, according to analysts. While Anheuser reported that their total volumes fell 2. 5% in Western Europe and 0. % in Central and Eastern Europe for 2011, Duvel, expanded sales in Belgium by 24%, in the Netherlands by 17% and in France by 10%. In order to expand into new markets, gain global clients, challenge today’s global financial crisis and become sustainable, ‘globalization’ has become the key factor in business strategies for European companies I have mentioned hereinabove. Merriam-Webster. com defines globalization as the proces s of integration across societies and economies. Globalization is currently in the top 20% of lookups on Merriam-Webster. om. This phenomenon encompasses the flow of products, services, labor, finance, information, and ideas moving across national borders. The frequency and intensity of the flows relate to the upward or downward direction of globalization as a trend. This trend has been vastly spreading amongst the European Union (EU). The EU, comprising 27 countries with a combined population of almost 500 million people, generates about one third of the world’s economic output and is home to key domestic and international organizations and companies. As the world becomes more integrated, the countries and organizations within the EU are impacted and in return impact the ‘global’ business environment. With today’s global financial constraints, globalization for organizations has become the key element for sustainability and competitiveness. Although this may seem like a new trend, as a young boy I remember an increase of globalization ever since the early 1970s, especially in regards to cars, fashion, entertainment and music. After interviewing executives from six different organizations based in Europe including @22Barcelona, Duvel, Torres Winery, HRD Antwerp, and Delhaize, I learned that one of the key factors in their globalization efforts, from the perspective of regional economic integration, they break down a global strategy into a more regional integration strategy with three types of global strategies (global sales, global production, and pure global integration). In general, RD capability determines a global production strategy, whereas firm size and managerial capability determine both a global sales strategy and a pure global integration strategy. From the perspective of business strategy, globalization is the process of internationalization of production and competition. In their view, the key factors driving the globalization of industries are shifts in technology, buyer needs, government policies and country infrastructures. Such shifts create major differences in competitive position among firms from different nations and might make the advantages of a global strategy more significant. Organizations must respond strategically to such changes; global strategies, addressing competitive advantage in global markets, combine advantages at the home base with advantages resulting from presence in many nations, such as the exploitation of economies of scale and brand reputation. Establishing strategic alliances, global supply chains, global value networks and associated forms of collaboration is definitely a part of such strategy. Companies entering such alliances are gaining benefits such as economies of scale, marketing activities, production or assembly, creating access to local markets, and to hedge risks. And lastly, long-term agreements between organizations in the form of joint ventures, licenses, long-term supply agreements is another strategy and great opportunities for companies pursuing globalization.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Making the Best Shot of Your Life Behind the Curtains of Movie
Table of Contents The Vision of a Movie Hitting the Bull’s Eye: Each Shot as It Is Diving Deep into Movie-Making Works Cited In spite of the fact that film industry is rather young compared to the theater or any other spheres of art, it has its own well-established and time-tested theory. With help of numerous tricks movie can look in the most effective and convincing manner. Because of the fact that, shifting camera positions, one can obtain the most efficient perspective, the five-shot technique suggested by Mackendrick has turned out a winning method of filming.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Making the Best Shot of Your Life: Behind the Curtains of Movie-Making specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Indeed, getting the most objective picture, the audience starts believing in the movie plot from the very start, which a film-maker aims at. However, it would be quite peculiar to trace the mechanism of the shooting. Learning what makes the shots such efficient technique, one can understand the very essence of the movie-making art. The Vision of a Movie Because of its objectiveness, the five-shot technique reminds of a situation when several points of view clash into a cultural conflict. With help of this peculiar technique, the film-maker can achieve the objectiveness which will absorb the audience attention and take them on a journey into make-believe. No matter what plot stands behind the very film, the correct visualization of the scene will allow the film-maker to attract the people with the peculiar view that opens in front of them. Once a piece designed to entertain people, a movie this becomes a true life situation to consider with all the seriousness. As a matter of fact, this is the five-shot sequence which makes people consider a movie as a part of the reality – subconsciously, yet rather strongly. Thus, it cannot be argued that the famous five-shot system proves asto nishingly efficient. Now the time has come to see the technique of the famous trick. As it turns out, there are very few secrets – and a lot of logics. Hitting the Bull’s Eye: Each Shot as It Is Because of the specifics of cinema art, it is necessary that the audience could have an overview of the whole situation in the movie. Unless the spectators have such opportunity, they will not be interested tin what is going o in the screen. Thus, the five-shot sequence invented by Mackendrick is supposed to draw people’s eyes to the action in the screen. Creating the overall impression of the scene and giving people the background idea, the master shot allows the audience to make it â€Å"full of visual information†(Mackendrick 245) and help people embrace the overall situation in the movie.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Over-the-shoulder shot, â€Å"a rev erse shot that is from an angle that includes a portion of the other person’s shoulder or head†(Hurbis-Cherrier 65) allows to consider the situation with the eyes of the movie character. Just think of what could happen if Mackendrick had not discovered his brilliant detail shot! With help of this approach, the secret meaning of the scene can be exposed to the audience without saying a word. With help of this shot, all the peculiarities of the relations between the characters come into the open, and the spectator can see what lurks behind the characters’ faces. A close-up shot, the shot which snatches a detail from the scene and zooms it into a complete grotesque, is another element suggested by Mackendrick. With help of this method, the idea of the movie can be exposed to the audience in the most exquisite way. Suggesting certain brainwork and containing an element of drama, this way of drawing the audience’s attention to certain details of the movie can be rather crude, but when used only as a hint, it can work wonders. The last, but not the least, is the complementary shot. To summarize the overall idea of the scene once again and to create a definite impression, the overall shot is used, as a rule, in the final part of the scene. Diving Deep into Movie-Making Planning a movie of my own, I would use the theory of the five-shot sequence focusing on the close-up shot. In my interpretation, the close-up scenes capturing the very essence of the scene could be a dramatic pinpoint of the entire movie. For example, shooting a drama, I would include the scene of thorough and useless search of something extremely important for the leading character, and as the vain attempts would cease, I would take a close-up of the needed object. Thus, making the movie as dramatic and tense as possible, I could create the vision of something strikingly real. Judging by the time test which the five-shot theory has passed, it proves extremely efficient for the contemporary cinema. Revealing the most incredible pieces of the plot to the audience and making them build their assumptions, it serves as the way to create a little world of make-believe where the audience could feel comfortable, a small model of real life for everybody. Lifting the curtain over the secrets of the movie plot, such technique will remain one of the greatest discoveries in the world of film-making.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Making the Best Shot of Your Life: Behind the Curtains of Movie-Making specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Works Cited Hurbis-Cherrier, Mike. Voice Vision: A Creative Approach to Narrative Film and DV Production. Burlington, MA: Focal Press, 2007. Print. Mackendrick, Alexander, and Paul Cronin. On Film-Making: An Introduction to the Craft of the Director. New York, NY: MacMillan Press, 2006. Print. This essay on Making the Best Shot of Your Life: Behind the Curtains of Movie-Making was written and submitted by user Isabel Dawson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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