Wednesday, July 31, 2019
In what ways did the events at Fort Necessity combine with other causes to begin the French and Indian War?
The French and Indian War is a very well known war and it’s most famous cause is the events that took place at Fort Necessity. However the truth is, is that there is much more to that war than just one incident. The French and British did not have good history with each other already so it was not easy immigrating to the same land without a head leader. As well as the ways of making money for the two different countries is different so they tend to clash in that respect. Lastly coming to the New World is about gaining power and control and they saw each other in the way of becoming a superpower country. The French and the British have had their disagreements in the past and just because they have moved to a new country doesn’t mean that those disagreements have gone away. The British were farmers, manufacturers, and tradesmen. The French on the other hand were mainly trappers and riverboat traders. This caused the inevitable, a conflict of interests from the Ohio River to Lake Champlain. The boundaries back then were not set in stone so it was pretty difficult to definitely say what land belonged to whom. The French and the British also had sort of an unspoken competition over land and power. This also caused conflict. Both France and Britain came to the New World to become much more powerful and basically take over most of the world. They came with greed for money, land and control. Initially Britain had more land, but the French had some good resources. In order to gain global power, resources were key. Resources could lead to money and trade and everything a country could want. As stated before, boundaries were pretty vague and both Britain and France wanted control over the Ohio River Valley. In reaction France began to build forts there and the British tried to take them down and failed. Then the British started to build their own fort, Fort Necessity. Soon the French approached the fort and this caused a battle, which left the British in a worse position than before and they had to surrender. This caused the tension and anger between the two countries to rise even more. Lastly trade was a huge issue between the French and British. They wanted different things, but they needed the same land. The Ohio Valley was full of trees and rich soil. The French wanted the land to keep the trees and continue the fur trade. This keeps the Indians happy because they get the benefit of trading with the French. However, the English wanted the land to chop down the trees and farm. This is how they make their profit, but it was also cause the Indians to have to move out. The French were not happy with what the British wanted to do with the land. The French were allies with the Indians and didn’t want to see them displaced. In conclusion there were many causes to the French and Indian War, not just the incident at Fort Necessity. The French and British already were not on the best terms with each other and they had no plan to change that. Also the French and British both wanted to be all-powerful, but they couldn’t do that together. The both wanted the land and the economic gain, but they both couldn’t have it. It also affected the trade. They wanted to use the Ohio River Valley for two different things that could not coincide. All these disagreements and the tension rose to the point of war. This was war was also known as the French and Indian War or the Seven Years War.
Improve Maternal Health Essay
The World Health Organization defines maternal health as â€Å"the health condition of women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period that needs to be safeguarded to prevent death†(http://www. who. int/topics/maternal_health/en/). Improving maternal health is one of the concerns of the Millennium Development Goals with focus on reducing maternal mortality and achieving universal access to reproductive health care by the year 2015. In 2008, sixty-eight (68) developing countries account for the majority of the maternal and child mortality. In the same year, the World Health Organization reported that some of the countries where maternal health is of prime importance and is given high importance include Norway, Australia, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and other developed countries. On the other hand, many developing countries are left behind in terms of giving importance or even appreciation to maternal health such as Afghanistan, Yemen, Niger, Chad, Sudan, Congo and other Southeast Asian countries. Poor maternal health adversely affects women. The World Health Organization reported that almost 500,000 women die of childbirth and pregnancy every year due to complications brought about by childbearing. Most of these women die due to unavailability of maternal health services and emergency assistance. It is the woman and her child that is always at risk when maternal health is not of top priority of a government. A woman and her child will always be exposed to infection and other forms of diseases when they are not given proper knowledge and skills in maternal health.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
College Rhetorical Analysis Essay
In this lengthy article â€Å"Guns Don’t Kill People, the Mentally Ill Do,†that was published in the Townhall Daily, the author, Ann Coulter, argues about a major prevailing issue today, gun control. She believes the problem isn’t the guns themselves, but the mentally disturbed people. Coulter credits the declining mental health system as the main setback. She supports her argument by providing tragic examples from mass shootings that took place in the past. One example was the 2011 shooting that took place in Tucson, Arizona where the shopping mall shooter, Jared Loughner was so obviously disturbed that he stated â€Å"If I stay long enough to make the yearbook, I will be voted the Most Likely to Commit Murder.†She also explains the most recent shooting that happened at Sandy Hook Elementary. The shooter, Adam Lanza, first shot his mother on the morning of December 14, 2012 because she supposedly was trying to have him committed to a mental institution, which is what triggered his rage. After he cold-bloodedly killed his mother, Lanza progressed on to Sandy Hook Elementary and proceeded to murder twenty children and six administrators. Coulter is a conservative columnist and political commentator who has mostly written about government and legal issues. A number of her articles are targeting a particular audience. For example, liberals, Barack Obama, the National Rifle Association, and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) just to name a few. Seven of Coulter’s best works are on the New York Times bestsellers list. Similar to this article, some of her previous works are written about gun control issues and targeted toward Obama and the Senate Democrats. Obviously, this is not the first time the issue has come up that Coulter has written about it. Some of her best works on gun control include â€Å"Ending Gun Violence Requires Commitment, Not All of it Voluntary,†â€Å"Negro’s with Guns,†and her most current article â€Å"Guns Don’t Kill People, the Mentally Ill Do.†What motivated Coulter to write this article were the many cases of mentally disturbed people carrying out mass shootings and the world glorifying the murderers with press, while the NRA was taking the blame. She states, â€Å"Innumerable studies have found a correlation between severe mental illness and violent behavior.†She provides evidence from these studies with statistics. For example, â€Å"Thirty one to sixty one percent of all homicides committed by disturbed individuals occur during their first psychotic episode.†She adds, â€Å"Which is why mass murderers often have no criminal record. There is no time to wait with the mentally ill.†Coulters purpose for writing this argument is to persuade her audience that closer tabs need to be kept on people who are suspected as being the least bit mentally disturbed. She believes if it is made easier to emit people into mental institutions, there would be less violence. Coulter also argues that if one is suspected as being mentally disturbed, it should be simple for them to be evaluated by a psychologist. Coulter’s intended audience is the general population, Barack Obama, and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Throughout various parts of her argument she pleads to individuals working in the mental health field to put more effort in separating mentally disturbed people from civil society. During a time like today, where mass shootings have happened within the last few months, are people more prone to pay attention to gun control issues. Especially on the forum that this article is published on. Most people that comment on â€Å"Guns Don’t Kill People, the Mentally Ill Do†are supporting Coulter’s argument. This argument first appeared on January 16, 2013 after Coulter did some researching about mass shootings i n the past. It responds to the most recent shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary. Coulter states, â€Å"Enough is enough, the public needs to know and understand the danger behind mentally ill individuals.†Her main claim is that there aren’t enough precautions being taken when it comes to suspecting someone of being mentally disturbed. There are several reasons given in support for her claim. Seung-Hui Cho, who committed the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007, had been diagnosed with severe anxiety disorder as a child and placed under consistent treatment but the college was prohibited from being told about Cho’s mental health problems because of federal privacy laws such as HIPPA laws (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). Another example is when one of Loughner’s (Tucson, Arizona shooting) teachers, Ben McCahee, filed numerous complaints to the school against him, hoping to have him removed from class. McCahee stated, â€Å"When I turned my back to write o n the board, I would always turn back around quickly to see if he had a gun.†Coulter goes on to say, â€Å"Committing Loughner to a mental institution would have required a court order stating that he was a danger to himself and society.†Ann Coulter adds to the examples when she informs the audience of James Holmes, the Aurora, Colorado shooter. He was under psychiatric care at the University of Colorado long before he shot up a movie theater. After Holmes made threats against a professor, he was asked to leave the campus, but he wasn’t committed. Coulter claims â€Å"People knew he was deeply troubled and just pushed him into society to cause havoc elsewhere.†Finally, when talking about Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook shooter, she states â€Å"Connecticut’s laws are so restrictive in terms of the proof required to get someone committed that Lanza’s mother would probably not have been able to get him help even if she had tried.†The article, â€Å"Guns Don’t Kill, the Mentally Ill Do†was found on a website as an essay. It is a lengthy article that includes an intro, a thesis, support paragraphs, and a closing paragraph reproving the thesis. Coulter represents herself as a respected columnist who is very educated on laws, especially regarding civil rights. â€Å"A Connecticut native, Coulter graduated with honors from Cornell University School of Arts & Sciences, and received her J.D. from University of Michigan Law School, where she was an editor of The Michigan Law Review. She is the legal correspondent for Human Events and writes a popular syndicated column for Universal Press Syndicate. In 2001, Coulter was named one of the top 100 Public Intellectuals by federal judge Richard Posner. After practicing law in private practice in New York City, Coulter worked for the Senate Judiciary Committee, where she handled crime and immigration issues for Senator Spencer Abraham of Michigan. From there, she became a litigator with the Center For Individual Rights in Washington, DC, a public interest law firm dedicated to the defense of individual rights with particular emphasis on freedom of speech, civil rights, and the free exercise of religion.†Ann Coulter is a very trusted columnist. She uses facts based on mass shootings in the past and provides evidence by using statistics and quotations from insiders. Although Coulter doesn’t invoke an emotional response, she bases much of her article on morality. â€Å"Guns Don’t Kill, Mentally Ill Do†is a satirical piece due to her ridicule to the ACLU throughout her argument. In conclusion, Coulter argues that there is much more precautionary steps that can be taken when someone is suspected of being mentally ill. She closes the argument by stating â€Å"It is nearly impossible to have mentally disturbed people separated from society because the ACLU has decided that being psychotic is a civil right.†She adds, â€Å"Consequently, whenever a psychopath with a million gigantic warning signs commits a shocking murder, the knee jerk reaction is to place yet more control on guns. By now, guns are the most heavily regulated product in America. It hasn’t worked. There are still subway tracks, machetes, fists and bombs.†For example, the most deadly massacre at a school in United States history was at an elementary school in Michigan in 1927. It was committed with a bomb, by a mentally disturbed man.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Linen textile Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Linen textile - Research Paper Example However, most of the finds of early flax cultivation relate to the Iron Age. They show that perennial narrow-leafed flax was cultivated all across Europe as far as Scandinavia. (Gunnsdottir). In ancient Egypt, Flax was grown on a large scale in the 4th millennium BC. Ancient Egyptians used Flax for making gowns and tunics. The fine bandages with which, the mummies were wrapped were also made of Flax fibers. Its frequent use by ancient Egyptians could be attributed to its extremely fine quality and durability. â€Å"Amazingly enough, when the tomb of Pharaoh Ramesses II, who died in 1213 BC, was discovered in 1881, his linen wrappings were in a state of perfect preservation†(World Linen). Likewise, the linen curtains in King Tut’s tomb had not warped away a bit. Textile industry was the main promoter of the economy of Egypt during the Islamic period. Tennis and Alexandria provided linen fabrics to the Byzantine Empire. Linen tunics were worn by people of ancient Greece. Summer tunics of ancient Romans were also commonly made of linen. Linen was largely employed as a clothing staple in the middle ages. Most of the undergarments were made in linen since it wa s comfortable to wear and felt cool and light to wear. It was also easily washable. Linen was also woven at home for making dresses for women. Flax was brought to Europe, America and India as trade routes expanded. Linen was used in a whole range of ways in the past and is still an extremely stylish and luxurious fabric. Some of the most frequently used types of linen were butchers’ linen, heavy bleached linen and damask. Today, linen is used for making both ordinary and fashion wear. In the contemporary age, France, China, Belgium, and Holland are the four prime producers of the linen textile. They have been named here in order of their production level with France producing the largest amount of linen and Holland producing the least of the four. On a yearly basis, France produced 64000 tons of
Sunday, July 28, 2019
How Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Reputations Affect Dissertation
How Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Reputations Affect Profitability - Dissertation Example POSE 32 3.4.RESEARCH APPROACH 32 3.5.RESEARCH STRATEGY 33 3.6.RESEARCH METHOD 34 3.7.DATA COLLECTION 35 3.7.1.Secondary data collection: 36 3.7.2.Questionnaire For Primary Data 36 3.8.POPULATION AND SAMPLING TECHNIQUE 37 3.9.ETHICAL ISSUES 38 3.10.LIMITATIONS 38 3.11.RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY OF RESEARCH 38 3.12.SUMMARY 39 Chapter 4: Data Analysis 40 4.1.INTRODUCTION: 40 4.2.DATA ANALYSIS: 40 4.3.ANALYSIS: 50 4.4.SUMMARY 52 CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION 53 5.1.INTRODUCTION 53 5.2.SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS 53 5.3.MANAGERIAL IMPLICATION 57 5.4.RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE STUDY 58 References 60 Table of Figures Figure 1: OCCUPATION OF RESPONDENTS: 41 Figure 2: IMPACT OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ON PROFITABILITY 42 Figure 3: IMPORTANT FACTORS FOR EFFECTIVE CSR STRATEGY 44 Figure 4: REASONS OF ADOPTING CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 46 Figure 5: BARRIERS IN ACCOMMODATING CSR IN THE COMPANY’S OPERATIONS 48 Figure 6: IMPORTANCE OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN TODAY’S ENVI RONMENT: 50 â€Å"HOW CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND CORPORATE REPUTATION AFFECTS PROFITABILITY?†Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1. INTRODUCTION The introduction chapter provides special attention regarding the concepts associated with Corporate Social Responsibility, and Corporate Reputation and its impact on organizational profitability. In addition, this chapter encompasses the research aims and objectives along with the significance of the study. This chapter further highlights the plan of the study i.e. the research methods used along with the conceptual framework. Lastly, this chapter includes the overall summary of the dissertation. 1.2. INTRODUCTION TO STUDY During the last two decades, organizations have grown significant concerns regarding Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Through CSR, organizations have been describing their contributions towards the community while balancing the organization’s impact on the environment. With the passage of time, organi zations have extended their responsibilities towards CSR as it has helped the organizations to promote sustainable growth on company’s core business activities. Businesses have long pursued their single most dominant motive i.e. profit. Significant changes have been observed from earlier days to the modern world. One of the prominent changes includes the utmost attention towards the development of community and society. In simpler words, the concept of giving the society back has greatly impacted the profitability of the businesses in local and international markets. Today the profitability of the company is fueled through its attention on social responsibilities. Due to the very reason, the
Saturday, July 27, 2019
EMAIL PRIVACY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
EMAIL PRIVACY - Essay Example Currently, email dominates modern communication. In fact, the survey that was conducted by the Forrester Research Inc. shows that 98 percent of companies with over one thousand employees have internet access. All the companies with internet access use email as the main form of communication at the organization. Email is a very new concept in communication, and it is rapidly gaining popularity. According to Cliffon (2005), it is estimated that in America, up to 1.5 billion emails are exchanged annually. Email Privacy Most people are of the view that since the emails are more personal, they provide a good platform for people to discuss personal issues. This is never the case in most cases; in fact, emails have made communication to be less personal since privacy in communication through emails or telephones is easily compromised. It is always very hard to write personal things on the email because a third party may see them; hence, emails are greatly compromised in terms of privacy. Ac cording to Cliffon (2005), the hackers are able to crack passwords for emails and, therefore, get access to personal information of others. Hacking presents a very precarious situation because hackers may get access to critical information such as credit number of an individual or even password for an individual’s bank account thereby defrauding individuals of their lifetime investments. The internet is highly susceptible to malicious attacks. The process of composing an email to the time that it reaches the final user exposes information to several electronic dangers. Despite this reality, many people are usually oblivious of the many privacy flaws they are exposed to when dealing with email. Crawford (2008) says that most individuals tend to think that the one layer email protection by the use of password is always sufficient to guarantee email privacy yet the one layer password protection is not sufficient to protect the content of personal or business email. Privacy Risks Due to the apparent privacy hitches in email communication, users of email are exposed to a number of risks. The reason for this is that email is highly susceptible to both active and passive attacks. Passive threats vary from traffic analysis and release of message contents. On the other hand, active threats include replay, masquerade, and altering of the contents of the message. Currently, most emails are transmitted unencrypted and this presents the danger that some unscrupulous individuals other than the designated recipient can gain access to content of the email. Such unscrupulous individuals usually have some tools that they use to gain access to the contents of the email (Quigley, 2011). The idea of traffic analysis presents the danger of evading email privacy. Traffic analysis is a routine surveillance by government through monitoring of emails as a measure to counter terrorism as well a thwart any form of political eavesdropping or espionage. In as much as traffic analysi s is justified on security grounds, this approach compromises on the privacy of emails since through the process, access to the private email messages of individuals or corporate is gained. The other potential risk with regard to email privacy is the possibility of altering and modification of the contents of the email. Using spoofing tools, unscrupulous individual can intercept an email message on transit or storage and then modify the contents of such messages. Rao and Upadhyaya (2009) argue that the other potential risk of email privacy is the issue of masquerading; it is possible for an individual to send an email in the name of another person or any corporation. Moreover, it is worth noting that email messages can be resend to individuals more
Friday, July 26, 2019
Data Visualization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Data Visualization - Essay Example For simplicity, the following categories of crimes would be disclosed for the year 2013: criminal offenses on campus and arrests on campus. The results would be presented in tabular format to highlight comparative details: From the results, one could deduce that the crime statistics reported in the University of Findlay for the year 2013 had been the least among the universities that were evaluated in the state of Ohio. From all criminal offenses on campus, the University of Findlay reported the least numbers of offenses (2) with the least numbers of arrests (5). Only the Wittenberg University reported similar number of arrests (5) with violations on drug abuse and liquor law. The arrests of 5 for the University of Findlay were all for liquor law violations. Despite the universities being categorized as recording the most number of enrollees (more than 15,000) as compared to the universities with lesser number of enrollees (less than 5,000), it was evident that crime offenses still occur. The Ohio State University exhibited the greatest numbers of criminal offenses for 2013 totalling 61 and the greatest numbers of arrests totaling
Thursday, July 25, 2019
A, Critically explain an account for the equitable maxim equity will Essay
A, Critically explain an account for the equitable maxim equity will not assist a volunteer and B, Critically explain an account for the differences between equitable and common law remedies - Essay Example A donatio mortis causa is where property is transferred to another in expectation that the maker will be dying soon after the item has been transferred. The transfer is conditional that the death is imminent. Such a gift is effective form the moment it has been made subject to the death of the testator soon after making the bequest. The gift is classed as an inter vivos gift such that if the testator does not die as expected the gift will be revoked. Blackstone talks of donatio mortis causa as occurring when a person ‘in his last sickness, apprehending his dissolution near, delivers or causes to be delivered to another the possession of any personal goods to keep in case of his decease’. Swinburne identifies 3 types of donatio mortis causa, these being a gift in anticipation of death, a gift moved by imminent danger which takes effect immediately and a gift where a person in peril of death gives something to the donee that only becomes the property of the donee if the donor dies. The Lord Chancellor disagreed with this stating that only the first of these was a donatio mortis causa. The Lord Chancellor made the comment that the second type would be an inter vivos gift whilst the third type would be a testamentary disposition. ‘for an effectual donatio mortis causa three things must combine: first, the gift or donation must have been made in contemplation, though not necessarily in expectation, of death; secondly, there must have been delivery to the donee of the subject-matter of the gift; and, thirdly, the gift must be made under such circumstances as shew that the thing is to revert to the donor in case he should recover’ As a result of cases such as Sen v. Headley2 the courts have adopted a different approach to the application of donatio mortis causa. The new conditions require that the gift was made in contemplation of death, rather than expectation; that the gift is made subject to the condition that it will only
Interpretation of Alexander Pope's Work An Essay of Man
Interpretation of Alexander Pope's Work An of Man - Essay Example He explains that man should have a sense of inner equilibrium, between how he views himself with respect to his surroundings. With this, man has to understand his purpose, as well as the universal order in which he is a part of. Only after understanding his purpose and the universal order around him can a man be truly contented. As Pope explains: The man was made perfect, based on the intended purpose that God created him for. Moreover, God gave man sufficient knowledge, based on the purpose that he was made for, and in relation to the surroundings that he will live in. The author cautions that man should not overshoot his intended purpose. The man was made to be a man and was made perfectly for his intended purpose, with respect to the universal order, of which man is a part of. Therefore, any desire to deviate from man's intended purpose consequently inverts or subverts the universal order that exists: As Pope explains, aspiring to be like the Gods or like the Angels is deemed as a rebellion against the universal order that man should respect. Implicit in this argument is the possibility that man might go astray, away from his intended purpose, should he desire to become more than what he was created for. Effects such as pride, tyranny, and corruption might signal the downfall of the man if he desires to become more than what he was created for. The stress that the author puts on the importance of understanding man's intended purpose suggests that it is not immediately easy for a man to know his purpose and stature with respect to the universal order. Man, therefore, has to go through a journey of questioning and self-discovery, to understand his true character and purpose. He must understand each positive attribute of his character, to know why he was given such. Moreover, he must also understand each negative attribute of his character, not only to know why he was given such negative attributes, but also for him to overcome it. Pope explains his point further, through the following excerpt. Â
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 20
Case study - Essay Example This is because there was a lack of team approach and communication deficits among the doctors and most healthcare workers. The different specialists who treated his various ailments lacked concern about what their counterparts did and this only compounded Mr. Roberts’s problems. He also notes that although there were ample medical records, consultants hardly reviewed the information within meaning that prescriptions they made and treatment they offered was questionable and not comprehensive enough. This resulted in wastage on valuable resources due to replication of prescriptions and reproduction of ineffective therapeutic plans. Physicians and patients hardly communicate well and this only exacerbates a medical situation. Treating all patients equally is said to have cost Mr. Roberts’s brothers life. Moreover, lack of assertiveness and ignorance among patients is a factor that contributes to untimely death and worsening of medical conditions. Ability for patients to ascertain true qualifications of physicians is very important (Gillies, 2003). Mr. Roberts we are told had to travel for more than 100 miles to get treated by the right physician. Hence, patient’s knowledge play a very important role in enhancing their
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Claims Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Claims - Essay Example Understanding team dynamics, to ensure cooperation of all personnel in the organization. Selecting the right personnel who have the right qualifications. Managing conflicts amongst the different stakeholders in most organizations, and communicating within and outside the organization. (Graham, Shiba, Walden, 2001, p.43) When I was working as scripter for three years, all these skills were evident in all levels of management. In the company, there were different groups doing specific tasks and with different leaders and communication system. The groups are motivated in different ways in respect to their output. In my self assessment test, I was exceedingly interested in working in groups. I like being the group leader since I can manage the group dynamics. In my future career plans, I would like to own a company and manage it myself. The competences are incredibly essential in the entire running of the company. They are inter related in that they all aim at achieve organizational goals and objectives. The effectiveness of a manager is determined by the outcome of the organization in regard to the set objectives and goals. If the skills and competences are effective, the organization will manage to achieve their goals and objectives. In most organization, the managers lack some skills and competences leading to poor management. This is the main reason they do not achieve as it is expected of them. In most organizations, the workers are required to work together and make decisions that will enhance in achievement of organizational objectives. In my uncles company, we were grouped in teams, and this was especially challenging on my part since it was difficult to make a quick decision due to consultations amongst the group members. In the organization, different personnel did more work than others. The organization had a policy of rewarding people and groups based on the output they delivered. This was extraordinarily
Monday, July 22, 2019
Paul Stultz Essay Example for Free
Paul Stultz Essay Paul Stultz, a character who has always admired me not as an individual but as a code that has the hidden formula that makes up a successful person. Mr. Stultz with his attractive traits which circles around self-motivation and persuasive attitude towards the core values, A Professional teacher and Sales Manager, he has un matched skills in both the fields. With vast experience in areas of telecommunications and a proven record in planning, management, and leadership he stand as an example that always continue to impress every bit of my existence and defines my approach on a idealistic character. The habit of always thinking out of the box has polished his abilities as an innovative thinker and effectual problem-solver who can see the big picture. During the nineties, the knowledge explosion created an exponential increase in the complexities of doing business. As mentioned his ability to predict future prospects and then set in motion to achieve them has always been thr trait that has made him stand tall among the fellows who surrounds him. Forecasting the influences of new technologies on our organization, our customers, and the marketplace with trivestiture, he identified the human factors, technology gap. Profoundly he tasked us with analyzing the systems our clients had and what would be needed to transition through the millennium change over which eventually set the grounds for developing the best possible mix which was beneficial not even for a shorter but a longer run as well. In addition, he adapts quickly to challenges and interacts effectively with all levels of business management he has the consult and tell approach and that is the key to his never ending goodwill. Finally, he is committed to professional excellence with a high level of integrity with all business interactions internal and external. Mr. Stultz’s leadership actions and skills Basics of an efficient sales person are driven by the personal persona and the ideal blend of skills and venom towards goal attainment. Mr. Stultz’s has the following note worthy traits that has made him the revenue machine for the organization on the whole. 1. Initiated contact with senior decision-makers and maintained open communication channels that were significant in cultivating sound relations with agency business leaders. Practiced self discipline in terms of ethical rules of conduct during all oversight of presentations and proposal submission of closing high-dollar volume sales of telecom services and products. 2. He supplies the purpose and meaning; provide the energy that drives a group forward. His visionary aspect of leadership is supported with his excellent communication skills that allow him to articulate his or her vision with precision and power in a compelling and persuasive way. 3. The degree, to which the he challenges assumptions, takes risks and solicits ideas are way exceptional. Mr Stultz with this trait stimulate and encourage creativity in their followers and analyzes the pros and cons of system solution architecture. Oversees and participates in cross functional innovation teams and conscientiously attentive to details and big picture interactions. Reconciled all interoperability and time line issues to exact accountability to the team member for the account, maximizing team achievement to president’s club three out of five years. 4. Expected team members copiously to write root cause analysis of problem and cause and effect problem solution. I n turn, he and the team interfaced with product house for service requirements, reconciled billing disputes to contracted amounts. Effective accountability of ethics in compliance of proposal response and performance of the award, Senior Vice President of Government Markets was impeccable in the senate hearings for the Census 2000 and thus concurrence with congress for best in class vendor. 5. The inspirational leader that he is, one who can instill passion and direction to a group of individuals requires an understanding of how the psychology of a group affects the members of the group. He listens to team members, technical lead myself to hold major partners accountable for the mandated requirements and backup contingency plans for major components of proposed solution. Acted as advisor mentor to my design team and held firm the ethical while seeking clarification on all aspects of implementation schedules and performances. Spearheaded all executive presentations given to the legislature informing upper management and product house of the steps and successes. Description of how the leader’s environment shaped his or her leadership practice and style Mr. Stultz is a magnetic transformational leader who injects huge doses of eagerness into his team and gives them the venom that is very much required to achieve goals. He is very energetic in driving innovations and giving new lines of thinking of system product solutions. This can create a synergetic solution to solve a problem and empower team participant in order to have cohesive leadership should he have to leave or be moved to another division (Burns, 1978, p. 79). The belief that the most important resource that an organization possesses is the people that comprise the organization, some organizations address the development of these resources, Burns characterizes transformational leadership as a style that motivates followers by appealing to higher ideals and moral values which eventually makes the individual grow not only as a professional but as an individual as well. Mr. Stultz adopted the transformational style because of the high level and sensitive nature of his work with huge corporations and the government while being a Colonel with the Army National Guard. The degree to which the leader behaves in admirable ways that cause followers to identify with the leader the bond that eventually allows the fellow employees to work out of the blue for the leaders. Charismatic leaders display convictions, take stands and appeal to followers on an emotional level. This is about the leader having a clear set of values and demonstrating them in every action, providing a role model for their followers This style includes an emotional component, which includes: qualities of transformational leadership include communication of clear vision of the organization to perform above the norm and to think outside of the box. Mr. Stultz’s degree to which he articulates a vision that is appealing and inspiring to his followers and the inspirational motivation that he injects in his employees challenge give them high standards, communicate optimism about future goals, and provide meaning for the task at hand. Technology, new innovations and the need to have the cutting edge systems demands this proactive collaborative problem solving approach to develop research and bring to market innovative products. Entwined in this leadership style is a charismatic intellectual push for excellence with emotional ties to the leaders mission. Perception of the leader by the followers is key to the adoption of the leaders values. Current statistics show state that 90% of companies are in a product innovation and service organization (O’Regan 2007). Mr. Stultz’s work environment shaped this democratic approach because, as a person from a large family, he had learned to depend on new ideas coming from other people, he has always been a firm believer of a win win approach where the employee always tend to feel that he is not there just to earn revenue for the company but consider himself as the back bone of the organization, he basically promotes bottom to top approach where he himself with his intellectual sound knowledge creates the win win situation for all. He knows that good ideas come from all over an organization and is not too proud to try someone else’s ideas; and he is more than willing to give credit to those who innovate the ideas. Burns (1978) discusses how leaders’ influence on their subordinates is â€Å"based on their shared sense of what is important, worth doing well, and expending energy on it†(p. 79). One of the hallmarks of Mr. Stultz’s leadership is his high moral ethics and his ability to prompt team members to reach beyond their comfort zone to achieve superior goal attainment things. As demonstrated earlier in this paper, Mr. Stultz and his team have successfully negotiated huge contracts and accomplished exceptional goals with this leadership formula. Regarding Mr. Stultz’s environment, the increasing dependence on information technology in the business arena and globalization realities have led to an increased focus on performance metrics over the past 15 years. His ability to forecast the future and adopting to the ever changing situation along with his adaptation with new technologies has always kept him with track records of achieving all that seemed impossible before him. Companies are making radical and fundamental changes to the way in which they conduct business to meet customer needs, stay competitive and position themselves in the technical revolution his idea of customer satisfaction is basis of bringing more business then by promoting services through advertisements has led to more cash inflows then ever before. Leaders such as Mr. Stultz have revised their strategies, restructuring their organizations and redesigning their business processes to meet these new challenges. New possibilities are emerging which already show a powerful impact on meeting innovative solutions to achieve cutting edge success of clients and this contribution brings the synergy and financial growth of the sales team (O’Regan 2007). How this person influenced your personal leadership style My experience and success is due to my emulation of Mr. Stultzs management style, and his mentoring of me during my association with him. After working for Mr. Stultz, I acquired a repertoire of leadership and organizational skills that I have found to be crucial to my personal success he made me digest the moxt complex ways of handling humans with just a simple formula of †giving importance†the basic want of humans I have learned that a true leader inspires his or her team constantly with a shared vision of the future. The degree to which he attends to each followers needs, acts as a mentor or coach to the employees and listens to the there concerns and needs. This also encompasses the need to respect and celebrate the individual contribution that each of us an make to the team (it is the diversity of the team that gives it its true strength). Transformational leaders are highly visible, and spend great deal of time communicating. While performing as the lead Technical data sales executive, my responsibilities included serving as the expert organizational catalyst activating the integrated voice / data project for the Bureau of the Census in addition to deploying the TQA and JHL programs. I was also designated to work with diverse personalities productively of internal/external technical groups to ensure that the technical, product house and industry partner issues were addressed properly. My responsibilities also focused on scrutinizing various interoperability protocols to prevent a myriad of potential problems and subsequently initiating guidelines for preventive action that would circumvent malfunctions and defects. As a consequence, I initiated a mosaic of complex solutions throughout the entire project and managed the on time project timeline processes to ensure the Implementation Team’s successful partner link with multi industries for census 2000 two toll free networks. I also used transformational motivational persuasion and skills propose, win and negotiate web services for the SSA White House Initiative, Seniors. gov. I initiated negotiations with support of my executive team and compiled the design and developed an array of complex reliability and disaster recovery network solution and implementation timelines to track and deliver the project in a timely manner in compliance with preset White House requirements. My innovative solution was picked ahead of other higher-ranking bids for my ability to â€Å"see the big picture†while managing the interoperability details for seamless integration of services. Mr. Stultz emphasized the need to be clear and concise in negotiating with client, operations and product development. He provided feedback to empower me in developing PowerPoint presentations and concise meeting minutes to illustrate complex, abstract award requirements that in turn were modified as executive briefings. Timely communication to key stakeholders, both internal and external, required disciplined ethical leadership skills to maintain high standards and sensitivity to political situations inside and outside the company I gained confidence to lead team members cross functionally to feel in control of their own destiny, such as the promotion they desire, and achieve technical excellence certifications and thus they are motivated to work hard by more than just a financial reward. As innovation takes time, this approach led to presidents club and vendor of the year for three out of five years and our results were best in class (Burns, 1978, p. 78). The approach can be most suitable where team working is essential, and quality is important to have speed to market and productivity while making profit (Burns, 1978). The main skill set I have learned from Mr. Stutz’s mentoring is that a comprehensive transformational leadership requires emotional synergy which carries over into customer satisfaction and the employees model service and work above normal job objectives to excel (Densten, Iain, 2006). His persuasive nature has made me learn the tactics that are there to efficiently manage a chunk of individuals and make them perform to their outmost with a motive of supporting there leader rather then with a motive to secure there jobs. Once products are innovated, I have learned behavior that mirrors a continuum between transactional and transformational. A marriage between mature products and active transactional leadership is balanced while transformational beta product development leads the organization to future innovations. Honoring confidentiality, handling situations appropriately and with discretion my transfomational leadership has successfully achieved the financial, emotional technical, and quality health of the leaders, peers, followers and customers (Brymer, 2006).
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Questions and Answers on Managerial Economics
Questions and Answers on Managerial Economics Introduction This assignment is about the different prospective of managerial economics. In which opportunity cost, a person can avail that cost by using the same resources. Choosing margin helps people to get a little better thing then the other available options as it normally ignore the sunk cost. Apple company is one of the leading organization that introduce the app store available in iTunes is vibrant, extremely competent, and evolving digital market place. All the apps are user friendly and seem beautiful within and outside the app store. Later on the PPF curve is discussed that shows maximization of production level and commodity those results for economic based concepts. Task 1 Explain why opportunity cost is the best for gone alternative and provide examples of some opportunity costs that you have faced today. Opportunity cost Opportunity cost is the cost that a person gives up in order to buy a thing he wants to buy. As opportunity cost is the cost that a person can avail by using the same resources. In economy, whenever the word cost is use it means that economist is talking about opportunity cost. The opportunity cost is the cost that a person gives up so it is the second highest value of alternative that the person leaves in order to gain the first better opportunity (Zhang, 2013). Examples Suppose a person decided to buy a computer but he can buy different other things by using the same resources. He could choose to spend his money for purchasing books, can arrange a tour, whichever option suit a person. If he decided to purchase a computer instead of all above things then the other options are the opportunity cost. As he left the opportunity to buy them in order to buy the computer. It determines the logic that the person decided to buy one thing by spending his resources instead of buying anything else. Another example is that for most of the college students, the college and tuition fee is not the actual cost. The opportunity cost of the student is the time they spend on college instead of doing any job (Puangsri, 2009). Task 2 Explain what it means to choose at the margin and illustrate with three choices at the margin that you have made today. In economics choosing at the margin means that one additional more unit of any resource used. Choosing at margin means, that person is carrying out an incremental change or a kind of adjustment in action plan. Choosing margin helps people to get a little better thing then the other available options as it normally ignore the sunk cost (Okullo, 2013) . Example of choosing at margin for example the benefit a person get by eating one additional bar of chocolate, each additional bar of chocolate gives you less level of satisfaction. Another example of choosing at margin is that if a theater is facing the problem of empty seats. Then they should sell tickets at half rates by bargaining with their customers. This will help them to get half price instead of gaining zero. It will increase the overall revenue of the theater as they collect 50% of the amount of ticket instead of getting nothing that increase their overall revenue. In case of any airlines, if the airplane takes off with some empty seats, they face lose of those empty seats as it reduce the overall revenue. Therefore, the solution to the issue was to reduce the price of the tickets. As reducing, the price of the ticket can increase the sale of ticket. It will help to increase the overall revenue of the airlines (SIVA, DANIEL, SHALINI*, April, 2013). Task 3 Apple Computer Inc. decides to make iTunes freely available in unlimited quantities. a. How does Apple’s decision change the opportunity cost of a download? The resources are scares now a day but the wants of people are unlimited. The app store available in iTunes is vibrant, extremely competent, and evolving digital market place. Proper strategies made in order to make and mange in order to provide comfort to the employees. The decision made by apple can decrease the opportunity cost of iTunes if they reduce the monetary cost by 99c that previously settled per iTunes. The iTunes store is now one of the most famous musical stores. ITunes, offers almost 10 million songs, on 30000 episodes of TV serials in different channels, with outclass video quality (GREGERSEN, EL LAKANY, KARSENTY, WHITE). b. Does Apple’s decision change the incentives that people face? Yes, the incentives of providing free latest music available on iTunes have increased the decision of people. As it, encourage people to buy new iPods. The apps made by apple are purely on merit with regard of their quality for the purpose of promotion. All the apps are user friendly and seem beautiful within and outside the app store. The apps are available in almost 150 countries in order to provide customers with better facilities. It help customer to localize their apps according to their requirements. Many international musical brands like EMI, Warner musical brand, universal musical group, etc decided to offer their music in iTunes. iTunes provide a better quality of audio music, the 3G user of iphone can now get iTunes catalogue of music on iPhone 3 3G by the help of 3G network (FREDERICK, NOVEMSKY, WANG, DHAR, NOWLIS*, 2009). c. Is Apple’s decision an example of a microeconomic or a macroeconomic issue? Macroeconomics is the study of economic in which the national economy discussed and the economy of world discussed. Like the reason of the increase in the unemployment in a particular year. The microeconomics deals with the choice made by individuals or a business that interact in market. As it help to determine the reason of why people buy more mobile phones. From above definitions, it is clear that the decision made by Apple Company is a micro economical issue as it deals with a single market and concern to a single company (WEAVER FREDERICK*, 2012). Task 4 Why do the PPF bow outward and what does that imply about the relationship between opportunity cost and the quantity produced? The production possibility frontier used in economics, which determine the production curves, boundaries and products formative curves. This graph used to determine the comparison of rate of production and commodities used as a fixed production factors. The PPF curve shows maximization of production level and commodity those results for economic based concepts. The PPF is a curve bow outward due to result of change in economic determinants such as scarcity of resources, economic of scale in production, and efficient of production. The PPF shows maximum combination of two different products that has produced on basis of available resources (MIKAMI, 2013). The PPF used to illustrate the raise in scarcity of resources. There are different points that technically determine efficiency. The opportunity cost related to different activities is highly valuable which alter the engagement of different activities with opportunity cost. Opportunity cost related to increase in margin as well as increase possible frontiers, which bowed towards straight line due to increase in production. Economies of scale will increase production as well as increase additional resources with activities. The importance of PPF is used to decide the resource of opportunity cost therefore, opportunity cost determine through cost of giving up which is required for production. It demonstrate that opportunity cost ensure the individual which at least determine the good with great choices. Task 5 Economic growth illustrated by shifting a production possibilities frontier outward. Use the following information to answer questions 5 to 7. Brazil produces ethanol from sugar, and the land used to grow sugar cane used to grow food crops. Suppose that Brazil’s production possibilities for ethanol and food crops are as in the table. a. Draw a graph of Brazil is PPF and explains how your graph illustrates scarcity. There is the comparison of barrel and tons in Barazil, the PPF shows that optimal point on frontier (40, 3). Productivity possibility frontier The PPF curve illustrates that production possibility determine an economy with combination of two goods one is food in tons and other is ethanol production. Ethanol production is less than the production of food in an economy of Barazil. A production possibility frontier represents a specific boundary of capabilities of economy’s production therefore; it is possible to term the production possibility frontier. The PPF maximize the production at fixed resources in an economy with fully employed resources. The production means that resources are unemployed and increase opportunity cost with given curve of convex shape mirror. If Brazil produces 40 barrels of ethanol a day, how much food must it produce to achieve production efficiency? According to the PPF, 40 barrels of ethanol a day there must have 3 tons per day of food that produce to achieve the efficient frontier. The opportunity cost of producing the goods and services which used to achieve the benefits of producers within a country. The cost of production is based on products and services because economies of scale known as managerial cost. Allocation of efficiency maximizes the managerial benefit with equal or extra units of production. Why does Brazil face a tradeoff on its PPF? Brazil faces tradeoff on its PPF because resources of Brazil are limited as well as technology. For the production of Brazil’ goods it is more important to produce the economies of scale with changeable factors of production. The way to develop goods and services helps to increase production capacity and increase goods that required decrease production of goods and also required to increase goods production with tradeoff reflection. Task 6 a. If Brazil increases its production of ethanol from 40 barrels per day to 54 barrels per day, what is the opportunity cost of the additional ethanol? According to the production of Brazil there will an efficient increase in production which will entirely produce ethanol from 40 barrels per day to 54 barrels per day, which decrease production of food as per crops from 3 tons per day to 2 tons per day. Therefore, opportunity cost of one ton ethanol for per day is 14 barrels or 1/14 ton of food for per ethanol barrel. b.If Brazil increases its production of food crops from 2 tons per day to 3 tons per day, what is the opportunity cost of the additional food? When Brazil efficient to increase its production from 2 tons per day to 3 ton per day then production of barrel will decrease by 14 as well as opportunity cost of additional food will be 14/1. Opportunity cost helps to determine what will forgo in return to get a new one opportunity. As Brazil increase production of food due to decrease in barrel of ethanol. Forgoing cost of ethanol is opportunity cost against getting the extra food tons for county promotion. What is the relationship between your answers to parts (a) and (b)? There is negative relationship between production of foods and barrel, as increase in production of foods barrel production will decrease. Increase in production of food will decrease ethanol production with more value than food production. Task 7 Does Brazil face an increasing opportunity cost of ethanol? What feature of Brazil’s PPF illustrates increasing opportunity cost? The increase in opportunity cost of ethanol will decrease production of food. Food is necessary item, for increase in production can easy to sacrifice the ethanol production. Economy will grow when necessaries will fulfill and due to unavailability of land increase in production as well. Graph illustrated that from point A it will decline and comparison at 40 barrel of ethanol will decrease one tone food. The increase in production will increase growth of country with suitable level of economies of scale. There are few managerial economic contents, which determine opportunity cost as The marginal cost of food for 2 tons is equal to the cost of 54-barrel ethanol. Increase in production will sometime decrease benefits for whole economy Efficiency cost helps to achieve the amount of goods and managerial benefits from production through available resources. Economic growth will illustrate the PPF and also increase rate of opportunity as well For economic production, there is lot of opportunities, which helps to increase tradeoff as well as increase specialized products. Price adjusted to make decision and determine different factors for market promotion References FREDERICK, S., NOVEMSKY, N., WANG, J., DHAR, R., NOWLIS*, S. (2009). Opportunity Cost Neglect. JOURNAL OF CONSUMER RESEARCH, Inc. Ã ¢-Â , 36, 9. Retrieved from: GREGERSEN, ,. H., EL LAKANY, H., KARSENTY, A., WHITE, A. (n.d.). Does the Opportunity Cost Approach. 23. Retrieved from: MIKAMI, M. (2013). Evolutionary foundations of Coasean economics:. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics,, 6(1), 164. Retrieved from: Okullo, S. J. (2013). Economic modeling of the long-term. 199. Puangsri, ,. M. (2009). QUANTIFIED RETURN ONINFORMATIONSECURITY INVESTMENT. 96 Retrieviewed SIVA, S., DANIEL, M. J., SHALINI*, S. (April, 2013). A STUDY ON MARGINAL COSTING IN GODREJ CONSUMER. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing Management Review__, 2(4), 2836. Retrieved from: WEAVER, R., FREDERICK*, S. (2012). A Reference Price Theory of the Endowment. Journal of Marketing Research, XLIX, 707. Retrieved from: Zhang, N. (2013). CULTURAL DIFFERENCES IN OPPORTUNITY COST CONSIDERATION. 52. Retrieved from: 1
Market Growth And Competitive Positioning Growth Strategies
Market Growth And Competitive Positioning Growth Strategies Nobody plans to fail but fails to plan. Marketing Planning is the first and foremost activity that a company should perform before embarking on a mission such as launching a new product into the market or revamp of existing product line. Not just in the case of new product launch, but also marketing planning provides a strategic direction to the company in terms of increasing the market share, building brand value and thus obtain increased revenues. 1.1 SOSTAC Model SOSTAC is a renowned model in marketing planning which is widely followed across several industries. It is also claimed to be the most powerful technique of in helping the companies to plan their marketing process. SOSTAC stands for Situation Analysis, Objective Analysis, Strategy, Tactics, Action and Control. Situation Analysis helps visualize the internal and external factors that affect the company which prevail at a given time. This analysis mainly comprises of employing SWOT technique to understand the situation at company level and also PESTLE technique to analyse the global environment which impacts the industry in which the company is operating. By carrying out this analysis, the company can get a snap shot of the current situation which will help the managers to take necessary actions to take advantage of the situation. Elements such as performance, competitors and customers are analysed in this stage. Objective Analysis will provide a clear path to the company in terms of the revenues and sales targets that should be achieved in a stipulated time limit to obtain the desired market share. The main outcome of this analysis is to shape the marketing strategy for the company based on the corporate strategy as to what the company aims to achieve within a time frame. Strategies part of SOSTAC mentions about the need for segmenting the target market and then specifically design the products based on the needs of the customers in each segment. In this stage, the company will go onto design its individual strategies on segmentation, positioning and competitiveness to place the product in a safe position in the market. Strategy emphasizes on the need for designing a USP for each of the product to give it a competitive edge over the existing products in the market. Tactics will help design the 4Ps of marketing by carefully selecting the right mix in order to achieve optimum results in terms of sales. Tactics also inform about the different ways of promotional activities and communication techniques that a company should take up in order to get the attention and create awareness among the target market. Actions refer to the action plan the company should have about who does what and how the strategies are executed. The focus of the company at this stage will be budgets, staff and risk analysis. The allocation of resources and work break down structure are defined in this stage as well as key performance indicators are determined along with the bench marks that are supposed to be achieved. Control deals with the measurement and monitoring of the effectiveness of the strategies that are followed. It mainly revolves around the measurement of performance in each communication channel in terms of ROI (Return On Investment) for the promotional activities. 2. Importance and Scope of Internal and External Auditing Marketing audit forms the base of marketing planning. It is divided into two types, internal and external auditing. The aim of any auditing activity is to review the effectiveness of existing processes and suggest necessary improvements to be made. Internal auditing helps to analyse the strengths and weaknesses within the company and the way the company is performing whereas external auditing helps to assess the external environment that will affect the operations of the company. A wide range of tools are used to carryout auditing such as SWOT analysis, PESTEL analysis, Porters Five Forces analysis etc. Both the audits together give a multi-faceted approach to look at the companys operations and the need for improvements. The aim of internal audit is to measure the performance of the resources and processes in the company and find the gaps where improvements are required. The main focus of this audit is to review the marketing process and quantify its effectiveness in terms of achieving the sales targets and objectives. Aspects like distribution channels, communication channels, customer interaction, product price and product design are analysed in the internal auditing. The aim of external auditing is to provide an Outside-in view to the company by analysing the external factors such as the competition in market place, the consumer buying behaviour and the trends in market. This assessment will enable the company to predict the dynamics of the market and take necessary actions to sustain and grow within the industry. The global environment of the industry in which the company operates will be analysed by looking at the factors like polity, economy, society, technology, legislature and environment which have a direct impact on the business. This analysis will be helpful in redesigning the business strategy to match with the environment. 3. SWOT and TOWS Process SWOT analysis is carried out at the organizational level to observe the internal capabilities of a company and match them against threats and opportunities presented by outside factors such as competition. It is one of the simplest techniques to conduct internal audit. The main focus of SWOT technique is to analyse the internal weaknesses that can be converted to strengths as well as work on strengths to take advantage of the external opportunities in the market. The limitation of SWOT analysis as tool for designing strategy is that it will not include all the necessary dimensions to be analysed for providing a robust strategy. In order to overcome the limitations of SWOT, Weihrich (1982) developed TOWS technique that will help the managers to go a step further in analysing the state of the company at a given time. TOWS framework is considered to be a situational planning tool that provides more number of parameters to analyse and give a holistic view for designing the strategy of a company. The technique of TOWS analysis is to compare each strength and weakness to each opportunity and threat in the form of a matrix which provides a more comprehensive solution for devising the strategy than in a traditional planning process like SWOT. TOWS technique involves 4 types of analyses as follows: SO: Strengths- to-Opportunities ST: Strengths-to-Threats WO: Weaknesses-to-Opportunities WT: Weaknesses-to-Threats For all the four analyses mentioned above, a matrix can be designed to map each element with the other. The following figure will describe a typical Strengths-to-Opportunities matrix based on the strengths and Opportunities which originated from SWOT analysis: SO Matrix Strength1 Strength2 Strength3 Opportunity1 Opportunity2 Opportunity3 TOWS analysis has to be conducted in succession to SWOT where initially the strengths and weaknesses of the organization are identified. Once the list of SWOT elements is obtained, the organization should then develop strategy to attack the external opportunities with help of its strengths and try to convert the threats into opportunities. This process is done in the TOWS analysis which gives a rounded perspective for the managers to tally and improve every row element in the TOWS matrix against every column element as shown above. Hence both SWOT and TOWS analyses complement each other to inform strategy for an organization. 4. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Strategy formulation is the key to success for launching a product into the market. The foremost objective of any strategy is to give a sustainable competitive advantage to the product over its rivals in the market (Barney, 1991). According to Kotler, the essential elements of any organisations marketing strategy are segmentation, targeting and positioning. These three processes are collectively and shortly termed as STP. Segmentation Dividing the target market into specific groups based on the demographics, habits and location is called Segmentation. The target market is grouped based on the factors like age, sex, annual house hold income etc. This process is very crucial in forming the market strategy because it will inform both product development team and the marketing team on what products to be designed and how they can be promoted to the different sections of people respectively. Effective marketing is all about making what you can sell, but not selling what you can make (Ali, 2001). For example a simple segmentation of market for a Sports Footwear manufacturer can be based on the following factors: 1) Type of Sport 2) Percentage of Men, Women and Children interested in different sports Based on the above segmentation, the company would then decide on the type and quantity of footwear to be manufactured as well as how to market it to the target customers in order to achieve the sales objectives. Therefore Segmentation directly informs the marketing strategy in the initial stages of formulation. Targeting Once the segmentation of customers is over, then the company has to devise strategies to target the identified segments by designing the products that closely match their requirements which could generate optimum sales revenue. Targeting is to identify the target customers who will potentially buy the product when it is out in the market. This process involves identifying three target groups which is mostly common to many industries, the niche customers group, mass customers group and the differentiated customers group. Niche Market: The products designed for this segment are very specific and tailor-made in order to suit the particular requirements of very few customers who are ready to pay premium prices. In Niche markets the volume of sales is very low but sales revenue is high due to premium prices for the heavily customized products. Example: Equipment manufacturer for military needs. Mass/ Undifferentiated Market: In this market products are designed to suit the generic needs of customers rather than meeting specific requirement of each customer. The prices for this target market are relatively low and the companies can achieve economies of scale by doing batch production. In this segment the volume of sales are high and the revenues depend on the volume of sales. Example: Fast moving consumer goods like cosmetics etc. Selective/ Differentiated Market: The needs of customers in this target market are similar but specific. The main reason for companies to address this market is to enhance customer experience and thus grab a significant market share by surpassing the competitors. Product price is slightly higher but is complemented by customer satisfaction hence resulting in increased market share and sales revenues. Example: Apple iPhone can be a classical example of differentiated target market product as it provides enhanced user satisfaction at a premium price. Positioning Any company thinking of introducing a new product into the market should create a launch pad for it as to define the position where it fits into the existing space in the market place. This act of identifying and defining the position can be called Market Positioning. In this process, the main focus is on the quality and the price of the product to be launched. Therefore positioning process should start by identifying the gap in the market place where there is less density of competitors and bleak possibility for new entrants to occupy that position. Market positioning mainly depends on which type of competition is prevailing in the industry (Monopoly, oligopoly, Perfect competition). The below figure demonstrates a situation where there are 3 existing players and a possible market gap where the 4th player, a new entrant can position itself: HIGH PRICE C DHIGH LOW A BQUALITY QUALITY LOW PRICE In the above market place, each of the products are in a different position where the new product D has entered into the space of providing high quality products at a price less than premium. This space was earlier empty as all the other three players are not providing as much quality at the price slightly higher and lower than that of D. Therefore it can be understood that product D can capture a significant market share if right marketing campaigns are adopted. 5. Strategies for Market Growth and Competitive Positioning Growth strategy After successfully launching the product in the market the companies should then look at enhancing the growth prospects for the product by designing appropriate growth strategies. Growth in terms of market share as well as sales revenues. There are various growth strategies like mergers and acquisitions, franchises, strategic collaborations and outsourcing. Ansoffs Matrix explains the various market growth strategies in detail which will help the organizations to select the appropriate strategy that best fits their case. Depending on whether the product and market whether they are new or existing a company should adopt a growth strategy. Ansoffs matrix is a tool whose output will provide a set of growth strategies which can be followed. Figure: Ansoffs Product-Market Growth Matrix Existing Product New Products Market Penetration Product Development Market Development Diversification Existing Market New Markets To understand the market growth strategy in more detail, consider the example of a company which wants to explore a new market by exporting its existing products to another country. Let us say, a UK car manufacturer finds a potential growth factor in Indian market, the strategy would be market development. In the process of Market Development the company should segment its target customers based on the socio-economic sections in the context of India and build an entirely new distribution channel in to sell the cars. The company should also change the pricing structure according to the prevailing competitive prices. Likewise, depending on the type of market and the type of product broadly four growth strategies can be adopted as shown in the figure. 6. Need for differentiated marketing mix Marketing mix essentially deals with the 4 crucial elements which form the core of marketing any product. The 4Ps stand for Product, Price, Place and Promotion. With the following example all the four Ps are explained: Example: Fashion Clothing for Teenagers Vs Formal Clothing for Older middle class Product: A right product has to be designed that exactly meets the needs of the target customers. Target customers in this case are teenagers and older people in middle income group. In UK the market size for clothing is dominated by Women with more than half of the total value of the sector (KeyNote, 2009). By value womens garments contribute for  £19.1 bn whereas Men and Childrens garments are at  £11 bn and  £7bn respectively of the total market value of  £37.2bn as of 2008. The variety of clothes for women is huge and for simplicity purposes only Mens clothing is discussed in this context. Teenagers: Population in the age of 15 to 19 can be treated as active teenagers. Teenagers generally like to be trendy and fashionable. So the product for this target market should reflect the same in its design and appearance. Trousers: Teenagers prefer Jeans for trousers with various styles according to their tastes like boot-cut, low waist, straight fit. T-Shirts: Teenagers prefer round-necks over collar T-shirts Older Middle class: The average annual house hold income in UK per capita is  £14,921 as of 2008 (KeyNote, 2009). The target customers, older middle class population in UK belong to the social grade B based on the classification of the Office of National Statistics. According to the buying behaviour based on age, sex and social grade the penetration is observed to be more in the clothing accessories like rain coats, jackets and polo shirts in this segment (Older Middle class). Hence the products designed for this segment should take the above trend into consideration for selling the clothes easily. Price: Price is the most crucial factor that can influence consumer buying decision and hence should be fixed by considering the factors like right price for right quality and the competitive prices in the market for similar products. In the context of clothing, most of the brands have a varying price structure based on the style and the quality of material used for production. For example, jackets made of cashmere wool are costlier than other ordinary wool and there would not be much price difference in this segment across the brands. Price for natural fibre-made clothes is always premium while there is a great variation in the prices of clothes made up of man-made fibre like Viscose, Acrylic, Polyester and Poly Propelene. As the investment in designing fashionable out fits is high, the price for clothes made for teenagers is higher than that of the clothes designed for Older people. Prices Jeans: Price varies depending on the style Boot-cut:  £15 to  £30 Narrow-fit:  £20 to  £40 Formal Trousers:  £10 and above depending on the fabric T-shirts: Price varies depending on the material Cotton round-neck:  £10 Cotton Polo:  £15 and above Polyester round-neck: From  £6 onwards Place: Place is where the product is available for the customers to purchase. The places might range from a corner shop to that of high street stores and large wholesale stores. There were around 3,530 enterprises in UK that are involved in clothes manufacturing and there is a strong distribution network in UK for clothing manufacturers (KeyNote, 2010). Clothes can be made available at a variety of stores across all the regions in UK. The places which sell clothes in UK are Super markets, sports shops, department stores, independent stores, mail orders and online stores. Teenagers: As the clothes made for this segment are fashionable, they need to be located in an eye-catching area like high street retailers and sports stores. However a large number of clothes can also be sold through online retailer like Amazon which is quite popular among internet users. Older Middle Class: The major place for sales in this segment would be large supermarkets. Older singles and couples visit large supermarkets for grocery and household needs quite often, therefore clothes in this segment might find right place in super markets for large volume of sales. Promotion Promotion is about communicating the brand and the products to the customer who will then make a buying decision. Without the awareness of the brand, the customer would hardly make a purchase. Therefore quantity of sales is directly proportional to the effectiveness of the promotional activity. There are different ways of promoting a product. Advertisement, brand endorsements, email marketing, discount offers like buy 2 for 1, pre-launch and post-launch promotional campaign etc. are some of the commonly adopted promotional techniques. Teenagers watch television quite regularly and hence it is a good medium to advertise. On the other hand, fashion magazines and internet are also very popular among teenagers and advertising on these might attract them to buy the clothes. Older people might not be as good in using the internet as computers are modern and they might feel it difficult to adopt. However television and magazine advertisements might boost up the sales for the clothes in this segment.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Internet and Theories of Fantasy :: essays research papers fc
The Internet and Theories of Fantasy [Summary. This paper analyzes the work of Bertolt Brecht in relation to fantasy and reality. Theatre and the Internet today, reach several parallels this paper attempts to uncover; and also to answer the question is it ever really there at all? In conclusion this paper will make not that the internet is really just a space of play.] Brecht used epic theatre to bring forth an idea or meaning for the audience to consider while entertaining the audience. Epic theatre involves the use of alienation techniques to distance the viewer from the story but still concentrate on the overall meaning. The person who just views the story would likely take it as fantasy and not reach the true depth of the play. Brecht shocks the viewer by making the events and actions in the play "strange and abstract" this contrasts with dramatic plays where the audience sympathises and relates to the characters of the play. Brecht believed that "To think, or write, or produce a play also means to transform society, to transform the state, to subject ideologies to close scrutiny." Having established this doctrine for himself, Brecht instigated the use of epic theatre in an attempt to break from the Aristotelian definition. Although he did not approve of the Aristotelian version, he redefined the nature of catharsis to suit his needs. (Brecht 71-90) Quick to criticism the role of the audience in traditional theatre, Brecht placed particular emphasis on the eventual let down created by fantasy. "For many, the theatre is the abode where dreams are created. You, players, sellers of drugs, in your darkened houses people are changed into kings and perform heroic deeds of safety. In rapture over themselves, or seized with pity they sit in happy distraction, forgetting the toils of daily life. Runaways. .. Of course, should someone come in, his ears still full of the roar of the city, himself still sober, he would scarcely recognize there, up on stage, the world he has just left. And leaving your house, he would scarcely know the world-- now no longer king, but lowly man-- he'd scarcely find himself at home in real life." (Brecht 54) Brecht's reference to actors as "sellers of drugs" is particularly apt imagery. The actors sell a package of fabricated grandeur to the audience, which experiences a rush of feeling leading to an emotional high. However, at the end of the performance, the audience has already experienced the highest emotional climax, the memory of which is strung along by the inevitable plot resolution.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Ambiguity in Reason in Orlando Furioso Essay -- Orlando Furioso Essays
Ambiguity in Reason in Orlando Furioso  Ariosto addresses an underlying battle between reason and lust in Orlando Furioso, similar to the clash between duty and desires in Vergil’s Aeneid, yet opposite in interpretation. Vergil presents the message that duty overpowers desires, while Ariosto shows the opposite effect when he equates reason, rules, and authority with duty, and love, passion, and lust with desire. The "mettlesome charger" represents Lust that will not stop fighting to obtain its goals and cannot be gently coerced from its direction. Reason rarely overcomes Lust after it is set into action; once it is "tasted" it cannot be forgotten. Bradamant is torn between lust and reason when she must choose between her desires for Ruggiero and her filial duties. Aymon and Beatrice represent authority, thus set the tone for reason; but Rinaldo, Bradamant, and Ruggiero challenge their supremacy. Ariosto ultimately questions the validity of authoritative reason since Bradamant must thwart filial duty and pursue her o wn passions to fulfill her destiny. When Rinaldo promises Bradamant’s hand to Ruggiero in marriage, controversy surfaces. Rinaldo feels indebted to Ruggiero for his great deeds, which include saving the lives of Richardet, Maugis, and Vivian. Rinaldo has only good intentions in mind when he takes a stand, and "[he] truly [believes] that Aymon [will] be pleased to contract such a kinship." (44.11) However, his prediction proves false; Aymon angrily receives the news. Not only does he have plans of his own for Bradamant’s future, he is enraged that Rinaldo "[dares] to marry off his daughter without consulting him" (44.36). Aymon prefers to give Bradamant’s hand to Constantine’s son Leo because he has the grea... ...duty expressed through Merlin’s prophecy. Following the reason of authority, this goal would never have been met, however, relying on the reason of the heart, it is. Ariosto suggests that rules are refined rather than broken when they are not followed, because the authority, which sets them into play, can be less valid than the passions driving the "counter" action. The student may wish to begin the paper with the quote below: "A mettlesome charger will often suffer himself to be reined in from a gallop however gentle the hand on the rein. Seldom however, will the bridle of Reason check rabid Lust once it scents its quarry. It is like a bear: there is no distracting him from the honey once he has sniffed at it or tasted a drop left in the jar." (Canto 11.1) Works Cited Ariosto. Orlando Furioso. Trans. Waldman. New York: Oxford University Press, 1983
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Information Systems :: Healthcare
Information systems are a vital necessity to healthcare institutions in the United States and other nations with the ominous need to keep up with technology, research, and science in the 21st. Century. Most of healthcare institutions in Africa still depend on physical documentation, written by hand and afterword’s stored in binders locked away in storing facilities. With the growing populace in Africa, gathering information concerning patients health documents is costly, hard to maintain, and unethical. Therefore, in this case scenario I’m going to target my research, in developing countries in Africa in general, who are striving to improve ideal management information system. The goal is to aim efforts to improve public health through enhanced supervision through healthcare information, such the ability to collect, store and analyze accurate health data, service transfer proficiency, improve data accuracy, value of involvement, increase accountability and to learn abou t trends. The objective of this information system is to record information on health events and check the quality of services at different stages of health care. The data collected will also help to notify forthcoming healthcare policy determinations. My objective is to provide a cheap alternative Information Systems (IS) solution to six nations in Africa with the demand for better health care and documentation of patient information. In turn this will help doctors to treat patients with perfected precision. The nations that will be requiring my expertise be situated in Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. My goal is to unite these six nations with one complete (IS) that will be funded by supporters and sponsors alike. These funded groups will be handling all aspects of service without the support from these nations’ governing parties. The purpose of this is to stray away officials, due to chaos, government manipulation, radicals, and civil wars. Information Systems implemented for project Africa. For project Africa I have included three types of information systems, the first (IS) that I have implemented (see Figure A), is the most important towards a well-balanced system is Clinical Information System (CIS) shown in (Figure A, IS1). This type of (IS) that is a computer based system which is designed for storing, collecting, making available clinical information, delivery of information faster, and efficient (, 2010). Systems like (CIS) can deliver all records such as the patient past history of illness and interactions with doctors, and healthcare providers. As a result, this information is proficient in assisting physicians in deciding patient’s current condition, treatment alternatives, wellness undertakings, and actions that embark on other significant information that can lead to improving patient’s overall health (Biohealthmatics.
Characters in Hamlet and Claudius Essay
* Themes: * Certainty and Uncertainty * Because of all the deceit and theme of appearance and reality, every character is uncertain of who they are and who others are really like. No one knows for sure and is certain who anyone is anymore. * The audience is confused and not sure of the character Hamlet, Gertrude, Ophelia etc are anymore- there are so many attitudes and situations in the play that make these characters uncertain. * Hamlet and his antic disposition- he pretended to be mad but towards the end it also seemed as if he actually went mad. * It is uncertain that Gertrude is a queen blinded by Claudius and Hamlet or a person who doesn’t care about what happened to King Hamlet and just wants to stay in power. She can also be viewed as an incestuous woman. No one knows for sure anymore. * Ophelia starts out as a distraught girl who is in love with hamlet but then goes crazy when she finds out he ‘doesn’t love her’. It is not certain who Ophelia really is as her character is ambiguous in general. * Appearance and reality * King Claudius appears to be good man but in reality he is the murderer of the King Hamlet. Deceitfully and criminally took the throne for himself. * Polonius seems like a loving father but in reality he is a manipulative and deceitful man. * Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are two twins who appear to be hamlets friends but in reality they are spies working for Claudius. * Struggle for power * Claudius murdered King Hamlet to gain power (the throne) * Polonius lies to Ophelia in order to gain a good eye in the favour of the king Claudius- hoping to gain some power. Soliloquies: * Act III Scene 1 * The soliloquy â€Å"to be or not to be†is an important one to note as hamlet here ponders on the topic of death. It could possibly be because he feels guilty and angry at what he has done or said up to this point- antic disposition (pretending to be mad and try to kill Claudius in the mean time etc). * He has a powerful and tense relationship with the thought of death and life. * Act IV Scene IV * In this soliloquy hamlet questions his own courage and his worth as a man, if he confines to be unwilling to act. He compares his lack of action to Fortinbras and his army who are willing to risk all. * The issue of Hamlet acting too late in killing Claudius ponders hamlets mind, thinking whether it was good to wait or bad to wait or whether it was worth it. Characters: * Hamlet * Main character, antic disposition, madness, falseness, anger * Ophelia * Hamlets lover, goes insane when she finds out that Hamlet doesn’t love her- even though it was a lie and he does. * Claudius * Uncle of Hamlet, brother of King Hamlet and murderer of King Hamlet. Remarried Queen Gertrude and gained power to the throne. Hamlets enemy and target on getting revenge on. * Gertrude * Mother of hamlet and newly remarried wife of her brother in law King Claudius. Viewed as incestuous. Finds it hard to believe or understand her son Hamlet throughout the play. * Guildenstern and Rosencrantz * Twins who were Hamlets childhood friends but turned out to be spies for Claudius. * Polonius * Appears to be a loving father to Ophelia and Laertes but really is a manipulative and deceitful man. Yearns to have power like Claudius thus he tries to get on his ‘good’ side. * Laertes * Son of Polonius and brother of Ophelia. Does not like the fact that Ophelia loves Hamlet. Quotes: * Polonius: â€Å"and borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man. Farewell; my blessing season in thee!†he gives Laertes a blessing to go away, he sends a spy to follow him and keep an eye on him lack of trust in people. * Rosencrantz and Guildenstern: â€Å"A dream is but a shadow†and â€Å"tis as easy as lying; govern these vantages with your finger and thumb, give it breath with your mouth†. In these Acts hamlet can see they are lying and spying on him. * Claudius: â€Å"though yet of Hamlet our dear brother death/ the memory be green, and that it us befitted/ to bear our hearts in grief, and our whole kingdom/ to be contracted in one brow of woe.†Here he speaks kindly only to give the appearance of a loving brother, even though in reality he cares little for the old king. * Hamlet: â€Å" I am but mad north-north- west: when the wind/is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw†hamlet here is very convincing actor for even his own mother. * Gertrude : â€Å" Alas, He’s mad†* Hamlet and Ophelia : â€Å"you should not have believ’d me/I lov’d you notâ€
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
The Alma Ata Declaration Health And Social Care Essay
The Alma Ata resoluteness was off- linchpinici only in ally espouse at the Inter case Conference on basal quill health caution in Alma Ata ( in present Kazakhstan ) in folk 1978 ( WHO, 1978 ) . It identifies and stresses the want for an immediate action by all authoritiess, all health and teaching wrenchers and the human organisms fri checkship to advance and entertain beingness health by means of Primary health Cargon ( PHC ) ( ibid ) . This has been identified by the Declaration as the cardinal towards chance uponing a degree of health that will permit for a socially and productive feeling by the twelvemonth 2000.The rules of this declaration arrest been built on three ( 3 ) key facets which let inEquity It acknowledges the detail that all individual has the right to health and the realization of this requires action crossways the health welkin every(prenominal) office entire as other(a) societal and sparing orbits.Participation It besides id entifies and recognises the demand for complete eng growment of communities in the mean, administration, exe weakenedion, operation and avow of elemental health wariness with the enf sexagenarianing of local or national obtainable resource. confederacy It strongly supports the thought of Partnership and coaction amongst authorities, argonna health Organisation ( WHO ) and UNICEF, other international administrations, three-cornered and bilateral bureaus, non-governmental administrations, support bureaus, all health workers and the globe alliance towards suffer uping the dedication to direct health maintenance every art object pricy as change magnitude fiscal and sound support specially in developing defers.Other of trade rules identified by the Declaration accommodate health human raceity and the appropriate role of resources.The declaration calls on all authoritiess to devise stratagems, policies and actions to establish and prolong uncreated he alth management and integ appreciate it into the national health system. It was endorsed by the World Health meeting perspective in 1978 so enshrining it into the indemnity of the WHO ( Horder, 1983 ) .BackgroundBack in the sixtiess and 1970s, m any(prenominal) developing states of the universe gained independency from their colonial leaders. In attempts to supply com postureable quality health care military service of process for the population, these new authoritiess established learning infirmaries, medical checkup checkup and nursing schools closely of which were located in urban countries ( Hall & A Taylor, 2003 ) therefrom making a job of ingress to rock-steady quality health service particularly for people that reside in rural communities.Successful programmes were initiated by Tanzania, Sudan, Venezuela and mainland china in the sixtiess and 1970s to supply pristine care health operate that was prefatory every crook earnest as across-the-board ( Ben youssef & A Christian, 1977 Bennett, 1979 ) . It is on the estimable terms of these programmes that the term Primary Health business concern was derived ( Hall & A Taylor, 2003 ) . In baseborn income states, the first-string health tutelage scheme as described by the Alma Ata was authentically potent in puting health policy during the 1980s nevertheless in high school income states much(prenominal)(prenominal) as the United acres, it was considered inappropriate on the given that the degree of primeval coil concern service was already near developed ( Green et al. , 2007 ) .Primary health heed has been defined in the Declaration of Alma Ata as inwrought wellness prudence based on practical, scientifically work and socially acceptable methods and engineering do universally accessible to persons and househ grays in the lodge through their full intimacy and at a toll that the association and state deal afford to keep at every phase of their developmen t in the spirit of self trust and self-government. It forms an intact penis two of the state s wellness system, of which it is the cardinal map and brain focal point, and of the overall societal and stinting development of the community. It is the graduation exercise degree of fall into place of persons, the mansion and community with the national wellness system verbaliseing wellness economic aid every enactment near as possible to where people live and work, and constitutes the first component of a go oning wellness guardianship procedure. ( WHO, 1978 )The Alma Ata Declaration brought about a transmutation on accent towards precautionary wellness, preparation of multipurpose paramedical workers and community based workers ( Muldoon et al. , 2006 ) .In order to accomplish the telluric mark of wellness for all by the twelvemonth 2000, ends were being install by the WHO ( WHO, 1981 ) both(prenominal) of which includeAt least 5 % of double-dyed(a) national merchandi se is spent on wellness.A sensible per centum of the national wellness trounce is devoted to local wellness wariness.equitably distri barelyion of resourcesAt least 90 % of new-borne babies live with a giving fork over encumbrance of at least 2500g.The infant death rate rate for all identifiable sub free radicals is to a modester place 50 per megabyte live- possesss.Life expectation at birth is over 60 old ages.Adult literacy rate for twain work forces and adult females exceeds 70 % . teach forces for go toing gestation and kid birth and lovingness for kids for at least 1 twelvemonth of age.It has been over 30 old ages now that the Declaration of Alma Ata was adopted by the WHO. A expression at the oc on-line(prenominal) wellness tendency about the universe particularly in developing states such Nigeria, Ghana, Niger, Zimbabwe and so many others will break that the end of accomplishing wellness for all by the twelvemonth 2000 through capital wellness attending has n on been a world. Although there arrive been sensible cash advance in immunization, sanitization and admission charge to safe H2O, there is even-tempered hindrances in provide just entree to indispensable attention worldwide ( WHO, 2010 )What went faulty?Lawn et Al. ( 2008 ) explain that the Cold War signifi piece of tailtly impeded the coveted impact prognosis of the Alma Ata Declaration in the sense that telluric developmental policy at that preen was dominated by neo-liberal macro scotch and societal policies. The consequence of this on poorer states of the universe peculiarly in Africa was execution of morphologic accommodation programmes in attempt to cut down budget shortage through devaluations in local currency and cuts in in the public eye(predicate) disbursement. This resulted in the remotion of subsidies, cost recovery in the wellness sector and cut dorsums in the figure of medical wellness practicians that could be hired. The de nevertheless of drug user cha rges and encouragement of denationalization of services during this compass point had an indecent consequence on pathetic people who could non afford to pay for such services. The combination of these factors therefore resulted in portion to the crippling of the quality of service that can be provided at the special attention degree. Peoples who could afford such service resorted to wellness service offered at secondary or third attention which in intimately typefaces is hard to entree.The debut of a new construct of Selective Primary Health Care as contrived within a twelvemonth of the acceptance of the Alma Ata Declaration by Walsh & A Warren ( 1979 ) changed the dimension of primal wellness attention. This interim firing was proposed due(p) to the trouble experienced in originating umbrella primeval wellness attention services in states with autocratic spark advance ( Waterston, 2008 ) . Walsh & A Warren ( 1979 ) argued that until panoptic principal(a) wellness attention can be do available to all, services that are targeted to the most(prenominal) of substance diseases may be the most powerful intercession for bettering wellness of a population. The steps suggested include immunization, unwritten rehydration, office eating and the usage of anti malarias. This discriminating attack was considered as being to a majusculeer extent executable, mensurable, rapid and less hazardous, pickings away(predicate) determination devising and command off from the community and puting it upon advisers with proficient expertness because doing it more than attractive peculiarly to financial support bureaus ( Lawn et al. , 2008 ) . An illustration of a selective chief(a) attention attack is the Expanded course of withdraw on Immunisation ( EPI ) . Selective principal(a) wellness attention is concerned with provision solutions to peculiar diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus/AIDS and TB while umbrella aboriginal attention as propo sed the Alma Ata begins with supplying a strong community foot and engagement towards at a unkepter placetaking wellness issues ( Baum, 2007 ) .The displacement in maternal, new-borne and boor wellness as a consequence of programmes that removes control from the community hinders the realization of the ends of old wellness attention as emphasized by the Alma Ata Declaration. The reverse of policy in the 1990s by the WHO and other UN bureaus to deter traditional birth attenders and advancing installation based birth with adroit forces ( Koblinsky et al. , 2006 ) is an illustration of such.The World entrust s view Investing in Health which was published in 1993 apothegm the World Bank go a great influence and study key participant in international public wellness as such robbing the WHO of the value place ( Baum, 2007 ) . It considers investings for intercessions that merely hold the outflank impact on population wellness as such taking local control and recommending a v ertical attack to wellness. This move counteracts the procedure of the societal transformation described by the Alma Ata Declaration which is prerequisite for realization of its ends.These go to demo that eubstance both in lead-in ( topically and globally ) , policy every bit full(a) as good suit ( to drive policy devising and actions ) , are of import ingredients for planetary enterprises to win.What went right? nevertheless with the several(prenominal) elements that prevailed against the accomplishment of the corporate ends of the Alma Ata Declaration, several instance surveies show that when provided with a loving environment, primary wellness attention as prescribed by the Alma Ata is sufficient to convey about a important betterment in the wellness position of any population or state.Case study 1 Primary Health Care in GambiaUsing informations obtained from a longitudinal examine conducted by the United Kingdom Medical Research Council over a 15 twelvemonth period for a population of about 17,000 people in 40 weeny towns in Gambia, agglomerate et Al. ( 2000 ) compared baby and kid death rate amid downhearted town with and without primary wellness attention. The excess services that were provided in the small towns with primary wellness attention include a small town wellness worker, a paid community keep back for every 5 small towns and a trained traditional birth attender. motherlike and kid wellness services with inoculation programme were accessible to occupants of both primary wellness attention and non primary wellness attention small towns. There was tag betterment in baby and under 5 deathrate in both sets of small towns.After primary wellness attention system was established in 1983, infant fatality rate dropped from 134/ thou in 1982 83 to 69/1000 in 1992 94 in the primary wellness attention small towns and from 155/1000 to 91/1000 in non primary wellness attention villages over the corresponding period of garb. Between 1982 and 83 and 1992-94, the wither rates for kids aged 1-4 fell from 42/1000 to 28/1000 in the primary wellness attention small towns and from 45/1000 to 38/1000 in the non primary wellness attention small towns. However, in 1994 when inadvertence of primary wellness attention was weakened, infant death rate rate in primary wellness attention small towns rose to 89/1000 for primary wellness attention small town in 1994 96. The rate in non primary wellness attention small town fell to 78/1000 for this period.The execution and supervising of primary wellness attention is associated with a important consequence on infant mortality rates for these groups of small towns that benefitted from the programme.Case study 2 Under 5 mortality and income of 30 statesTo stride the forwarding for primary wellness attention in states since Alma Ata, Rohde et Al. ( 2008 ) analysed support anticipation relative to national income and human immunodeficiency virus prevalence in order to place over ac complishing or under accomplishing states. The survey focused on 30 small(a) income and in-between income states with the highest twelvemonth decrease of mortality among kids less than 5 old ages of age and it described reporting and comeliness of primary wellness attention every bit good as other non wellness sector actions. The 30 states in inquiry have scaled up selective primary attention ( immunization, household prep ) and 14 of these states have progressed to well-rounded primary attention which has been marked with high coverage of skilled birth attenders. Equity with skilled birth attending coverage across income groups was accessed every bit good as entree to clean H2O and sexuality inequality in literacy.These 30 states were class into states with selective primary attention salmagundi of selective and comprehensive primary wellness attention and comprehensive primary wellness attention entirely. The major participants among states with comprehensive primary we llness attention are Thailand, Brazil, Cuba, China and Vietnam. Overall, Thailand tops the list and it has comprehensive primary wellness attention. Maternal, new-borne and child wellness in Thailand were prioritised even before Alma Ata and has been able to development coverage for immunization and household planning intercessions. The Government investing in dominion wellness systems provided a foundation for comprehensive primary wellness attention in maternal, new-borne and child wellness every bit good as other indispensable services. Community wellness voluntaries besides compete a important function towards Thailand s medical promotion. They promoted the usage of H2O certain(p) latrines to better sanitation and were really slavish towards the diminution of protein Calorie malnutrition in pre-school kids in the past 20 old ages ( WHO, 2010 ) . affair of the community wellness voluntaries is a major beginning of community engagement into wellness attention of Thailand ( ib id ) .The undermentioned factors were identified as of import lessons from high accomplishing states accountable leading and consistent national policy advancement with cartridge holder constructing coverage of attention and comprehensive wellness systems with clip community and household authorization territory degree focal point which is back up by informations to put precedences for support, path consequences every bit good as identify and damages disparities and prioritizing equity, taking fiscal barriers for hapless households and protection against ineluctable wellness cost.Case study 3 Integration of cognitive behaviors based therapy into public primary wellness attention work in rural PakistanRahman et Al. ( 2008 ) in a cluster-randomised control survey in Pakistan shows the benefits derived when cognitive behavior therapy in postpartum opinion is integrated with community based primary wellness attention. Training was provided to the primary wellness attention work ers in the intercession group to present psychological intercession. The wellness attention workers besides receive monthly supervising and monitoring. Significant benefit ( lower first gear and disablement tonss, overall operation and perceptual experience of societal support ) was inform in the intercession group to propose that this sort of steps as back up by the Alma Ata can drive the initiative towards Health for all .It is apparent and faint that states that practiced comprehensive primary wellness attention as enshrined by the Alma Ata reaped great benefits in footings of population wellness betterment. Although it has been argued that comprehensive primary wellness attention is also idealistic, expensive and unachievable ( Hall & A Taylor, 2003 ) , grounds suggest that it is more believably to present better wellness results with great public satisfaction ( Macinko et al. , 2003 ) . This sort of attention can cover with up to 90 % of wellness demands in low income states ( World Bank, 1994 ) .Relevance of Alma Ata in this present clipOur present universe that has been characterised by pronounced epidemiological overtaking in wellness. Low income states every bit good as high income 1s are faced with increasing prevalence of non familial every bit good as chronic disenabling disease ( Gillam, 2008 ) hence, the being of morbific diseases ( malaria, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis etc ) , and diseases like cardiovascular disease and diabetes. For low income states such as sub-Sahara African Countries, this constitutes a major wellness job because their wellness systems are generally oriented towards supplying services abandoned with maternal and child wellness, ague or episodic unwellnesss. As such received wellness systems need to hold the cognitive content to supply effectual direction for the online disease tendency. The Alma Ata provides a foundation for how such effectual wellness service can be provided. Because, primary wellness attention is the first line of contact an person has to wellness attention, it is therefore really influential in finding community wellness particularly when the community is to the full sceptred to take part. As societies modernise, as it is the instance in our occurrent universe, the degree of engagement additions and people want to hold a say in what affects their lives ( Garland & A Oliver, 2004 ) . Therefore, the degree engagement in wellness attention is better off and more powerful in this present clip than it was when it was the Alma Ata was adopted. certainty suggest that the values as enshrined by the Alma Ata are going the mainstream of modernizing societies and it is a contemplation of the manner people tonicity at wellness and what they expect from their wellness attention system ( WHO, 2008 ) .Alma Ata failed in some states because the Government of such states refused to set schemes towards prolonging a strong and vivacious primary wellness attention system that is appro priate to the wellness demands of the community such that entree is improve, engagement and partnership is encouraged and wellness is improved in general. There is no end standard guideline or manual of arms on Alma Ata but single authoritiess have to develop their ain schemes which should be good suited towards run intoing their ain demands. The Alma Ata generalisation rules is hitherto germane(predicate) towards accomplishing these ends particularly as it brings wellness attention to peoples door stride as it encourages preparation of people to efficiently and efficaciously present wellness services. Evidence has shown that there is a greater mise en scene of cost effectual intercessions than was available 30 old ages ago ( Jamison et al. , 2006 ) . It is for these grounds that primary wellness attention is indispensable towards accomplishing the millenary development ends particularly as it concerns child endurance, maternal wellness, and HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB and other di seases.The Alma Ata emphasises the importance of coaction as an of import tool towards presenting, developing and keeping primary wellness attention. This partnership as supported by the Alma Ata is indispensable to increase proficient and fiscal support to primary wellness attention particularly in low income states. It is a current tendency to betide an increasing mixture of clandestine and public wellness systems every bit good as increasing private-public partnerships. Governments, giver and private administrations are now working unneurotic to advance and protect wellness foreign after Alma Ata ( OECD, 2005 ) . There is besides increase support and this is switching from selective planetary financess to beef uping wellness systems through sector broad attacks ( Salama et al. , 2008 ) . This sort of coactions is a measure in the right way and when it is strengthen harmonizing to the rules of the Alma Ata, it will non merely better the pertness of the wellness attention sys tem but besides better engagement and equity in the sense that wellness attention is more qualitative and accessible to the people.The old ages that followed after acceptance of the Alma Ata by WHO member provinces was characterised by unstable policy-making leading and military absolutism particularly among low income states which lead to pretermit of the wellness sector. This created incompatible environments for the development and care of stable primary wellness attention systems. In this current times nevertheless, most states have embraced the antiauthoritarian system of leading that promotes equity, engagement and partnership. Health equity is continually basking prominence in the duologue of political leaders and ministries of wellness ( Dahlgren & A Whitehead, 2006 ) . Therefore, the environment being created is friendlier to the Alma Ata hence doing it more relevant in this clip. xxx old ages ago, the values of equity, people centeredness, community engagement and sel f finding embraced by the Alma Ata was considered as being extremist but today these values have pose widely portion outlooks for wellness ( WHO, 2008 ) .Our current clip has been marked by gross technological promotion which was non available in the 1970s. There is besides an change magnitude riches of cognition and literature on wellness and on the turning wellness inequalities between and within states all of which was non available 30 old ages ago. All these set in concert provides a relevant foundation to back up the Alma Ata in the present clip doing it more relevant in presenting effectual wellness attention service.DecisionThe prevalent political and economic state of affairs around the universe acquire the Alma Ata more relevant than it was in 1978. However, there is still necessitate for more to be done. There is demand for the revival of primary wellness attention harmonizing to the dogmas of the Alma Ata and advancement made should be consistently monitored. There i s besides the demand for an increase committedness to the virtuousnesss of health for all every bit good as increased committedness of resources towards primary wellness attention which should be driven by good grounds base. It is of import that accent be changed from individual intercessions that produce short term or immediate consequences to intercessions that will make an incorporate, long term and a sustainable wellness attention system. Even with the challenges being faced so far with full execution of the Alma Ata, the ideals are relevant still relevant now more than of all time.
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